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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores
• Stay on topic

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The requestfags will never let them go
/tg/ drawthreads have always been slow. If you want more artists involved, you'll either have to pick up a pen or get artists from elsewhere interested in these threads.
...and ask what the artists is interested in.
Yoooo, thanks drawfriend, they look very good, love the lyric addition. Would've preferred a more pronounced size difference between the custodes and the sister, but you've already completed it, so can't complain.
Anyone have any sketch requests?

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>redeeming a literal archdevil
Waifufaggotry truly has no sense or perspective these days.
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>The moment you become tainted in any way is the moment you might as well go full evil.
So why not kill babies straight from the womb since they're born into an evil, fallen world?
>Look she does good work
If she does good work where is the problem then?
Most writers don't really understand the implications of the X-men and Brotherhood maintaining a revolving door policy towards each other.
Technically, we're not talking about anything to do with God's light, Heaven, or His angels. This is a conceptually similar, but very much material phenomena wherein human souls transmigrate into different bodies as they experience organ failure. It's closer to an exotic legal code or medical practice than any kind of true supernatural process. One could consider the moral trappings of it to be evidence that it is itself an example of divine providence, but that would be a matter of extreme conjecture.
Most mythologies have some level of worldly access to the afterlife or other "supernatural" places. The notion that the supernatural needs to be utterly inexplicable, unreliable, or inaccessible is a post-empirical cope trying to defend it from the historic traditions being rapidly falsified.

A great many Christians throughout history, including no small number of clergy, assume that Heaven works much as depicted in D&D, where good people faithful to God awaken immediately after death to His kingdom. It's the premise of all the "[recently dead] is in a better place now" talk comes from.

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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
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But also
>is everything OK at home, anon?
My missus loves boardgames. But also she hates anything that can't be learned in a single round. Pandemic etc is perfect. I've tried her with more complex stuff and she just checks out
Biological? No.
I GMed a game to 4 woman in a Victorian setting, game had very little rolling cause they just talked most of the time and made trivial things so most of it I just allowed it.
Game was fine until I made a max rizz aristocrat to flirt with them, 2 of them actually got mad IRL cause they were fighting really hard to get the guy.
The roleplay was meh at best, every player character acted in a highly anachronistic manner from speech to modern attitudes and values, they all shrugged at me when I made a passing comment about it at the end of a session.
Just an aside I only ran this game to look for a compatible autistic gf but after session zero I never turned on the camera cause they were all ugly as sin.
You should have put that last sentence first.

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Jewish edition.

Previous thread: >>92790359

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

Thread question: What's your favorite component? Do you favor the humble meeple, the versatile die, or perhaps something more exotic?
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Is anyone here backing Feudum? Has anyone here played it? I'm in for the all in gameplay and have a sinking feeling its gonna look awesome never getting played on my shelf.
the base game is awful. I have no clue why you'd back the expansion
What makes it awful?
Has anyone here played Smash Up??
Is it any good??

If you're DM and a player does this, do you accept it or put your foot down?
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Sure, they can do that. Players doing cool creative stuff is cool and this is not some stupid bullshit that's going to trivialize every fight. At least the players are dealing with logistics instead of crying that they have to keep track of their carry weights.
Damn. This comic is not good for 3etc players. Literally getting heated seeing him shit all over the Paladin solely for autistic min maxxing lmao. Having a hard time paying attention to the plot. It’s doing its job kek.
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Walls, creatures, and tower shields may provide cover. No other entities outside of certain spells are mentioned in the rules as providing cover. If you don't want to use the rules, don't play.
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Don't care.
Duergar ojou-sama wife.
I thought it was hilarious that after finally convincing her to switch worshipping gods and all the other deranged munchkin shit he did in town his alignment switched to evil.

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Panzer Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark,
RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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Really? I recognize the name Monolith, bit can't think of what they make.

Although, as a lover of AT-43 who owes a lot to that game, I'm not entirely sure I want it back? I'd love if they re-released the models for people. I want to stat up my Cogs and UNA for Grimdark Future, but my collection is 2,000 miles away.
>Why dont they sell them anymore and why is their new stuff more generic?
IDK. It makes me sad.
Has anyone played fallout wasteland warfare? I have friends that like fallout, and I'm at a place in my life the narrative/solo options sound appealing.
They did the Conan board game. The ruling was in the French courts about the whole Confrontation-Sans-Detour fiasco, giving Monolith the rights after Sans-Detour lost them, and the ruling ended up being all of the defunct Rackham IPs. So they have it, even if they didn't intend to get it. If anything, at least the rights are known where they are in case someone comes along and wants to buy them.
When will Modiphius get their shit together and get stuff back in stock

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Why can you physically only cast a fireball twice a day? Makes me feel less like a wizard
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It's a game and not a simulator
Easy, you get hit and lose hit points.
Always is, rather.
You can't because the rules don't permit. No metaphysical reason is required.
“In the hobby” is a subset of “in the world, ever”, so yeah.

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VTM fuckers out there, what are your guy's favorite clans, and why?

Don't say any requiem shit, Chronicles is horrendous.
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God I love having hot sweaty sex
Fuck you, I like Chronicles.
I actually like Brujah the best because VtM is at its best when it's hokey and overly dramatic. They're clearly inspired by classic 80s movies like the Lost Boys and Warriors, or characters like the Kurgan from Highlander.

Just imagine being a Ventrue or Lasombra, and having to interact with a gang of vampiric Backstreet Boys, who hold the entire city under their sway, commit petty acts of vandalism in their free time, and every direct challenge to their rule is first met by angrily removing their shirts. It's absolutely hilarious.
Probably Setite since I love vampires, snakes, and playing the villain.

Should witches be mechanically different from wizards?
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Holy fuck I need this, where can I get it?
This but unironically. Witches to me are apostate magic users who are unlicensed and self-deterministic. The magical equivalent of training someone to be the new blacksmith in your small village but with a lot more ritual circles and petitioning nature.

Also diskworld. Headology is peak witch,
depends on the setting magic system but generally yeah.
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Should slashing be mechanically different from chopping?
The teaching of witches should be like the Moonshine version of Wizardry.
Is it an arcane caster? Yes
Is it magic gathered by learning magic? Yes.
But how it functions should differ in the flavor.

Witches are spooky and that should be a prominent aspect of their magic, how it's more rural, how its more natural. It should feel like you took 2/3's cup druid 1 Cup wizard and 1/3rd cup warlock.
if that makes sense.

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Games that are currently being translated
most of the main texts in the core book are translated, playable, but one would rather wait for the full book.
>Wares Blade
Official LionWing localization.
>Kedamono Opera
Official LionWing localization.
>Shin Megami Tensei
Official LionWing localization.
>Beast Bind Trinity
Fully Translated, typos are being squashed.
>Reach the Sky, Revulture
Mostly translated, lacking Replay.
>Embryo Machine

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thanks, but i was interested in the setting and lore translation which isn't in homebrewanons translation

seems like only the first 3 books got fully fan translated as far as i can see
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Could include the Sword World replays link too, there's a lot there. In fact, both pastes (the Japanese RPG Troves pastebin and the Replay pastebin) could have that SW google drive link added.
Truly new thread worthy content, anon. Ta very much.
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Gods, this box set is adorable... ...I kinda want to get the lot...
Yeah, the box sets looks awesome!

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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Also, if you're going to be making use of them, grab the old D&D web enhancement archive, as theres an abundance of material that had to be removed from the printed version due to page count.
Some really useful content & fluff to add back in.
The best to me is Ectopic Ally, as it makes for much more functional 3rd-level Divine Minds from having a creature under their control to keep in the then-miniscule area. Should have been Steed-like instead of spam for a FULLY functional Creation mantle (the Aura needs a Construct lasting hours early on, so unless you're a Warforged...), but oh well.

You can also trade Divine Grace for Paladin-grade Turn Undead, which with Devotion feats is seriously worth considering even if you don't houserule Domain/Mantle transparency (I doubt there's RAW to construe into this) to trade the granted power for extras.
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I'm reading a lengthy article about Necromancy in 3.5, and the person who wrote it keeps referring to classes having these hard limits on how many levels you should bother putting into them. Fighter and Wizard being classes that are "6 levels long". This person seems like he has the level of system autism where he knows what he's talking about. What gives here? Why are these classes a trap past 6 levels invested?
Mostly because Prestige Classes I imagine.
To be more specific, it's that PRCs are better than the bonus feats that are the only thing the base class gives you, as there's very few things needing more than three Fighter bonus feats and getting more value than a single feat in 5 Wizard casting PRC levels is trivial.

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Ok no memes, no “the game is unsalvageable”. How would you fix up pic related so it’s actually good?
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No, I'll play D&D.
I am a forever DM, I just ban the powerwankers from my table and keep the game going.

But it would be nice to let my players play all of the classes, without me or them having to worry about outclassing everyone else and draining the fun of a shared activity after level 6...
Seriously, what's the fun in playing a character that can solve any problem with a spell lot, without any kind of chance or risk involved? There's not even any creativity involved in the godamn thing.
Nope, you can't do anything.
Simple. Make a fun story with competent players.

other than that, expand the skills list a little bit.
Toss out alignment.
add more rascial features and strip away the whole "Cantrip, level 1, level 2" racial magic structure slump that Wizards have put themselves in.
Turn it into Castles and Crusades

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Anyone here familiar with Sentinel Comics?
Fair enough. Got any ideas for Order or Chaos powers besides the blatantly obvious then?
Stop bumping the thread with pointless questions. I told you to ask your players. DO NOT REPLY TO ME AGAIN.
What makes Prowlers the go-to option?
It's kind of trash. The setting doesn't make much sense at all. The story and characters are shit, but the existence of a spin off manga that completely moggs the main manga shows that you can still have a good story and characters in the setting.
>Massive, artificially bloated hero "industry" with infinite resources exists.
>97% of the population has powers. Using your powers in public is illegal. Using your powers in any sort of business capacity is illegal.
>UNLESS you went to hero school and got a hero license. You don't even have to do hero shit with it, you could have just done it to get the license so you can use your powers as a pop idol or run a laundromat chain or whatever.
Their society is corrupt and retarded in very obvious ways, and this is even acknowledged later on by an antagonist group. You can sort of see the in universe justifications if you squint, of a society clinging to the old status quo at all costs despite the fact the the world has clearly changed, but still. Actually reading it you can tell that it was never meant to make sense and is just there to justify the action scenes.

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Zombie edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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There, I fixed the crime mechanic
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Ah, my bad. If a creature with a marriage counter on it isn't Human, it's also a Succubus.

From a tribal perspetive MGE is a god damn nightmare because of 250 entires, about 20 of them aren't succubus. Or rather, aren't succubus by default, but obviously that Angel is going to get corrupted sooner or later because that's how the setting works. So rather than trying to balance around every Black, Blue, Green, and Red creature - and a small portion of White - all sharing a creature type, I decided to just drop that entirely from 90% of them and then give black a fairly easy way to make them into Succubus. Which is marriage counters. So Goblin is just a Goblin, unless it has a marriage counter at which point it's a Succubus Goblin.

Corrupt is kinda-sorta a counter mechanic which basically boils down to 'it's a succubus anyways' and largely exists for me to mark a creature as male or female.
There's a "ring tempts you" joke in here somewhere.
There’s probably quite a bit of tempting going on, yes.
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dark sun thread?
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Just the fact that they already mechanically removed "half races" from the rules makes half the context in the setting "problematic" in many aspects. Then they have to retcon and re-explain halfings and all the genocides and then it is not Dark Sun anymore so why bother. Just use the older material available, there is plenty of it, nobody needs a 5e Dark Sun, any half competent GM can easily adapt what is available if their only option is playing with a group too lazy or stupid to move away from only published 5e material.
So what are WoTC are saying is that Metis don't exist?
> I played strictly FR

Right that's the problem-- Dark Sun is a far more empowering setting than the Realms, the world sucks but the status quo is incredibly simple to change because you can just go beat the tyrants up, rather than being slaves to the metaplot characters.
>phrased as a question about "canon" rather than a scheme you want to do

I see you don't play games.
It goes back to that kennedy speech, or for more recent examples, souls games. Do things not because they're easy, but because they're hard.
The grandfathers of fantasy, Edward Rice Burrows, Robert Howard and Tolkien to a degree had worlds where shit was brutal and mostly fucked, the only way out of it was for tough men with a strong morality they kept to confront evil, even if it was stronger than them. Shit's not completley fucked, just mostly fucked and hard to recover from.
There's a hard limit on magic, you're using the life force others rely on, they couldn't recover if you take too much, hensence psionics, elemental clerics and physical skill, strength cultivated by ones self is needed. The evils of the world are not invulnerable, even the dragon kings have obsidian spheres inside themselves to keep themselves to properly use magic that are oddly vulnerable. There are plenty of dead cities where dragon kings died along with the worst of their nobles, and enough hidden springs, aquifers and mud fields offer the resources to begin restoring the life energy to the world if a clever preserver tries. But it's a real endevor, all the more satisfying if you suceed.

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