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Pellaeon-class Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92763179

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Temura didn't play Boba.
he did in the book of bubba fat and mando
Sorry I thought you were talking about Star Wars.
kys you old as faggot
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Per Lucas, it's a path to the dark side. Loving people and such is fine. But you can't possess them, or want to possess them, which is what attachment means in that context.

It's the difference between a healthy loving relationship, where if one dies the other mourns but goes on, and an unhealthy, toxic relationship (of which many examples exist, and no doubt anons can probably imagine at least one they've encountered or been part of even).

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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92777119

Thread theme: Dwarves being cool
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I wanna bash your moms head in with a baseball bat for birthing such an insufferable faggot
You would find a way to lose the baseball bat in your ass long before you can use it on any anon's mom.
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You sound like an autistic faggot
You're not going to prove your oldfag credentials by posting dead memes. They're not even dead /tg/ memes.
Look mate, it's nice to see the classic memes get some respect, but you're being a knob.
How about you post "Fuck Yeah Seaking", call everybody insufferable one more time, then go do something productive with your day.

>8 friends interested in game
>Only have 5 spots
How do you deal with this?
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Run two different games with 4 players each on different days. Then combine the tables when half of them inevitably drop out of the game.
>one square
>map is clearly made of hexes
I've run a campaign for 10 players. Ot was great, everyone had a lot of fun and we played like that for over a year. It works if everyone is on board for the idea, but if you have muh special story snowflake retards it won't work because the game wont revolve arpund theor retarded PC enough. You as a DM have to not be too much of a storyshitter either, since woth large numbers you are guaranteed to have people missing, long exposition and dialogue wastes valuable time, and so on. Make it fun, make it dangerous, keep it low fantasy.
Usually you can eliminate some people for scheduling reasons. If thats not an option just pick the people who's characters you like most and have the rest either observe, play secondary characters, or fill in for missing/late players.
8 pople enter the octagon. 5 leave. LLLLeeeet's rrrruuuuummmbleeee!!!!!!

>ITT: You post IC as a vampire, what setting? VtM. What clan? Doesn't matter. Need more info? see /WoDg/

>Be cursed to be hideously ugly
>Be incredibly good at getting secrets from mortals because no one notices you with your powers
>Be bitch-boys to the local Camarilla for few thousand years
>Finally cry for freedom and go to the Anarchs
>Nothing changes because your IQ matches your body temperature
>Get bossed around and used as mutts for secrets and bodyguards still
>Be Nosferatu, pic unrelated
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ew, an office worker. disgusting.
all you need is some imagination to make your life a little better. thats what you vampires are lacking!
Have you tried making friends with spirits and/or ghosts?
V20 has rules for computer related thaumaturgy. We got fangbook now
>got invited to one of those toreador parties
It IS a trap, right?
Are they going to get tired and move on to the next victim if I just keep making excuses?
Is this some Fithian post I'm too Kindred to understand?

Like our reflection in a broken mirror we have facets yet are all still the same. A splintered soul looks the same as one made whole, but is yet outnumbered

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This thing any good?
The fuck is it?
An arena battle skirmish game that uses poker chips instead of minis. The health of a unit is represented by red chips stacked under the chip of the unit.
Combat is resolved via dice of different colors. Yellow 2 sides hit, 4 miss. Blue 3H 3M, Green 4H 2M, Black 5H 1M, and Red 6H.
The unit chip lists their movement, range, health, what attack die they use (such as 1black and 2 green) and keywords (special abilities listed on a double sided reference sheet covering all units).

Plays fast, sets up stupid fast, and it has easy to learn rules. It also has two single player and co-op modes built in one where you fight a series of straightforward opponents and the other is a boss battler using dice pools for their AI that is swingy as fuck.

dark sun thread?
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> I played strictly FR

Right that's the problem-- Dark Sun is a far more empowering setting than the Realms, the world sucks but the status quo is incredibly simple to change because you can just go beat the tyrants up, rather than being slaves to the metaplot characters.
>phrased as a question about "canon" rather than a scheme you want to do

I see you don't play games.
It goes back to that kennedy speech, or for more recent examples, souls games. Do things not because they're easy, but because they're hard.
The grandfathers of fantasy, Edward Rice Burrows, Robert Howard and Tolkien to a degree had worlds where shit was brutal and mostly fucked, the only way out of it was for tough men with a strong morality they kept to confront evil, even if it was stronger than them. Shit's not completley fucked, just mostly fucked and hard to recover from.
There's a hard limit on magic, you're using the life force others rely on, they couldn't recover if you take too much, hensence psionics, elemental clerics and physical skill, strength cultivated by ones self is needed. The evils of the world are not invulnerable, even the dragon kings have obsidian spheres inside themselves to keep themselves to properly use magic that are oddly vulnerable. There are plenty of dead cities where dragon kings died along with the worst of their nobles, and enough hidden springs, aquifers and mud fields offer the resources to begin restoring the life energy to the world if a clever preserver tries. But it's a real endevor, all the more satisfying if you suceed.
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Is it possible for a portal in sigil or spelljamer to arrive in athas? I want to make a tier 3 party get stranded there and have to find a way out

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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I wish california did those things to its citizens
It's intellectually dishonest for him to say it's B/X with no qualification, but it's also dishonest to say it's "not B/X" with no qualification. It's a retroclone.
So you agree, it's not B/X.
Thank you.
The fuck you change the pastebin for? Quit making stupid goddamn changes.
Why do you always complain about the OP? Just make it yourself next time and quit whining like a little bitch every thread.

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Why can you physically only cast a fireball twice a day? Makes me feel less like a wizard
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“In the hobby” is a subset of “in the world, ever”, so yeah.
I genuinely don't see how your explanation is any more easy to imagine than spell slots. I could swap the names and have just as easy a time imagining it. I think it's been a thing for a few editions that you can "trade down" and cast a spell to greater effect if you use a higher level slot than is required.

But if we get into it, we get into shit like why can't Barbarians get angry more than a set number of times per day, or why Paladins can't hate you for being a heretic more times per day, or why a druid can't be their fursona more times per day.

These are abstracted mechanics so that you don't just spam Power Word: Kill every round. Stop being a dingus.
Spell slots are from tabletop players not knowing how to read or not liking the idea, its literally a house rule. Originally you memorized your spells, if you cast fireball, you could only cast it once a day. 3rd edition DND is where the invention of spell slots and "Well you can now have multiple spell slots and can use those to cast fireball more than once per day" came into existence. And remember, casters were considered powerful prior to 3rd edition even though each of their spells they knew could only be cast ONCE PER DAY.
Which of course is unnecessary. Just make power word kill balanced and it's not a problem.
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Why do you post shit without actually knowing what you're talking about?

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Magic cannot exist in a game, and be powerful and fun, unless martial prowess is significantly nerfed. Fact.
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Magic can exist in a game, and be powerful and fun, without martial prowess being significantly nerfed. Fact.
>D&Drone can only think about cocks and man ass
Not surprising, since D&D and its clones are the ultimate form of faggotry.

see >>92813648
D&D and its clones (Shitter of the doo doo lord, Fagfinder, Obsolete Shitty Roguelike games) are the only systems where caster supremacy is an issue.
>Posts on 4chan
>Hates anime
You are a sad sick parody of a man, and your father is disappointed in you.
Anime is garbage and everyone who likes it is objectively incorrect. Doesn't matter what websites you use.
I didn't have a dog in this argument but martial whining is why all OSR and OSR-inspired systems only have crap weak spells with a bunch of restrictions like you can't mind control people into killing themselves. And that's just communism.

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Have you ever ran Elder Scrolls inspired settings? I plan to run a west marshes set in High Rock and Skyrim using D&D 5th edition.
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>Will never play UESRPG in my entire life.
>Will never play Scrollhammer.
>Will never get TES5: MP to work
But that doesn't mean I will stop trying
>change "imperial church" to "imperial synagogue"
So would you recommend running RuneQuest for a TES setting?
I want to steal the concept of daedra and expand on it. Specifically taking some inspiration from the Dawnguard and Vigilant of Stendarr being knightly orders dedicated to fighting daedra (well also vampires but they are a product of a daedra so it counts).

So basically you have a bunch of 'Archdemons' who range from evil to neutral that have corresponding knightly orders of monster-hunters dedicated to opposing them. These Archdemons offer black magic to their followers, but they operate on different rules (corresponding white magic can only be used by women because the Gods said so).

Ones I have so far (I could use help fleshing out)
>Vampire Lord - Tends to favor nobility, likes to encourage violence but is relatively restrained, though snobby. Is fond of giving people just enough rope to hang themselves
>Succubus Lord - One of the more chill ones, mostly a hedonist, enjoys handing powers to people on the bottom of society, and has a kink for sneaking into monastaries. Succubi have more of an emphasis on illusion and mind-control powers though
>Witch Lord - Was thinking it's actually her daughters that hand out powers so that witch covens can have more individual personalities. Was thinking she has a slight 'female empowerment' bit to her. Could use more fleshing out on theming.
>Orc Lord - Very similar to Malacath, gives Orcs tribal shamanistic magic, lays out a martial honor code for them to fire. Strict but pretty chill unless you try to fuck with his metaphysical domain.
>Shadow Lord - Patron of thieves, gives them magic to help sneak and do rogue stuff. Very much likes to let people engineer their own downfalls, but is impressed if someone has enough restraint to not fuck themselves over. Decidedly neutral.
>Blood Lord - Pretty much Mehrunes Dagon, just loves encouraging wanton slaughter and human sacrifice and turning people into serial killers. On the top of the 'evil' list.
>Plague Lord - Likes spreading disease and poison and mutating plants and animals. The order opposing him are essentially 'holy doctors' (like the Knights Hospitalier).
>Werewolf Lord - Basically Hircine, makes werewolves, has a 'law of nature' deal to him. He respects anyone who can survive his trials
>Necromancer Lord - Patron of Necromancers. Haven't got much to 'flesh' him out at the moment.
>Forbidden Knowledge Lord - Basically Hermaeus Mora but minus all the tentacle and fishman stuff.

Anyway any ideas? That's what I've got thus far.

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Greyhawk will return as the new main setting for DnD 5.5 Thoughts? Happy to leave Toril behind? Worried about Tieflings and Firbolgs running around? What are you hoping to see in regards to an updated, modern day Greyhawk?
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Huh, somehow I didn't expect it to be such a prominent character in the movie. I'm betting it was a matter of the writers for the film going, "Ah! This will work, she's neat." without any knowledge about the Nessian contract Greenwood had with Hasbro/WotC.
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lmaoing at this poster
>The brown one is supposed to be Silverhand
they can't help themselves
Greyhawk has the best gods. Not just Pepe the God but also a fucking God of Weirdos & Autists.
Funny map, but it's more that Gygax copied parts of the Great Lakes and rotated some of them.

Now with third party model pastebin edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to WW1 levels and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

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the mod banned everyone who was off topic, culture war warriors are simply bitching about being banned
Banned a bunch of people who were inquiring about the lore,

Banned several women because "They were chuds who didn't like that Warhammer now has women in it"

And banned anyone who was asking questions about other cultures/religions in the world.
>If you want a game to be apolitical and just focus on its own lore then you are a culture warrior.

I just put this together as a starting roster, doesn't seem like they'll have too many problems with objectives.

Lord of Tumours - 130
>Combat Helmet - 5
>Heavy Armour - 40
>Greataxe - 15
>Black Grail Shield - 20
Total: 210

Corpse Guard - 55
>Combat Helmet - 5
>Heavy Armour - 40
>Axe - 4
>Black Grail Shield - 20

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imagine the smell.

Work in Progress, "Friday Night Repairs" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Cute af

I think I'm done the special shadowsun drones. I'm gonna wait till I'm done her model to figure out the rest of how the base is gonna look on all of them.
What a delightful little fellow
i love him and will attempt to make something similar :)
Thanks! From my (free) game https://simpsominiatures. Itch.io/ tspn
You can also get this sculpt for literally a penny on ramshackle, sculpt is pancake pet (he calls it that?)
Get Scale 75 Necro Gold.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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>question is why though
Give a specialist option to the Bao Troop that can Haris with other models and not have to rely of the shitty CSU specialist.

It gives the model something interesting aside from the Sniper and is wildly over cost as the three point warcor, "7-8" points remote are the only other profiles in the game to have a flash pulse without a specialist skill
Forgive my grammar, at the store with my kids and it is a pain to type with them running around
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SWC is not an issue in Imperial Service as it is possible to have 10 SWC available but you can never get there as points is more an issue with the Sectorial

If I had my way I would make four minor changes to Imperial service and do not involve points changes and would not make anything broken.

Bao Troops
>UPDATE move from Light Infantry to Medium Infantry
>UPDATE add Forward Observer to Combi + Flash Pulse loadout
*note: with ARM1 and BTS6, this is a true Medium Infantry and not a Light infantry profile
*note: Combi + Flash Pulse loadout is already paying for all the equipment and giving it Forward

Imperial Agent, Crane Rank
>UPDATE replace Spitfire, Nanopulser (+1B) loadouts with AP Spitfire, Nanopulser (+1B) weapons. no cost change
*note: this give allow the army to have anti-armor options and makes the Crane Rank a legitimate option against the Su-Jian

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Why are you here then?
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>notice a number of Imperial Service model are no longer available on the CB shop
>mfw CB decides to perform a Military Orders update of Imperial Service instead of putting it out of Production and introducing a new space faring Yu Jing Sectorial

I want something new and cool.

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So, a TRIANGLE (3 sides) means 1 inch, a CIRCLE (a dot) represents 2 inches, the SQUARE (4sides) is actually 3 inches, and a PENTAGON (5 sides) is actually 6 inches.
I'm sorry, in the name of all that is Holy, metric and logical, was this designed by the Devil himself or just british people?

Who the fuck or why the fuck
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Mechanically it adds nothing to the game other than creating a rather bad shorthand method. I don't even think it saves ink on printouts.

Accessibility wise it sort of makes it accessible though the symbols need work. Alot of work. However if they included tools for each symbol with starter boxes it lets anyone pick up a box and play. Though at a minimum an individual needs to be literate to play most games anyway so it's a tough sell/reason.

Product wise it's a way of tricking individuals to buy even more pointless overpriced plastic waste.

Intellectual Property wise it has a minimal impact. I'd be amazed if any 3rd party would be taken to court for making their own tools.
Anon, you seem conused. This isn't a metric vs imperial thread. This is a "numbers represented as geometric shapes vs numbers represented as numbers" thread.

Whether you use imperial or metric, everyone agrees that "1+3" is a lot easier to parse than "triangle plus square".
>Doing fucking retarded measurements
Just like the Queen intended
Educate yourself anon, all of those measurements were based of real physical items and have been converted to be derived from universal constants so that they no longer vary with the temperature of a metal stick in a museum and get more accurate as our understanding improves.
The metre was originally intended as 1/10000000 of the distance from the equator to the north pole. A kilogram was based on a litre of water

Metres and kilogram are french inventions, celius is from sweden
Word was that in development you couldn't break the shapes down into inches like you can now in KT (if you move pentagon you currently go 6 inches, divided into up to 1 inch intervals). This way you can have clumsy but still fast models (like let's say death guard) by giving them a movement of hexagon, while everyone else got three circles, and maybe some Eldar got 6 triangles.
This was eventually scrapped right before release, but the plastic was already made, so now it's something nerds that don't even play the game can point at and laugh years later about.

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