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This shit is apparently sold out but it seems like literally vaporware as it doesn't have a release date.

It will suck, won't it.
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Just a rework every supplement release
literally Call of Cthulhu since it came out 43 years ago youre hopeless
Are there info about the classes available?
one could just assume the ARR jobs. as a start.
Warrior, Dragoon, White Mage, and Black Mage, for the starter set. We have pretty much no information for the core rulebooks.

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How do you manage players that want to play a with character whose mechanic/gimmick is being a synergic duo... But with "another PC" as their goon?
Or in another words a player with "two characters"
Any limitations or specific rules?
Should the DM determine or debuff "the actions" of the other character?
Would you even allow it at your table?
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You say this, but this is actually something I want to do.
What system you cocksucking faggot bitch?
Faserip or Cyberpunk

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So, a TRIANGLE (3 sides) means 1 inch, a CIRCLE (a dot) represents 2 inches, the SQUARE (4sides) is actually 3 inches, and a PENTAGON (5 sides) is actually 6 inches.
I'm sorry, in the name of all that is Holy, metric and logical, was this designed by the Devil himself or just british people?

Who the fuck or why the fuck
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It's retarded so that they could argue in court if they saw anyone making third party measurment tools that they were clearly infringing their copyright.
Because no sensible person in their right mind would use those symbols to denote those distances, and therefore they must be copying GW.

That's all it is.

Mechanically it adds nothing to the game other than creating a rather bad shorthand method. I don't even think it saves ink on printouts.

Accessibility wise it sort of makes it accessible though the symbols need work. Alot of work. However if they included tools for each symbol with starter boxes it lets anyone pick up a box and play. Though at a minimum an individual needs to be literate to play most games anyway so it's a tough sell/reason.

Product wise it's a way of tricking individuals to buy even more pointless overpriced plastic waste.

Intellectual Property wise it has a minimal impact. I'd be amazed if any 3rd party would be taken to court for making their own tools.
Anon, you seem conused. This isn't a metric vs imperial thread. This is a "numbers represented as geometric shapes vs numbers represented as numbers" thread.

Whether you use imperial or metric, everyone agrees that "1+3" is a lot easier to parse than "triangle plus square".
>Doing fucking retarded measurements
Just like the Queen intended
Educate yourself anon, all of those measurements were based of real physical items and have been converted to be derived from universal constants so that they no longer vary with the temperature of a metal stick in a museum and get more accurate as our understanding improves.
The metre was originally intended as 1/10000000 of the distance from the equator to the north pole. A kilogram was based on a litre of water

Metres and kilogram are french inventions, celius is from sweden

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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I would need to re-read it but I'm sure it can be done with the supernatural Way.
wait I found it here:
minor supernatural way let's you "attack as if having a Weapon" it can be seen as you creating a weapon and then you just add the paced way for the construct to last longer.
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NTA but in QE there's two ways I can think of to do it to do it but it requires two charms or perhaps two traits to do Supernatural more than once in a charm.
Supernatural 3 to have a Supernatural 1 effect to last for a scene, then Supernatural again to improve that first charm with Gift Points so that it can be modelled as an actual artefact. Some might want that to be a Supernatural + Paced (in Turns) charm instead, but I think keeping it to a Scene is within the spirit of it.
just take Jade armor; Solars are Resonant with it
Pretty much what >>92825650 said here
>Sometimes I come here and inflict a thought I have on this thread.
If I have a question or idea I'll bring it up, though half the time it's inane (like would Adorjan charms work with bicycle or other human muscle powered machinery) or get ignored like my once every 2-3 month request if anyone knows any homebrew for Alchecmical Elder charms I could steal
Other than that I mostly just hang out on the off chance there's ideas I can steal for my own games or neat lore I didn't know about gets mentioned

>8 friends interested in game
>Only have 5 spots
How do you deal with this?
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That's cool too, and if you had that mentality then you wouldn't necessarily need prep time between Group A and Group B In-world the runs could be minutes appart.
I was picturing something more like Group B as archaeologists discovering the corpses of the previous round of archeologists.
Pick whoever submits their sheets first.
Barovia is so small running two parties will almost guarantee they'll run into each other all the time.
Wait for 4 of them to drop out.

Previous Thread: >>92692698
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

Not for: "Looking For Group" posts, sperging about Hentai

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die!), 2: Solo RPG General: >>92743849

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ

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You want any system with crunchy rules where you could add a PISS/SHIT stat that acts like HP. Decide how much eating and drinking decreases your PISS or SHIT score, and when you need to make a saving throw to not shit yourself.
That will just make him piss on you.
I understand, I was just asking if there's any of these RPGs with a ready to go sex combat system for arousal and such
Desperation Panic >>92771238

Literally made for exactly what you're asking
Were you the anon working on the lewd MASKS adaptation? If so, you ever settle on the moves?

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When slaying Tieflings on a beach, your party finds an unknown monument. It turns out your setting is the future of our world. All the races and monsters are mutants, genetically engineered creations, and even antediluvian horrors from an earlier, even darker time period. What do?
shrug, perhaps throw in a "cool," continue playing as I was before because this revelation changes nothing
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Congratulate the GM on having good taste in settings.
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Realize that the Tieflings are to blame and continue the GREAT CRUSADE!

But now we know man was great before the perfidious nonhumans brought him low. Revenge is thusforth our God given right towards those who did us low and betrayed us. The elfen harlot, the greedy dorf, the hideous ogre, the gnome money lender... They must pay for their sins, they must pay for what they have done to us, they must pay for leading so many good men to damnation! Brother, fellow human, raise your sword and FIGHT!
>When slaying Tieflings on a beach
My game doesn't have "Tieflings".
>It turns out your setting is the future of our world
It really isn't. My game has neither the locations nor the physics of our world; this is done intentionally, because I enjoy fantasy.
>All the races and monsters are mutants
>genetically engineered creations
>even antediluvian horrors from an earlier, even darker time period
Don't think so.

Normally I'd be eager to engage with a good old hypothetical, but this hypothetical requires me to be a completely different person than I am now, and also requires me to have shit taste, so I think I'll pass.

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What system to run this in?
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Well that's shit. I hope someone saved a copy.
Running the combat side of it is pretty simple, Sanity or no Sanity. The real question is how you incorporate all the shit you do in the Geoscape.
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The homebrew I'm trying to keep alive is essentially modern-day DH2E with an expanded Comrade system for lethality purposes. Instead of burning Fate points, PCs chew through lesser NPCs. Or, if they're unlucky enough to get hit despite their glorified meat shields, their Comrade gets an immediate field promotion.

>Cryssalid terror mission
>At night

>DG leans more into "oh my god, PTSD attack!", while TL is more of "they are gonna rip my face off and eat it while I'm still alive, so better kill them all first"
neither work for XCOM
they might work for x-com or Long War, but XCOM is way more gung-ho and actiony, and all about a small squad winning over great odds.
>but the canon commander lost
retcon after the fact.

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Reveal edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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With the unhelmeted heads, sure. I like that conan circlet bearded guy.

Overall I think vindictors and liberators are too plain. Vanquishers have robes which are cool, Questor Soulsworn have way more details that look just awesome.

Thunderstrike can look cool as fuck but they're afraid to make the basic units too detailed, unlike chaos warriors.
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>total eclipse gone

It was fun while it lasted.
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Writing General: 'orcs, ogres and all things evil' (continuation) edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)

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>How would one go about defeating a Mary Sue caricature (with all the accompanying plot armor)?
Befriend them and convince them that the real villain is whoever is the most morally reprehensible guy from whatever kingdom send them after you.
Play the Mojo Jojo 'I am oppressed' card.
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Are there any good (and free) programs that can be used to sort of outline stuff? I have a story idea or two jostling around in my head but I want to try and pick at it to see what I might need to effectively get it running or what I'd need to actually get it to work. Maybe something with boxes and visual spots I can use to help ...visualize.
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Try researching Zoroastrianism.
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Is this an okay game?
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I just want those minis.
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Only when you 3D print them.
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it's like I'm looking at guro; clean your prints before you paint them

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>yet another episode of the GM killing the campaign after 3 months
>all so we could start a new one that will inevitably end after another 3 months
I just want to finish up an adventure once
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Run your own games and shut the fuck up.
Or hire the GM for a sum sufficient to ensure their retained interest.
You're literally complaining about someone's free labor giving you months of entertainment... for free.
Why is it taking you 3 months to finish one adventure?
The most success I had was running my own homemade campaign. I created things as we went but I had some major potential antagonists fleshed out beforehand to help me out. It lasted for 13 months, meeting every other weekend for 3 to 4 hours. We had 9 players. It only ended because they reached a good stopping point and I was feeling limited by the system and their suite of abilities since their characters were so strong at that point. Almost everyone loved the campaign, but funny enough for myself I found I enjoyed the first 4 months so much more than the rest. I'm not sure you guys are missing out on too much with your shorter campaigns.
Legitimate this. I play at a game club and we agreed to rotate games ever 4 months. This help keeping our games fresh and prevents GM burnout as the GM's actually get to play (as a for ever GM this is a big blessing).
An added bonus have been that we can easier integrate new members into a game, and we avoid groups that are to locked in themself by giving them a intervel where they are pushed to intermingle with new players.
kill yourself

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Greyhawk will return as the new main setting for DnD 5.5 Thoughts? Happy to leave Toril behind? Worried about Tieflings and Firbolgs running around? What are you hoping to see in regards to an updated, modern day Greyhawk?
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Yeah, I got into D&D with 3e when there were a bunch of cool novels to go with it. And sourcebooks for stuff outside the Sword Coast unlike 5e. Everyone read them and we were very invested in the lore.
I always gm'd in the forgotten realms (silver marches, sword coast, moonsea, aglarond) since 2e, the only exception is a short game set in mystara (grand duchy of karameikos). Same with other non-d&d games (hyborian age, middle-earth, historical settings). I prefer using established settings/ips for my games because i'm more comfortable having something to build on top rather than working from scratch.
Huh, somehow I didn't expect it to be such a prominent character in the movie. I'm betting it was a matter of the writers for the film going, "Ah! This will work, she's neat." without any knowledge about the Nessian contract Greenwood had with Hasbro/WotC.
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lmaoing at this poster
>The brown one is supposed to be Silverhand
they can't help themselves

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Queen's Blade is a famous fanservice anime series, but before that, it was a gamebook system designed for fantasy combat. And those gamebooks are still pretty easy to find online, making it totally possible for us to play a round of it right here on /tg/

I'm going to explain the rules of the game, and then open things up for /tg/ to pick the attacks for our two heroines - add a d20 to your post and I'll take the first legal answers that roll at least a 10.
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No, I meant official Lost Worlds books, or were they like the Marvel ones where they used the same system for attacks but weren't part of it all.
Age because I'm curious.
Any scans of the Snake Elf? (or rather, the elf that equips a snake)
Seconded, except all of them.
Is there a translated PDF?

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i want to make a well-thought-out setting. to do this, i need to design the following (which requires understanding):
>the world (geography, geology, meteorology)
>life on the world (biology)
>cultures and societies for intelligent life (history and anthropology)
>technology of said cultures and societies (animal husbandry, agriculture, metallurgy, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, more if you want to go beyond ancient shit)
>behaviors of said cultures of societies (warfare, philosophy, economics)
what are the best books to read to learn all this shit?
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Peak no games thread right there
Any encyclopaedia ever written probably
for instant setting, just combine the following:
>your sexual fetish
>your political power fantasy
>your preferred aesthetics
>your favorite character archetypes
and you're done
This is armchair psychology for braindead faggots who can't come up with their own jokes

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