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This thing any good?

Rolling Rock Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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Apparently 170/200ish entrants for the North Carolina regional were ToPku as well.
I dunno I actually hope they hit something I am all for a proactive use of banlists rather than letting broken shit stay broken.
New. Migrate whenever.

They hated him because he spoke the truth.
>getting fired and having to take a long ass flight from japan back home to canada

Is flake going to kill himself
This is bandai so dont expect anything.

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My party and I are going to spend the gold from our first quest on a large wagon. Aside from the obvious advantages of easier travel, being able to haul more loot, and having a flat elevated surface to throw down our sleeping bags at night, what are some ways we can make the most of this beautiful piece of equipment?
Ideas I have so far:
>Mounting shields on the sides to provide cover in combat
>Mounted heavy crossbow turret for medieval drive bys
>At higher levels, swapping out the ox for a flying creature to convert it into a mini-airship
Pic semi related
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WFRP actually has rules for heavy weapons needing a mount like small cannon and bolt throwers.
Unmanned, wet hides was the traditional anti-greek fire solution. More expensive and heavy solutions would include thin metal cladding. All assumes you aren't killed before getting into throwing range.
... wasn't this just the plot of one of the Mythica movies?

You can always use an NPC, you dumb fucking never game theorycrafter
Should be 'untanned,' but spellchecker is a PITA as usual.
It's a cool idea, I'm a big fan of the party having a sort of home base that they can operate out of.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92800634
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>Syringe, for taking blood
Blood testing stuff, got it.
>Mirror, for convincing the stupider spirits that you are one of them as they look at their reflection
Exceptionally mundane, but I can do it.
>A bunch of sigil stencils so you don't have to painstakingly do them freehand or just a single magical stencil that just changes according to your needs
>Salt? Foodstuffs and herbs of that sort maybe
Archaic food preservation methods are definitely called for.
Kaedwin is a decent place to flee, but Eldon will likely hope to wait out his debt in the mountains, training the girl to cut him down.
abysmal taste
The hexmaniac from pokemon is sexually attractive, yes. That has nothing to do with TokHaar Gol's incest obsession.
I want to sex Tok cousin

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Noise Boys edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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But this art is good...?
end of 6th and 7th made me straight up start collecting other games
I think I like this one more than the ground one, but the mouth mask is the only decent head for her.
Pedophilia. The amount of times I hear gay comedians talk about hooking up with bears when they were in their early teens is unsettling
The ravenor books bored me to fucking death. Eisenhorn was a lot better (when I read them 10 years ago)

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Why does Ursula have a clone?
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No luck on the Enchanted, but I'm very much looking forward to what sort of evil I can come up with in the form of a Hero deck.
Anybody get their hands on Deep Trouble today/yesterday?

Did you play any games with it and how was the quality of the gameplay/product
that's two victorious glimmers of herself teaming up to take on the wider multiverse.
I'm the guy from earlier who was lamenting being unable to pre-order Deep Trouble... I actually had a Hallmark Christmas Miracle moment when I went to pick up my booster box. They told me that they had been sent a few extra copies of the game, if I wanted to try back later when the shipment arrived, which I was in the process of declining because my ride was waiting for me, when the phone rang. Turns out that the fed ex had just arrived in the back. So, I actully did get my copy!
Unfortunately, I haven't had time to play it yet, but as for quality, I only have a few complaints: they're using the same garbage-y quality folding paper mats for Ursula's game board that they put in the starter sets, and the box it comes in is not meant to be reuseable, so unless you're tossing it a card box with the rest of your Lorcana, you'll probably want to pick up a separatebox for it. The damage counters and score markers are still the same pop-out style ones from the starters, which is fine, though the designs on these ones are the most sinister looking ones yet. The event cards look great and have a similar art style to the insert cards from the boosters, with Illumineers battling alongside glimmers against a giant, menacing Ursula. The card art for the custom Ursula deck looks good, mostly 'entangled' versions of existing cards, which you've probably already seen spoilers of. The Hei Hei card showing up randomly also made me laugh, and as a general note for set 4, they've really upped the quality of the flavor text in this set. It doesn't feel as forced as in previous sets, and actually hints at intriguing events, instead of "Lore, lore, ink spellbook flood!". For example, more than one Ursula was part of her rise to power, but she ultimately betrayed her other selves to become the alpha Ursula, and she hand picked the other glimmers she wanted to corrupt, being particularly interested in Anna, whom she lured into a storm by having Hans bait Olaf with...
...Kristoff's missing hat, causing her to run off into a storm, which Elsa later disappates in an effort to find her sister. Meanwhile, Hades hints that while the Illumineers are busy fighting Ursula, his own plans are starting to take shape, possibly hinting that he will be the main villain of the next co op game? Very interesting stuff, and if any of you other anons glean any hints beyond the flavor stuff I mentioned here, I'd love to hear it. Any how, this is getting way to long, so to sum it up, Deep Trouble is presented more like a ccg box set than a separate board game, with about the same quality you'd expect from the average starter set.

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Wasn't sure if I should bring this here or send it to /x/ so they could freak out while I made popcorn, but this seems a rl adventure hook, so:

>1300 cases where the organs have survived even when all other soft tissues have decomposed. Some of these brains are more than 12,000 years old.

>“Brains of this type, where they’re the only soft tissue preserved, have been found in sunken shipwrecks and in waterlogged graves where the bones are just floating,” says Alexandra Morton-Hayward at the University of Oxford. “It’s really, really strange.”

Have we stumbled upon a sinister plan of our Undead Whale Overlords?

my guess is that the brain mostly holds together as a bundle of myelin which doesnt get decomposed because of the low temperatures and anoxic environment, while the rest of the cells lyse due to the osmolarity of seawater. doesnt explain skin though, maybe it's broken down chemically or the flesh eating bacteria cant survive on pure fat
fish can't get into the skull.

this anon is probably also right.
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Brains of the Windover bog bodies (7-8k years old) were also preserved in a similar way, despite the decomposition of the rest of the soft tissue.
Scientists speculate that the preservation was the result of the low acidity of the peat pond (nearly neutral), the anaerobic environment, and the burial in the bog with 24-48 hour or less after death (before the brain could start to decompose).
For shipwreck victims, I'd imagine you'd see a faster "burial" timeframe than the bog bodies and, so long as the body doesn't rise to the surface due to bloating, the brain would probably stay in anaerobic conditions.
Not sure how the temperatures differences, differences in pH, or the freshwater/saltwater switch would affect things.
there's some exceptionally well preserved shipwrecks in a lagoon somewhere in new zealand because the water is just too cold for the ship worms to survive
Sea water contains a high saturation of ambient blue mana which is associated with coldness and stasis, living people perceive this as a vague sense of wonder and interest when swimming or diving, but over time
a sunken corpse accrues blue mana which becomes concentrated in the brain, precluding the influence of black or green mana.

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Okay, but what are you actually supposed to do in this setting?

Like, it's cool and all, and kinda useful as a framing device to introduce various GURPS mini-settings (even if you have to contrive things like Yrth's quantum sargasso and kick THS out) but I just don't see how you turn it into a campaign.
Are you stupid? The book throws plothooks at you for every world and I'm pretty sure there's an entire section for running campaigns, how much more handholding do you need?
No it doesn't?

>The Patrol is keeping a weather eyeon this alternate, concerned that itcould slip into a global conflagrationendangering the generally lucrativetrade in fur and auroch meat WhiteStar enjoys. The Patrol also suspectsthat some Homeline traders have beenslipping the Swedes improvedfirearms and ship designs, andpossibly even blast furnaces and othercrucial war-fighting and industrialtechnologies. Tourists primarily visitwindswept Stuart Scotland, theimmense Lacota trading post nearFort-Nicholas on the upper Missi-ssippi, or the steam-powered cottonmills rising under the Pyramids ofEgypt. Centrum’s activities, if any, onArmada-2, remain mysterious,although the 1809 disappearance ofthe Spanish colony of Bahia Teresa (onthe site of Homeline’s Sydney,Australia) is suspicious to say the least.

Is this supposed to be the plot hook? I go to an alternate universe to find the guy who's gunrunning to the 19th century Swedes?

The campaign chapter is also mostly spent on "it could be action or thriller." There's no real connective tissue suggested (unless you count "they go to find out who Jack the Ripper is, then they go to find out if Caesar's wife really told him to stay home that day" as "connective tissue"). It doesn't even seem to meaningfully involve Centrum.
I've not ever read it. I'm gonna go take a look, but if there is a section about plot hooks and adventure backgrounds I'm gonna be fucking mad...
GOD DAMMIT YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER, Every page is literally covered in adventure hooks.

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ITT we LARP as Black Templars.
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Can I have a haircut that isn't measured by the Holy Pudding Bowl?
Only the Custodes have those brother, did you not hear?
You mean RP?

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How do you feel about the artwork in modern D&D as compared to the older editions?
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Where do you like to get your art from? I just used PDF24 to extract the images from most of my PDFs (3.5, PF1, and DSA). Got any other good art sources for color portraits and creature / NPC images?
>2k to 5k
That'll get you enough for one artist working full time for a month in north america.

If you're able to hire Asians who live in much cheaper countries, then you might et a good amount.

But you'll get what you pay for quality wise, or you'll need to interact with people who don't speak English.
>nuh uh!
Confirmed nogames.
Actually, it's you who's nogames. Checkmate, atheist.
The answer used to be "Google," now it's Yandex. And then I just look for stuff.

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Charlize van Zyl edition

- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz | May 7th - 12th
- Champions Chess Tour: Chess.com Classic | May 8th - 15th
- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy | August 10th - 18th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd

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Their official website sucks, but at least they use the socials for photos.
I'm surprised by their dress code for women.
>She's definitely not one of the best commentators.
I'd watch a stream with Tania, not one with Naroditsky. Your list is invalid. Also missing Keti Tsatsalashvili.
>Translational & Molecular Medicine student
>page 8
>one week bump limit




With the new edition of AoS now previewed, just how many boxes of Dominion do you think will go to landfill?
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the future is now old man
>Most likely all of fantasy will be permanently discontinued and it will be 40K all the way.

Then I can finally abandon GW.
>Prices always go up.
I'm trying to figure out if you know less about technology or economics. The floor is really low desu. More like an abyss made of brain.
people literally do not buy stormcast; they get them for free as a consequence of buying intro products.
>this has to be the edition that sinks the game
Anon...let it go

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Calling all /mu/ refugees.

I'm currently GMing a low fantasy magical version of late medieval Earth, with sword and sorcery vibes. I want to use some music to set up scenes, to introduce places and NPCs, to just have it playing in the background, etc. What do you guys recommend?
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Fief I-IV thank me later
>here's the atmosphere and theme of my game, what music would fit?
>AAAAAA FUUUUUUUCK I CANT I CANT I CAAANT, I need to know the numerals and paragraphs and breakdowns of grappling rules, how many dice to roll when picking a lock (and what number of faces each has) and if there's a dedicated mental stat to track fatigue from overland traveling first!!! I CANT THINK OF MUSIC OTHERWISE! HOW THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO RECOMMEND MUSIC OTHERWISE?!?!?!
Your brain is poisoned or you are profoundly autistic or both
Little bit too geeky and synthetic for my current game, but I'll save it, maybe it fits another campaign later.

Based, I was listening to it now and I might steal some sounds for when they find a treasure, a hidden place or whatever.

Damn this is pretty nice, you can have pretty customizable sounds at the tip of your fingers for wherever the players decide to go. Shame it is paid for the full service tho.

This is crap.

Ramin Djawadi is pretty good, I might use The Lord of Light one for when the players discover that the Lady of Cardona is actually a witch.
A timeless classic.

Dengerous encounters edition.

Welcome to /usgen/
It is dedicated to discussing universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.
We discuss Basic Role-Playing, Fudge, Genesys, Open D6 and Savage Worlds, but other systems are also welcome.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal systems and related settings, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D and no GURPS)
2. If you talk about specific system write its name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player-made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal systems that were published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off-topic discussions to minimum.

Player resources (so far):
Fudge - https://pastebin.com/R4gk2t95

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Hey buddy you need to learn to take a week off. What do you think I'm gonna get done in a week? Get into a new system, brew some shit for it, compile it to a pdf? Come on now.
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Maybe I make a short break after this threat (1-2 weeks).

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Mole men edition

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)
https://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)
>Fluff(visions and BL)

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What about replacing them with vents?
Myrmidon Secutors can sort of melee...but the problem is that they can shoot much better than they melee.
WS4, but S7 axes on T5 W4 3+/5++ wielders with access to rad grenades seem interesting, and Arcuitors look like they can tackle hordes.
I wish the same could be said of Ursarax and Vorax
Oops ran away because they're no longer Fearless; they are Stubborn Ld6 xD
they did away with the imperial armour compendium/legacy books in 10th

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