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>redeeming a literal archdevil
Waifufaggotry truly has no sense or perspective these days.
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Pretty weird art having Barachiel about to be stabbed by a sinner
If there's no chance to reform, then there's no reason to try. The moment you become tainted in any way is the moment you might as well go full evil.
>The moment you become tainted in any way is the moment you might as well go full evil.
So why not kill babies straight from the womb since they're born into an evil, fallen world?
>Look she does good work
If she does good work where is the problem then?
Most writers don't really understand the implications of the X-men and Brotherhood maintaining a revolving door policy towards each other.

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I'm looking to broaden my horizons, but many companies out there are just as expensive as GW, and the few promising ones often only show pictures of 3D renders, as opposed to actual models. I don't know which ones are trustworthy, so tell me about your experiences with alternative purveyors of wargaming models.

I just found a company called Rakovendetta, pic related, and I like their style. Has anyone ever purchased any of their models? How do they look in real life?
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Also some really oddball choices, like Gene Wilder Willy Wonka (and Oompa Loompas with knives and clubs) and Thundercats.
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Hayland terrain has a huge range of wink-wink character miniatures, including the entire cast of ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’.
Crooked Dice studio also wrote the rules for the Otherworld skirmish game and sells some of their discontinued lines. Do you know if there's any way to get around their high shipping costs to the US, or if they ever offer discounts for larger orders?
Holy fucking shit, I love these. Thanks for sharing, anon.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92813454
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Why can you physically only cast a fireball twice a day? Makes me feel less like a wizard
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Arcane magic doesn't have anything to do with gods or spirits. Nice try though.
How do spell points make any more sense? They just offer more flexibility but are an equally arbitrary abstraction.

There's no more quantifiable, tangible "magic point" in any system than there is a quantifiable, tangible "spell slot."
How so you explain ”hit points” or points of damage in in-universe any better and less arbitrary way than spell points?
Wanting an in-narrative explanation of why stupid mechanics exist isn't ever a bad faith request.
I don't, but I'm not a cock-garbling faggot whose autism is triggered by shit like spell slots.

So, hey. DM for me. Let me spam Power Word: Kill at will.

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Greyhawk will return as the new main setting for DnD 5.5 Thoughts? Happy to leave Toril behind? Worried about Tieflings and Firbolgs running around? What are you hoping to see in regards to an updated, modern day Greyhawk?
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Yeah, I got into D&D with 3e when there were a bunch of cool novels to go with it. And sourcebooks for stuff outside the Sword Coast unlike 5e. Everyone read them and we were very invested in the lore.
I always gm'd in the forgotten realms (silver marches, sword coast, moonsea, aglarond) since 2e, the only exception is a short game set in mystara (grand duchy of karameikos). Same with other non-d&d games (hyborian age, middle-earth, historical settings). I prefer using established settings/ips for my games because i'm more comfortable having something to build on top rather than working from scratch.
Huh, somehow I didn't expect it to be such a prominent character in the movie. I'm betting it was a matter of the writers for the film going, "Ah! This will work, she's neat." without any knowledge about the Nessian contract Greenwood had with Hasbro/WotC.
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lmaoing at this poster
>The brown one is supposed to be Silverhand
they can't help themselves

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So, I looked into this when it was newer and it didn't appeal to me (when it just looked like Roll20), but someone showed me 3d Canvas and the 'Landing Pages' people are making these days, and it finally got me to pull the trigger on buying Foundry, since I don't have to do the top-down 2d battle maps thing.

> What are some of the better built-in features I should try?
> What's modules / extensions are good for it, that I should check out?
> How do you guys handle multi-level buildings in Foundry 3d Canvas?

t. Foundry Newbie.
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Monks shared display? Something like that. Theres a plugin to make that work better.
Yes, it was. The extension is .su now, in case you find an older path. I've been able to find Foundry modules there before.
Only the server owner needs to own Foundry/have an account to begin with, so that shouldn't be an issue. I believe there's also a "streamer mode" that you can use to put up a second window with GM-only info obscured by default, but there's probably addons to improve that. Haven't looked into this use case myself.
You mean Patreon? Because I'm looking for official ones and I only found outdated ones on TNW.

Speaking of... looks like one of my ISP's dynamic IPs is banned on IRC. Should I just wait for a new one or can I DM someone about this?
>made night vision
>made nice maps
>realize turning everything green makes the maps look worse

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Queen's Blade is a famous fanservice anime series, but before that, it was a gamebook system designed for fantasy combat. And those gamebooks are still pretty easy to find online, making it totally possible for us to play a round of it right here on /tg/

I'm going to explain the rules of the game, and then open things up for /tg/ to pick the attacks for our two heroines - add a d20 to your post and I'll take the first legal answers that roll at least a 10.
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No, I meant official Lost Worlds books, or were they like the Marvel ones where they used the same system for attacks but weren't part of it all.
Age because I'm curious.
Any scans of the Snake Elf? (or rather, the elf that equips a snake)
Seconded, except all of them.
Is there a translated PDF?

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A good friend of mine is about to start running a game - this is what we've been provided about his setting (truncated due to character limit).

>The world is one where various realms have fused together following a catastrophic event where all planes collided into one massive modern city and the lands around it, merging realms that embody elements like Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The resulting world is diverse, featuring locales from dinosaur-ridden jungles to high-tech cities with weather-altering powers.
>The central hub is a sprawling, class-based city surrounded by mountains. The city features advanced technology and magic, especially in its central areas, while the outer regions resemble medieval Europe in tech level. This city is culturally diverse, with various beings integrating into its society over thousands of years. Magic is common in the outer regions but less so in the inner areas.
>The surrounding realms are equally diverse, including wetlands with rocky giants, radioactive swamps with plant-like beings, mountains with prophetic moth-creatures, ethereal realms with ghosts, volcanic lands with fiery beings, and black-and-white grasslands with 2D shadow creatures.
>Playable species include non-magical and magical humans, magically enhanced beings, rocky nomads, plant-like dwellers, moth-like prophets, ghostly entities, fiery beings, 2D shadow creatures, sentient candy beings, and apple-like forest creatures.

I'm more the sort of person who prefers a core central theme to base a character around (I am uncreative). When "anything is possible and you can be whatever you want", how do I come up with something that would mesh with the theme? The GM says he'll come up with the adventure once we've made our characters, so I can't make a character who might suit a particular type of adventure thematically either.

Also, what does /tg/ think of "anything can happen and you can be anything you can think of"-style settings?
Pick your favorite character from anything, preferably something that probably won't get a licensed Lego set, then play the Lego version of that set. This is what I'd do because it lets me be over-the-top and maybe a little meta while still being sincere in my enthusiasm.
I hate settings like this so I understand your problem OP. I think >>92829035 is pretty close, either that or gather a list of options you wouldn't mind playing and select randomly.

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i want to make a well-thought-out setting. to do this, i need to design the following (which requires understanding):
>the world (geography, geology, meteorology)
>life on the world (biology)
>cultures and societies for intelligent life (history and anthropology)
>technology of said cultures and societies (animal husbandry, agriculture, metallurgy, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, more if you want to go beyond ancient shit)
>behaviors of said cultures of societies (warfare, philosophy, economics)
what are the best books to read to learn all this shit?
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Peak no games thread right there
Any encyclopaedia ever written probably
for instant setting, just combine the following:
>your sexual fetish
>your political power fantasy
>your preferred aesthetics
>your favorite character archetypes
and you're done
This is armchair psychology for braindead faggots who can't come up with their own jokes

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Look How They Massacred Our Boys Edition

Previous Thread: >>92612865
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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Don´t worry, it will be shown again on PRO s2. *sigh*
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What aliens from other settings have you put into your games? Ive repurposed the Bentusi from Homeworld and the Argonians/Hist from Elder Scrolls.
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Stealing aliens from Known Space barely counts, but I think Puppeteers make a really good foil for the Federation. On the surface they seem like perfect allies who share a lot of the Federation's values, but in reality they're so much worse than any Romulan or Cardassian.
In my game the Puppeteers' role in the Kzinti Wars was made public, and now the Kzinti and Caitians are threatening to leave the Federation after the Council failed to pass a motion to condemn them as genocide.
Outsiders are also a lot of fun. Starfleet has a lot of experience with hyper-advanced space beings, but they usually aren't so capitalistic.

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How to properly answer your door in Night City.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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>yeah I’m an elite hacker, I use an Apple Macintosh
Bwahahahahahahahaaaa GTFO
>first time
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You can’t tell me you play cyberpunk and don’t understand sarcasm
charity concerts, motivational captain planet messaging, working with corps to go green (HA!)
our modern cyberpunk dystopia has conditioned me to take things at face value. Because there really are people that stupid

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modeling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like

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The preorder price for the Saturn 4 is actually better than the S3 at the moment.
What's your preferred method for dealing with the contaminated water? Warm water for removing supports and curing sounds ideal, but I don't have a good plan for afterwards.
that's a shame.

the FAQ has everything you need brother. I'd never used telegram before reading the FAQ.

the water should only have cured resin in if you're using it for curing, and when I've done that I just stick it inside my (boiling hot in summer) conservatory to evaporate off.
Yeah I just do what other Anon does; let it evaporate outside. We're talking about rather minute amounts of cured resin so I'm not exactly anal about how I dispose of it but just letting it evaporate out is what I do.
Anyone here or does your lgs offer a printing service? How do you come up with pricing?

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Previous thread: >>92746016

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which is your lesser known rule that you think more people should use?
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For those who say Sorcery is an amazing magic system - why? There's no form of magic that GURPS: Sorcery can do that something like D&D can do with light narrative retheming.
Does GURPS fit "beginning superheroes goofing around" or should I look for a more fitting system? Custom lore/universe.
After a cursory google search the cheapest such bionic arm would be around 5000-10000. Let's assume 5000 because all you really care are about are the sensors inside the arm, from which you want to build your gun arm.
The modifications would probably require at least a few weeks from somebody who knows enough about programming and engineering to create a triggerpulling contraption and to connect it to the arm, which would probably run you around 5000 bucks or a huge favor owed.
I'd say 10k is a fair ballpark, although this leaves you either with an inbuilt gun, or a "general" trigger pulling contraption that is designed for one specific grip. Creating several different contraption would probably become easier for your computer guy after the first one, but I'd still charge 1000 or so for each different one.
Gurps dollars are of course worth more than current dollars but I'm too lazy to do the conversion.
Actually, you'd probably only need to find the right wires and not fuck with the programming if you know what you're doing, but the price would stay roughly the same overall I'd figure.
It's decent for lower-powered supers in general, but there are some balance issues at higher power levels and for some themes (notably 'brick' and super-strong types are rather inefficient, although system mastery can make the former viable, and alternative strength systems can fix the latter). If you don't care too much about balance (which is never something that really matters in the supers genre, which famously has things like Batman and Superman on the same team) then it should be fine.
The other issue is that characters with a lot of powers can be a chore to create for someone new to the system, as can getting the genre switches right. GURPS Supers does a lot of the work for you, but the templates can only cover a small range of archetypes and half the fun of supers is coming up with unique powers for them.

>ITT you post IC as a monster hunter from WoD. Every user has an unique number appending their username. Need more info? refer to /wodg/

Reminder that conact and discussion with God_45 is strictly prohibited.
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>Don't ever stack more than 3 pumpkins together at night

Avenge the stolen jeans edition

>New stream reveals

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

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Warhammer is made of 4 things: skulls, spikes, balls and tubes
They're legal in kill team?
Ah, a fellow patrician I see. I play Ultramarines and URSR, and the Kill Team box convinced me to go in on the GSC project I've been considering for years, and then today's news? Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
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army for this feel?
Well, well, well. If it isn't the gayest man alive.

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