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I'm looking for a game that was advertised as being similar in setting/tone to pulp fiction, it was on Drivethrurpg's best sellers for like a couple days.

Can't remember the name
Savage Worlds?
no, it wasnt one of the better known games like savage worlds. It was one of those indie shitter books

what do you guys think of this system? I got invited to a game using it and I'm not really hooked after looking at the manual, it seems really jank
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Yeah, I played in a one-shot and it was super convoluted.
I'm going to assume that you're the creator. Good job finishing your project. Some good attributes:
>your job designs are fucking great; this is the major selling point. i can't emphasize this enough.
>I enjoy the crunchiness. Some rules in particular that I like include linked weapons, supply limit
>Defined Quest + "adversity/consequences" structure. This is actually a primary selling point of your game
>you have rules for bonuses acquired by opening treasure chests in combat; this is wonderfully old school ttrpg
Some things that I don't like:
>the game doesn't "sell itself" to the reader; you don't know what you're doing and why
>there's no original setting presented at the front, only inferred through other areas (we learn, for example, in an offhanded ancestry comment that your elves are arcane teleporters from Planet !Parma and other cool shit). why not bring this out immediately?
>some things are clearly stolen without the name even changed (residuum, narrative actions)
>the adversity challenge resolution mechanics are horrible and have nonsensical names (really? ok guys time to "sway" or "whittle")
>nine phase combat rounds are completely ape shit; no one will be able to track this
>you made your own system and decided to keep using the walking abortion that is 5e action economy
>weird structure (why do starting character creation --> rules --> return to character creation at chapter 6?)

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I really see the charm in what you made and I have to keep going with some more feedback:
>your necromancer tank and Knightmare controller are really original, and I love the "turn into a volcano" class (but you just name the vulcan/volcano instead of phoenix), fucking awesome
>You implemented pokemon master and Command Partner is one of the least disruptive ways of implementing summons that I've seen in a while
>Tidecaller's modular support techniques are interesting; I like how there is always an offensive or defensive solution
>but my dude you named a class Hexblade (WHY)
>why did you include short/long rest from 5e, this is one of the most maligned systems from it
>Your talents are interesting, but most normies will look at this and say... huh? Organize this better
>On that subject, character progress isn't really clear
>Shops and Loot Crates are good, but organize your presentation better

Dropping out of greentext for this warning:
>Kevin Siembieda from Palladium Books (Rifts) will sue you for "Ley Line Walker"; this is not a joke
>dude actually likes the stupid ass "loot box" mechanic
Glancing it over, it looks a lot like 4e with a Final Fantasy coat of paint.

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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
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Yeah because the jannies here are a bunch of militant trannies with a stick ur their axe wounds. You can't shitpost, you can't make funny threads, you can't joke, you can't stray a little bit off-topic, you can't have chud opinions about /tg/ things, etc, it's like they think the board is a scientific journal instead of a chill place to talk about games and the likes in any way you want.

If I knew any other place that was better I'd be out too.
But also
>is everything OK at home, anon?
My missus loves boardgames. But also she hates anything that can't be learned in a single round. Pandemic etc is perfect. I've tried her with more complex stuff and she just checks out
Biological? No.
I GMed a game to 4 woman in a Victorian setting, game had very little rolling cause they just talked most of the time and made trivial things so most of it I just allowed it.
Game was fine until I made a max rizz aristocrat to flirt with them, 2 of them actually got mad IRL cause they were fighting really hard to get the guy.
The roleplay was meh at best, every player character acted in a highly anachronistic manner from speech to modern attitudes and values, they all shrugged at me when I made a passing comment about it at the end of a session.
Just an aside I only ran this game to look for a compatible autistic gf but after session zero I never turned on the camera cause they were all ugly as sin.

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>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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I'm working on some stats for a revised dark heresy 2nd ed rulebook. Do you reckon this is an adequate representation of the sheer pain a patriarch brings to the table?
This is the worst opinion on /tg/ right now.
Planets being consumed by the warp.
>How do you do a Mechanicus conspiracy without recycling Terminator, Event Horizon, or The Matrix?
Status within the Mechanicus is based on exclusive knowledge and ability. Factions stealing designs and knowledge from each other (or retaliating to recover stolen material and eliminate rival production facilities) should be more common than actually inventing new stuff or rediscovering archeotech. These fights can be over existing Imperial tech without introducing anything really weird. Heist or sabotage schemes are great place to involve plausibly-deniable outsiders like Rogue Traders or the Inquisition.
The biologis/genetors lend themselves to campaigns such as: Outbreak, but it was on purpose as an experiment on a clueless hive city; are you a bad enough dude to tiptoe to the line of heresy by experimenting with the divine human genetic code; and Jurassic Park, but with genestealers.

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Based Blanche Edition

Previous Thread >>92743281

>What is Project Fourk-Hammer?
Project Fourk-Hammer (provisional name) is an experiment to see if the 40k community on /tg/ is interested enough to come together to homebrew a fan fork edition of Warhammer 40,0000's 3-7e Era, primarily inspired by 4th Edition. Think Warhammer Armies Project but for Warhammer 40k's Fourth Edition.

As it stands, there are currently multiple projects in various stages of completion relating to /fourk/, and the thread has become a community repository for all of these various works. Anons are welcome to share their own homebrews as well.

Find the current listing here: https://pastebin.com/QGYx56X3

>Why are you doing this?
/tg/ complains about modern 40K constantly. At least one /tg/ anon has already succeeded in producing a viable alternative to 40K in the form of OnePageRules, however this is not satisfying to many since it is too shrimplified and lacks the flavour and identity they love, or once loved.

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The more the merrier?
Don't know if it fits, but back in 8th I recall there being a big thing over the rules for the commissar being changed.
Used to be if they failed a morale check within range of one you remove a single model and they pass. But they changed it because conscript blobs so you just reroll the test now.
So I thought a good compromise would be conscripts still reroll and guardsmen pass, but commissars don't befit from the look out sir/character protection rules, to represent the men not exactly wanting to die to protect the commissar.
Fwiw, the best games of whfb I ever played were entirely asymmetric. No army lists or points. Create the scenario forst and then choose the most appropriate army. Like, if I'm playing a dark elf raiding party, it doesn't make sense for me to take a bolt thrower or dragon, because in this scenario they wouldn't be there (in our heads), and the defender _would_ have defensive weapons stationed at their end of the board.

Points don't matter in narrative play so much. You can always improvise if things swing too far one way or ther other
Really? It seems to me like the kind of scenario based system I propose is maybe less common in fantasy and sci fi, but it's the most popular way to play HWG. See Hail Caesar, Black Powder, Crossfire, 5 Men in Normandy...
And even in sci fi WEG's Star Wars, Stargrunt, Rogue Trader or Tomorrow's War have that vibe.
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AAAnon I was reading over your overwatch rules and thing you should give them a once over. There seems to be some conflicting info involving LoS, and I also recommended some adjustments to presentation and order.

I am also a little confused as to why you don’t just make overwatch one of the default actions? Perhaps it’s to make things that plug-in into the hold rules also apply to overwatch?

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Good morning Anon, welcome to Townsville!
How can we make your stay a good one today?
I'm trying to knit together a functional setting out of the spaghetti soup I output during Dungeon23 - though mine was Midwestern Town23, with unrelated idea interludes.
Anyone want to help by asking questions about the town, inhabitants, or surroundings?
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And ice, baybeee.
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There was a big storm last night, and apparently the trucking container lot got six kinds of fucked in half.
There's probably a good opportunity for looting and generalised thievery right now, given how many rich cunts we have moving into town and ordering all sorts of bullshit, and we're on a highway between Here and There, so there are always some big artics waiting to get their trailers shuffled. God knows Deb's kids are too busy with the roads and house damage to guard a mile of chainlink int he middle of nowhere.
Apparently Helen has been phoning the police and Town Hall, even the Teamsters, trying to find out what's being done. She must have one of her big consignments in there somewhere, and she's usually flipping something interesting.
Fancy a little caper?
New note uncovered:
The rumourmill has a bunch of low-grade shits from the surronding county area pushing percs and heroin in the residentials adjacent to the new construction zone. SAHMs and retirees are calling in pimpmobiles and clapped out hoopties daily, and apparently they cruise the pick up and drop-off streets the day labourers come in on.
One of the soldiers we picked up told us they were under instruction to sell here, and supply had got cleaner and more reliable since they agreed. Construction workers are a good market, sure, but that's still a weird sequence of events - a network following the contractors around the state doesn't make sense, getting set up in a new county on someone else's turf would be regular war that no org would risk, so why here now?
Of the half dozen dealers we picked up, two died in the county jail - we found them with no blood. It was crazy, they were picking fights and shit, the way young bucks do, and then they got lippy with Old Ray, and the whole hall went silent. I've seen that happen a couple of times, people don't fuck with Ray because he's a good guy and he's been here forever, real mentor shit, put's people back together, but these two did not get that memo. Anyway, they're shouting at him, he's just talking back, and then one of them pushes him, and a bit of a circle forms, and then the other punches Ray.
Well, I've seen beatings and beatings, and this was the most restrained mob violence I ever saw. Everyone gets a couple of hits, but the kids walk out under their own steam, under no uncertain impression that they are on their own if theyre screwing with Ray.
Anyway, next night, they both fall out of their bunks, hit the deck and just bleed and bleed and bleed, to death. No records of haemophilia or anything, not related, differentcells, normal prison diet, no sign anyone touched them. So much blood the floor was black. Doc said the heart probably should've given out well before it managed to pump all of that out, like there was so much blood on the floor there shouldn;t have been enough left in the guys to pump more out, whatever that means.
I haven't decided if Old Ray is a rival cultmind-omancer, choosing the jail as his comfortable turf, or if he's something entirely unrelated.
I've been thinking it would make the most sense if, on kill nights, vanman goes and meditates at one of the work sites until a victim comes to him - perhaps not even a specific one, just whoever is most attuend and for whatever reason available and active in following up this seemingly-random impulse to go and check out the work site. This would probably be having very intenst real-feeling dreams, waking up with the nagging feeling that there's something there they forgot or left undone. They then head to the site, wander around a bit until they bump into burger thing, who will maybe offer to share a joint, or perhaps simply hypnotize them using mystic prion thought wavelength alignment techniques.
That can explain why there's not a 'first site' to found in a killing that otherwise should be a kidnap and then murder.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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It's a technical weapon so it uses WIP when shooting, which tends to be a bit higher than BS. It targets BTS, which tends to be a bit lower than ARM (though there absolutely are some units where it flips *hard* and it's like 1 ARM 6 BTS). Its range isn't phenomenal but it outdistances normal rifles and has only -3 out to 48".

What makes it good for ARO specifically, in my mind, is twofold. First is that it's dirt cheap and plentiful, letting you add some utility to cheaper line infantry and skirmishers. Yeah they'll get outclassed by actual ARO pieces, but those usually cost points and SWC; meanwhile, you can turn cheerleaders into an annoying roadblock and give your low-BS-high-WIP skirmishers a chance in a firefight, all for just pennies. The second reason is more that Flash Pulse sucks as an active turn weapon because they're B1 and only stun, but in ARO B1 isn't a hindrance and stun ammo is really good for disrupting opponents. Stunned units can't attack and take -3 to their rolls for the rest of the turn; land one on a scary multiwound Rambo and their rampage immediately stops. Obviously it's not as good as killing the Rambo outright, but again the Flash Pulse is cheap, so you're getting a lot of use out of a very minor investment.

The Bao Troop has effectively BS14 when using Flash Pulse and can ignore mimetism and smoke. If you're already looking at taking a Bao to counter marker states, it's only 2 more points for one that can, if needed, pull double duty as an ARO piece (though it's a bit expensive for that, so make sure the tradeoff is worth it).
question is why though, you already have a very solid ARO piece Bao with the MSR profile, which can also be harised with a sniper rifle ABH and a missile Zhanying for a pretty scary defensive haris. Place them so they can't be picked off individually and there's not many attack pieces that will want to F2F against it.
>you already have a very solid ARO piece Bao with the MSR profile, which can also be harised with a sniper rifle ABH and a missile Zhanying
Now count the SWC for all that, it'll point you in the right direction.
>question is why though
Give a specialist option to the Bao Troop that can Haris with other models and not have to rely of the shitty CSU specialist.

It gives the model something interesting aside from the Sniper and is wildly over cost as the three point warcor, "7-8" points remote are the only other profiles in the game to have a flash pulse without a specialist skill
Forgive my grammar, at the store with my kids and it is a pain to type with them running around

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I think we can all agree the Karthik got absolutely fucking cucked in the new edition. With the Hive Preatorians losing the spitter variant, the only ranged unit worth shit in the whole army is the Drone Carrier, but that requires you to 1) pay the points to take fucking drones and 2) not even get a guaranteed hit for every model you sacrifice for the shot.

Maybe it would all be fine if they didn't make the Swarm rule retarded too. You have four (4) units in the entire rulebook that can take more than 10 models to get the reduced damage effect. I swear to fuck no one playtested this shit. At least my bug guys are still cool in the RPG.
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Here you go bro, am the new guy asking for advice for an Elf list. This is Ayelia but idk if she is good or not, just got the model because it was cool
Here are my Deephold bros, finished them a couple days ago
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Fuck forgot to attach the images lol
You can thank Rob for having his team do interviews on Twitter and putzing around on the official discord instead of actually working on their shit, let alone releasing content.
Is Terry Davis the technomancer still viable in the current meta?

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Originally just wanted to ask if most DM/GM screen PDF's are horizontal or vertical because I want to buy one that has the see-through slots in the front and back.

Also, what do you use, if anything, for a screen?
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Absolutely based player. There's no rule against it, so it's not cheating.
>yes, I pirate a copy of the module the GM is running so I can make sure to find all the treasure.
Just because the DM has a screen doesn't mean they are cheating. Does it not at all register to you that keeping things hidden helps the players from subconsciously metagaming? And of course, some things need to be hidden for the players to be invested at all.

This guy has never DM'd before and clearly has trust issues with all the DMs that he's played for.
I use two 1" binders and four binder clips and a couple of page sleeves inside. Costs less than $5. Just search online for 'GM screen binders' and you'll find fabrication instructions.
No, it's not the prettiest screen in the world. However it functions just as well and my hobby money is better spent on more minis/snacks.
OP here, I realized when I was looking for GM screens with pockets that these were all just 2 binders stuck together, so yeah, this is the cheapest and best option and east to replace when the ink ends up transferring to the plastic and messes it up eventually.
Back when I first got into RPGs, I bought a branded GM screen for D&D 5e. It had rules and rerference information on the ref facing side that were quite useful, and if memory serves you could scribble on it with dry erase markers. It was perfectly good for what it did but in retrospect was likely a waste of money, as better alternatives almost certainly existed.

I play online now uding VTT due to my players living in different parts of the country, but I do have quick reference sheets for various rules, notes, and general information that I keep to hand that would have normally been on the ref-facing side of the screen.

I need military uniforms for modern or near-modern fantasy settings. I'll take 19th-century stuff if you've got it.
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You need to go back anon.
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Greeks wearing Italian helmets, British/French style coats and puttees (leg coverings) and ad-hoc civilian shoes
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Embrace the future.

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If I go to a neurodivergent /tg/ meetup will it be mostly high functioning people or low?
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I'm not neurodivergent, but might be interested in a /tg/ meetup now that Summer's here. What part of the U.S.?
High, mostly because nobody hates LFAs more than HFAs.
>high functioning
Haven't met anyone who claims to be this who actually is. They're better than total chickenhead final destination but they're all a least medium fucked.
I think I remember reading on reddit that a “high-functioning” autistic individual was equivalent to a “low-functioning” individual of other psychiatric diagnoses (anxiety, personality disorders, etc) but it might have been total BS.
It terms of their mental illness, they will be high function. In terms of being people, they will be low functioning.

Previously: >>92813924

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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15/20 ramp/fetch spells and the rest is lands?
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Meme builds can be fun but Borborygmos has too much rizz for that
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Post bulk bling
I'll go first
Not really. The second ability costs R to activate.
New thread

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what are the best RPGs for women?
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Thanks, can't wait to run a game of this!
Came here to post this. I've been running CoC for years and it's the one game where a straight up majority of the random players I get are women. (And often they're the best players at the table, compared to, say, Shadowrun, where I've never seen that be the case.)
As a lesbian who likes PBTA, the best game for lesbians is Night Witches. TSL is cringe as hell.
i think you need a cassete for the original

but its in youtube
Oh zamn, I wasn't expecting it to work like a mixed media game OwO

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Are you excited for the revival and engoodening of 4E?
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Who's dick do I need to fellate to see the damn thing?
Show me one power from four classes that are, according to you, "the same"
lol okay pf2e faggot shill
the worst part about lancer is certainly the community
I DM lancer on occasion but never partake in any community around it. What's up with them?

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How “tactical” are you as a player and as a GM?
Do you use NPCs strategically and plan your angles of attack or do you just say “fuck it we ball” and think of plans of attack once the dice start rolling? I usually keep a ranger handbook for games with firearms but fantasy tactics are completely different from actual middle age tactics
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I tend to conserve my resources for the most part, whether they be "bennies", inspiration, spell slots, uses per short/long rest, uses per day, etc. However, I will reserve arrows less, and attack with them as much as possible.
If an ally is attacking an enemy, I'll usually focus-fire, and when someone is about to open a door or enter an ambiguous hallway, I prefer to do whatever system equivalent to "holding action" is.
I avoid entering enemy attack range when I can help it, and use cover and concealment (but never opt for stealth) when possible.
If forced into melee, I will always reposition to flank.
There was also one time my allies were low HP and we walked into a room of hostile goblins; I was lucky enough to go first in initiative, and I went against my normally back-line behavior and jumped onto the nearest table, and began shouting obscenities in an effort to get their attention on me. The dice didn't support my decision, but the sentiment was there, and the other players appreciated the thought. That was the first time I had to use Second Wind that campaign, too.

Other than that, I'm not very tactical, given I lack "out of box" thinking skills; I'm very by the book, and I like to go with the most certain option possible.
When it comes down to having to fight someone or talk them down, I also tend to opt for fighting, because I really enjoy combat in my games.
compelling thread
>Do you use NPCs strategically and plan your angles of attack or do you just say “fuck it we ball” and think of plans of attack once the dice start rolling?
Depends on the enemies. Professional soldiers are going to fight with smarter tactics and will keep disciplined unless they take massive swift casualties. That means dangerous things like fighting withdrawals even when on the retreat. Random toughs and rabble get some baked-in stupidity. If they lose two-three buddies, they're bailing, and not necessarily in an organized fashion. You also might see them do foolish things like treat concealment as cover, or bunch up and make themselves vulnerable to area of effect attacks.
As for wild animals, they're usually only aggressive until injured unless you corner them, "attack" their den/babies, or they're starving. There are exceptional man-eaters, but they're just that: exceptions.

Genre matters too, though. In a Conan type of game, expect to fight more die hard suicide cultists or man eating lions of unlikely size.
I like to play tactically but I try to reign it in when I'm running low INT monsters. I also like to use morale rolls to prevent sentients from fighting like fearless automatons. Unfortunately, most systems don't really allow for much in the way of tactics, and what they do allow tends to be warped around what's mechanically effective in that system, as opposed to what would make sense in real life.

What I'd really like to get more into is strategy and operations, but in a typical campaign the NPCs using that level of forethought can quickly spell doom for an adventuring party that isn't already quite powerful. I would need to run a campaign focused more on the strategic-level wargame aspect.

>ranger handbook
Which one?

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