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>new player joins the game
>new character materializes out of thin air in the middle of the wilderness
really breaks my immersion
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>Gm forces a prophetically dream on the party about an unavoidable future
>If a char dies the new PC appears again in the dream
>Gm still pretends is unavoidable
Then what is GM even good for?
They did Native American whites. Goldmoon was blonde hair, blue eyes. The perfect Mormon Aryan.
no flat tiddy elf gf

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Have you ever ran Elder Scrolls inspired settings? I plan to run a west marshes set in High Rock and Skyrim using D&D 5th edition.
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When I was like 12 I ran an AD&D game based on Daggerfall.
It was fun, but we were also 12.
Ran a TES game with Basic Roleplaying rules as I read Ken Rolston was involved in both. Percentile skills and improvement with use seemed to translate very well. Didn't get too far but it was fun.
that didnt even make sense in context anon
black pot call kettle black
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>Will never play UESRPG in my entire life.
>Will never play Scrollhammer.
>Will never get TES5: MP to work
But that doesn't mean I will stop trying

Cultist edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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And who cares what that pissant faggot thinks about anything?
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ADB knows nothing lmao. He needs to lay off the pipe
>One of the most well known
>Doesn't know his name
Member guess ranges

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How do you like your werewolves /tg/?
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Balls deep inside a vampire twink.

Also acceptable.
Reproducing by ravishment fantasy.
I don't.
Scary, gross and fucked up.
If they just look like furries that shit is boring and uninteresting. Werewolves should be mangy monsters, with fucked up proportions that are not quite man not quite wolf. They should constantly drool like rabid dogs, they should walk in a posture that looks painful, they should have a long, painful transformation process, they should be murderous machines, completely overtaken by primal instinct and they should not remember anything by daylight.
Basically, make them monsters. Make them the absolute most savage reflection of mankind's inner animal, and the ugliness that means.
DO NOT make them WoD woofs, those are the gayest thing ever made.
I like them as wizards who sold their soul for the power to shapeshift, and correspondingly went utterly mad. Their bodies are made of an oozing, tar-like substance, which can harden or liquefy as needed for killing or movement, though it always retains a vaguely lupine shape. Their eyes are white and bulging, with six concentric black rings expanding from the pupil. Even when they assume a human form (which is difficult, as their insanity makes it very difficult to maintain a solid shape for long stretches), one can detect faint traces of these rings in their eyes if examined closely.

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Who do think is the best ‘evil’ deity in Faerun to dedicate yourself to /tg/?

‘Best’ defined by overall quality of life in the church and low likelihood of being killed by your peers, harpers and good adventurers.
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Where the fuck do you get that from?
Up until 3e he was mister tall dark and handsome, and we know he used to be a mortal alongside Bhaal and Myrkul, who were presumably all from the southeast, given we know Myrkul was royalty in Murghom, and that was all long before orcs were brought to Faerun.
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Big fan of Loviatar, something about her just feels... right.
Why the fuck is Bhaal the big enemy when someone like a conquering tyrant is much more a threat to the realm than a murderer? Even Myrkul is a more dangerous member of the Dead Three than Bhaal.
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>artist for
>age of sigmar
>legend of the cryptids
>total war warhammer
>mtg baldurs gate (bane kpop is from this)
>flesh and blood
>marvels loki
>dnd 5.0 revised 2024 handbook
Someone get this guy a fucking art director half of this shit on his artstation is just league of legends art repurposed to fit >your fantasy
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>that was all long before orcs were brought to Faerun.
I'm sorry, what?
I don't know this part, do explain.

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Would you play an RPG that has skills only, with no stats or base attributes? Would you play it for a long campaign? Let's say that it was rules medium otherwise, perhaps the same density of rules as DnD 5e, perhaps a shade less.
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I do like the idea of building a character based on traits that define both their skills and personality.
HeroWars / HeroQuest (now QuestWorlds) had something similar - there are only abilities which are anything that could be used to solve a problem. A character has some keywords that represent say culture, occupation, religion (basically a character concept or archetype) that gives a bunch of abilities related to the keywords or are just used as an ability themselves, as well as other that can be freely added.

Abilities can be anything - physical or mental attributes (like "strong" or "keen hearing" or "eidetic memory"), personality ("humble", "honorable"), usual skills ("climbing", "horse riding", "magic lore"), possessions ("flaming sword", "dragon shield"), ressources ("filthy rich", "library of magic tomes"), relationships ("member of the thieves guild", "pupil of the mad wizard") and so on. Everything is an ability and is used in the same way.
>What is any given d100 system made after mid-90s
>What is any given rule-light system since hipster-core
Oh look, another no-game thread, where one of the most common shit around is treated like this big, game-changing thing, because memes only talk about DnD
What you are describing to me, is basically one of the previous version of mekton (I forget which one).
Well, except it very much has stats and base attributes, but the version i played was very much focused on the skill - which were how you did anything from attacking, to programing, to farting.

Loved it, played a 1.5 year less-anime more BattleTech inspired campaign. Remember it fondly to this day.

But yeah, I'd honestly imagine and all-skill game to end up similiar. After so many point-increases in any RPG base stats basically begin to mean nothing.
If you're going to have ONLY skills, you will probably have a lot of them. In most skills-heavy TTRPGs I've tried like Call of Cthulhu or White Wolf titles I've found a massive list often ends up touching on redundant factors, like differences between Etiquette, Persuasion and Fast Talk. Often I'll only be able to invest in one, and often I'll be asked to roll another instead because of minutia that doesn't strike me as compelling or controllable. Not to mention half of them will probably never be brought up by the GM for usage unless you really reach and beg for them to consider it.

The exception I've found to this was the Warhammer Fantasy tabletop, which had a stacking momentum bonus for any successful check so you could find methods to open with your strongest skills and use the bonus to boost your weaker ones.

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Playing as orange, what would you do?
I'd start by picking up those dice and rolling them.
15 to 16 then 13 to 16
They're already rolled

"We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow" Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>92795052 #

▶ Thread Task: Vacation time! Let's see the places in your setting where folks go to rest and recharge.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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>cRPG can tell interesting, and absorbing story
Name three titles.
>last image
Congratulations, you win a dubious honour of making the new thread.
>Planescape: Torment
>Baldur's Gate especially 1 & 2
>Witcher series (overreaching Wild Hunt plot)
>Star Wars: KotOR
new bread open for business

get ya slop here its for sale

get it quick before it sold all its 150 market slots
jeans shorts, america flag bikini top

then waded through all the dogs

I'm struggling to understand why tabletop gaming and particularly wargames like Warhammer can be so pricey. I've found that to start playing I need to shell out around $300-500 just to get a single army and on top of that I also need to buy paint and rulebooks. Let alone wargaming the core books for D&D in my country cost a whopping $180. And let's not forget the additional expenses for maps, item cards and paper minis(cheapshit but it works). It's mind blowing how expensive this hobby can be
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>even just being a book nerd adds up quickly
Negro what? A used decent ereader costs <$100 and ebooks are literally free.
dude thinks his plastic army men are an exclusive luxury product
GW hasn't been the best in the business for twenty years you fucking idiot, they're bottom of the barrel at this point
Anon it's granddaddy not fucking Grand Daddy
My minis from the 90s are still fine. Apart from some things like spears and banner poles anyway.

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Chonky Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate,Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam,
Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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>strongly held wrong opinions
Checks out.
Dagon is named after a Mesopotamian deity, so there'd at least a bit of traction in the Ancient world.
>Don't say Battletech/Aerotech.
There's another game by Fasa called Noble Armada. Don't know much about it, but RalPartha EU still sells the models and rulebooks.
Spaceship battles are not my genre, but I know of a some others, maybe it's worth looking into them.
A Billion Suns is a little more recent for example. Osprey published that in 2020 and it seems fairly managable.
Star Blazers is a 1997 Voyager Entertainment game. That is definitely pretty crunchy and may qualify for "autistic torture device" just by flipping through the book. Seems to be inspired by classic anime though.
I feel like I'm forgetting something (aside from the obvious stuff like XWing and Battlefleet Gothic). Silent Death and Talon are two games that came up for me when I was trying to shake loose a memory, but I don't know anything about those.

this should work anon, thanks for deciding to share!

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Hey Anons... Drop your lewd TTRPG stories.. for um.. research purposes
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Stealing your jing for magical power, classic fox trick. Better watch out next time.
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Why do i feel like a woman wrote that

A while ago I asked if anyone would be interested in a thread about folkloric monsters from Siberia. The responses were... really lukewarm and few in number, so I shelved the idea. But right now I desperately need to kill some time, so I'm going to make this thread anyway.

Before we begin, I'm going to make two things clear. One might be self-explanatory, but it wouldn't hurt stressing it to avoid unnecessary confusion going forward. There's no such ethnicity as "Siberian", much like there's no single "Native American" ethnic group. All of the creatures that I'm going to write about belong to different folklores, but I'm not going to mention their exact provenance to save space and spare you the boring details.

Second, because most of these creatures come from fairly obscure fairy tales, not all of them have quality illustrations. Because of that, I'm going to search for pictures that best approximate their descriptions and post them instead. I've also contemplated using AI art, but ultimately decided against it.
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>The existence of mythological creatures
I love how these are quite obviously copes, it’s very creative. Kinda makes me wish modern variants went beyond evil organisation or little green men.
Or that human imagination is a helluva thing, made to make life entertaining at any point of history, ya dolt
This is the best thread on /tg/ in a while.
>Be Ichtyostega, the first fish that went onto land
>evolve into mammal on land
>go back into the sea and evolve into a whale
>whale now tries to evolve pseudo-legs to walk on land again
Holy shit make up your mind, whalefags.
jokes aside, very nice thread, anon. I enjoyed reading it

Pub Crawl Edition


Previous thread: >>92777853

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: What is your favourite location in Golarion?
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The Magus keeps flipflopping between Sparkling Targe and Laughing Shadow, the Kineticist is Fire/Metal because he likes the idea of summoning a suit of armor and a flaming sword, both the Paladin and War Priest worship Ragathiel, the Fighter is still a bit indecisive and going over stuff, he might go Ranger but all he knows is he wants to hit things good with a sword but maybe also wants a little magic since he always plays a Fighter in literally everything we play in a very small attempt to mix it up.
yeah, the wizard. too bad they aren't in this game
>ok it's happening but it's a good thing
>DM giving each of us a 10th level magic item of our choice
Is there something interesting I could pick as a cleric or should I just get a wand
if you want to use attack spells (the ones with attack rolls) shadow signet is essentially mandatory

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What should they carry?
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silver from a vampire's fang cavity fillings
How do you get raptured?

>What should they carry?
Cursed items
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>Cursed item shop
>What should they carry?
a box full of several metal objects varying in shape and size, though all slightly warm to the touch.
a faint light can be seen when exposed to unnatural darkness.
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No see that's perfect, because people will still go into the store and prod around and clang the symbols of oncoming doom and flood the place with the cracked decanter of endless water and whatnot, but they'll never actually pay anything and when you start just giving shit away it always comes back.

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The Technocracy took control of the D&D multiverse and started to subtly insert science technobabble into magic descriptions.

Magic is fading from the world and it feels irreversible.
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>he doesn't know about Blackmoor
He likely has, considering how blatantly he referenced the Technocracy from Mage: The Ascencion, a tabletop game in the World of Darkness setting.
Star Wars? May the Force be with you.
>Dying Earth by Vance
This guy?
Yes, that's the guy

>In this fashion did Turjan enter his apprenticeship with Pandelume. Day and far into the opalescent Embelyon night he worked under Pandelume's unseen tutelage. He learned the secret of of renewed youth, many spells of the ancients, and a strange abstract lore that Pandelume termed "Mathematics".

>"Within this instrument," said Pandelume, "resides the Universe. Passive in itself and not of sorcery, it elucidates every problem, each phase of existence, all the secrets of time and space. Your spells and runes are built upon its power and codified according to a great underlying mosaic of magic. The design of this mosaic we cannot surmise; our knowledge is didactic, empirical, arbitrary. Phandaal glimpsed the pattern and so was able to formulate many of the spells which bear his name. I have endeavored through the ages to break the clouded glass, but so far my research has failed. He who discovers the pattern will know all of sorcery and be a man powerful beyond comprehension."

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