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Tales of Yore Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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>hey dm is it ok if I just make a new character? Kinda fucked up with this one
Celestial Warlock?
good idea, wanted to play sometime with some healing and damage but not go full cleric.

also fun idea of this total scumbag, being forced to be a better person by an angle
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>total scumbag, being forced to be a better person by an angle
I wanted to play a celestial warlock for the same reason too basically. But maybe it's because we're wired to assume warlock is evil-esque character
Why would you try to make a cult less cheesy? Cults being batshit fucking loco is half the fun of cults.

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My party and I are going to spend the gold from our first quest on a large wagon. Aside from the obvious advantages of easier travel, being able to haul more loot, and having a flat elevated surface to throw down our sleeping bags at night, what are some ways we can make the most of this beautiful piece of equipment?
Ideas I have so far:
>Mounting shields on the sides to provide cover in combat
>Mounted heavy crossbow turret for medieval drive bys
>At higher levels, swapping out the ox for a flying creature to convert it into a mini-airship
Pic semi related
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Unmanned, wet hides was the traditional anti-greek fire solution. More expensive and heavy solutions would include thin metal cladding. All assumes you aren't killed before getting into throwing range.
... wasn't this just the plot of one of the Mythica movies?

You can always use an NPC, you dumb fucking never game theorycrafter
Should be 'untanned,' but spellchecker is a PITA as usual.
It's a cool idea, I'm a big fan of the party having a sort of home base that they can operate out of.
First thing is you immediately kill a draft horse or two and have the corpses animated. If that's "bad" or something, a permanent animate object on a big enough saw horse or other horse shaped thing and a DM willing to allow it. Saves on having to feed the animals and the party can now travel endlessly taking shifts at driving.

Invest in special materials for leaf springs so you can justify being able to rest while moving.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92813454
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You should make a demon build with no charisma
Technically the ability to call down meteors would be a 2 point magic in this system, because even if it has devastating power potential it still only does one thing. On the other hand you can technically make an 8 point magic that is just "all the 2 point options" because that is the kind of variety 8 pointers have, and power potential is not a concern. It's a strange sytem, and custom options make it easy to abuse, but it fits the setting with the crazy shit it allows.
Which cyoa is that? Is it the one with the secret swear word character? Either way I would be curios to see it, I always appreciate a fellow game breaker.
Why are all of 53413760's cyoas so shoddily balanced?
HP and MT have fine balance.

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Fierce fighting on the approaches to Brzo continues (Day 18 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92816164

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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>FWL space until the 2800s
>Conquered by Lyrans
>Lyrans declare it to be "an independant protectorate guaranteed by the LC"
>FWL recaptures it in the late 2900s, loses it again just as 4th SW breaks out
For the frozen time slice that IntroTech usually represents, and during the Star League, the FWL held Solaris, then lost it to the Elsies.

Do Periphery state have any notable tactics, or are their militaries too small?

And do the different Clans fight differently and arm themselves differently, or does their honour system restrict that?
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Is being poor a tactic?
Honestly I think Davion heavies are some of the best variants in introtech. Their Marauder and Warhammer variants in particular are great IMO.
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I didn't say it was perpetually in civil war, you silly faggot. Read again and show me the word of a lie.
>Regional militias only fight for the feds on the frontlines at gunpoint
>Will otherwise just sort of show up to a scrap, brutal on defense
>Feds are constantly getting starved by the provinces trying to keep the best shit for themselves and being bitches about sending troops. What troops there are, have high morale and a mix of equipment.
>One (and only one) region has attempted to secede more than once, and briefly allied with the caps. In the Introtech era. Which is the assumed starting point.

Kuritas develop the technology concurrently with the FWL, and for a while their designs were notable for only taking LAW-designed pods without heavy modification.
Everyone else uses OmniTech piecemeal as they can get it, but we see several mentions of the FWL actually using mechriding BA tactics (along with the Caps, oddly) before the Dark Age, where the Lyrans and FedSuns seem to have taken their time and scattered them around more. And again, FWL selling the shit out of everything to everyone means that most of their stuff is universal

>Lyrans had more success with Omnis
That I'll grant you, especially because the Gauntlet, Blackjack, and Hauptmann are all really damned good. Then again, by the time the tech matures and fully proliferates the FWL is pretty well fucked.

Now with third party model pastebin edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to WW1 levels and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

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did you get banned for off topic discussion in the discord?
From what I undersrand, the Troon shit is all because the devs made some randos discord the "unofficial" one and they went power crazy.
Do I have this right?
I feel like I'm going schitzo and I'm starting to think things like >>92832441 is actually just a Troon trying to gatekeep in an underhanded way.

Not that it matters either way, it looks like a pretty cool game. I'd like to see them balance some kind of attack/defence scenario that limits equipment and units based bonus role you're playing.
Autocorrect correction
>based on the role you're playing
Possibly the creator being one of the authors of Warhammer might be a factor.
I fail to see how any of it matters if you are playing with your Chud-buds (imagine the smell)

Are Ya Winning Son Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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Medium rng, no "mana screw" type bad end, uses d20s, grid/placement-matters, uses a lot of table space, quite rules-heavy, tons of old cards exist, tbd level of local/producer support
>Blitz is being pivoted into an intentionally casual, "social" format
>PvE "not coming out for a long time" (despite being announced two years ago)
Nobody cares
>entire lore writing team was freelancers who they no longer employ
while blitz is still a thing I don't see it as a bad thing for it to be a more casual format.
Honestly it felt more like an off-hand comment. Disappointing but not surprising.
That is shocking desu. Genuinely surprised that they have not yet gotten a real team to do lore for them. They need to jump on that.
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I kneel, Hellene-sama!

Please punish me! Sit on my face!
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Dragon Reach decks generally have ways to decrease EP ranks. For exemple pic (that is not really usually played in those decks) other would be Bem Kaundodo (lvl 4 SR: reduce EP by one before you put a character in play). Also those dragon decks either have most of their dragons at lvl 5-6 or they have ways to cheat them into play like playing a Dragonlord.
Keep in mind that dragons are always 3+ hp and have high AC, they are hard to take down, one a Dragon deck gets going they throw dragons to the first rank to tank.

About the Deverenian Warlord: she is fine, having lvl 4 devs enter in rank 3 when you want is kinda good because devs generally doesn't have good lvl 3 characters.

Now that normalfags have finally been exposed to dungeon meshi, isn't is the opportunity to rope in new players to a megadungeon campaign without freakshit races?
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it's not even a question, the cat is a male. they were born male and also identify as male.
the point is that there's no reason to assume dragonborn would be automatically treated as monsters in a given world or that they were supposed to be outcasts, specially when those are not stated anywhere in the available lore and rules
>These are the exact things the PHB says about dragonborn as a default assumption.
no where what you are suggested was imply to be a default assumption and the fact that they don't exist in every D&D world means nothing to that respect
No, as a matter of fact this will drag in players who use races in the weird books of 5e like mordy's or SCAG.

I would Know. I am one.
And tieflings?

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Heavy Gear 4e is now officially out: https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/457450

Assorted Mecha Goodness:

Previous Thread: >>92714895

Thread Question: What enemy mecha squads have appeared in your games!

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiFyyk9JW_M
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/m/en have been doing that with Duelrager for years, he's not exactly someone you can "ignore" without reporting.
Well then I hope /tg/ jannies are more active than /m/s. I don't think we're big enough to attract active shitposting but I guess all it takes is one or two schizos.
Yeah, I don't think fa/tg/uys really understand how deranged Duelrager is, he is literally Barneyfag levels of insane and ban evades like crazy. Oldfags left /m/ in droves solely because of this psycho rambling about his scapegoat.
They also accept legs that handily reduce the center of gravity and profile (e.g. spiders), while adding redundancy to continue movement after one leg loses function by moving to tripod locomotion.
That's kind of what I thought. That or drones to do the thieving.
Desu this sounds like a fun campaign idea, having a emergency rescue squad of mecha pilots.
>It's probably so,e kind of warcrime to use those lights for a stage show.
Lol I want to hear more about that.

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Ananasi Femme Fatale Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Always the same answer: as possible as you want it to be.
Might not be plausible, but reality has highly unplausible stuff happen everyday, and we soldier on.
Just make it interesting/fun, that's your only concern.
>Hunter thinks hes landed a target.
>Goes to their "House" with some "Beer" for a "Fun Time".
>A voice tells the Hunter she'll be right out, shes just "Going to take a quick shower".
>As the Hunter starts unloading their weapons to prepare, in steps a familiar face with a familiar phrase.
>"SuckerMan29987? Why don't you take a seat."
What would you say takes up the majority of your sessions? I'm moving over from DnD and am trying to get an idea of how the sessiosn usually run.
Mostly the set up. I can't speak for everyone but we use real-world locations close to home using maps from Google. We decide on a theme for the campaign, with a promise not to use the same ones back to back. We'll then plan a general route from A-to-B, sometimes even going to -C if the campaigns long. Story wise, we leave it to whomever is STing that campaign.
>loser Witness1 couldn't handle 2 breachs and convinces himself the second one is actually a good thing
>Chad Vamps have their own chris hansen to fuck with hunters they find on the sight

player wanted to try a hand in DMing gurps said his setting was really inspired by Final Fantasy 14. I usually don't play that shit because it always ends up being childish but I did some research.

>Setting is suppose to be medevil fantasy but aside from the bad empire most run a fairly modern democratic system
>Shit like carnivals and middle class activities exist even though historically most people should be too poor to ever afford going to a carnival and play games let alone have an entire casino built for it
>Robots and magitech against swords and shields
>magic cellphones
>Guns that's shoot lasers
>Modern Amenities like showers and baths
>Adventurers Guilds

what the fuck is this shit. The best games are always ones that follow historical accuracy the beat. When you start doing shit like robots you're better off doing star wars or some other dumbshit. I'm not letting my player run this I'm vetoing thus unless he does something better. Is this really what modern fantasy has become?
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Yes, because WotC D&D doesn't have any of that nonsense.
Anon, no. Just… no. Google Penny Theatre.
Even ignoring that, you can’t say that it wasn’t popular just because it was primarily something that the wealthy engaged with, because shockingly, rich people are also people, so their favored pastimes can also be popular, at the very least in their circles.
>I'm not letting my player run this
Not your game. Either shut the fuck up or just don't play. Either way, you should probably kill yourself.
>There's also no showers in Eorzea
There are on the First, which I think it a little funny
>Modern Amenities like showers and baths
>Adventurer’s guilds
Nigga the fucking Romans had baths and saunas and shit, and guilds for all manner of professions have existed throughout history, for everything from masonry to mercenary companies. You wanna bitch about muh historical accuracy being the be all end all while being so mind bogglingly wrong.
>I'm not letting my player run this I'm vetoing thus unless he does something better
Who in the unholy fuck died and made you king? You don’t get to dictate what people are and are not “allowed” to have in the games that they run, you fucking child. Don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
What a cunt.

>Want to play a vampire themed game
>Someone recommends The Masquerade
>It's about modern bullshit with hippies and anarch kiddies
What the fuck is this shit? Where are my settings with classic vampires and in London?
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superb essay
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> the edition I read was V5
And here we find the problem. We told you to try V20. Or Requiem is ok too I've heard.
>I meant hiding them in the sense that you don't want the peasantry to know about it, while still reveling in the opportunity to indulge whenever you can.
Again, also a Toreador and Ventrue thing, more the former in this case. The entire point of the Masquerade is not letting the peasants know the truth, even if some kindred try to deny it themselves there are just as many who love to embrace degeneracy. It’s even a cornerstone of Gangrel cultures to achieve some kind of symbiosis or synthesis with the Beast, and the Tzimisce are defined by the pursuit to push the limits of what it means to be Vampire. Again, try reading the books again, you have clearly missed things.
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nta but I hate to break it to you but you read the shittiest version of VTM.
>i, someone deeply invested in this idea to write four paragraphs about it, think x
>that means normal people who are not deeply invested also think x
I hate to break it to you but normal people either think of vampires as sparkling or running hotels

Assuming you didn't have to share the table with any activist or dudebro and the DM wanted to do roleplay that's not virtue circle jerking or ERPG.
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No. Explaining why would be off-topic for the board.
If im playing every campaign is a gay campaign

Unless its that queerz shit made by that fat israeli amit moshe. [Spoiler] anyone with a soul has an obligayion to boycott any product produced by those community ruining twofaced degenerate "bears". You're not masc you're just bearded and fat get over yourselves [/spoiler]
Hello yes sick idea but I have 2 quick annoying questions
are Adam and Eve insane post-apocalypse humans/transhumans who tried to alter the planet inhabitants out of a combo of having a god complex and the sadness of losing their old world to some disaster? Also do they sometimes alternate between who talks so they finish each other's sentences in a really jarring and creepy way?
>not ERPG
then what's the difference between it and a non-gay campaign? If there isn't cock-swapping and bottom-topping it's just regular fantasy with 'unresolved tension'.
I can't even play a campaign period.

>ITT you post IC as a monster hunter from WoD. Every user has an unique number appending their username. Need more info? refer to /wodg/

Reminder that conact and discussion with God_45 is strictly prohibited.
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Fuck you guys.
If your close enough ask him about any substances he is taking and if the bartender was a trap or something.
Jumping the gun puts you at a disadvantage regardless but keep a watch on him.
Since you have drinks with him already I would also recommend shadowing him home one night and if you know his schedule taking some time to look around one of these nights.
Who knows at best you could help a guy kick a drug habit and at worst you found a issue to manage and send the guy to a sunny vacation in rehab.
how do you do fellow hunters??
The entire british isles is cursed. If you are operating in this region I highly reccomend you relocate. if you can't for whatever reason, stock up on guns, silver and paraphernalia for whatever god you worship, your gonna need it.
That's some pretty sound advice, thanks man. I'm thinking of scouting out this nightclub, the more I learn about it the sketchier it sounds. It seems like the club just popped up one day and became a mainstay with the youngins overnight.My younger coworkers have been there before, and the next time they show up on the job they're unfocused and can't find the strength to do their damn job and move the boxes out of storage.that place just gives me bad vibes. I'll go alone, the last group I worked with ended in tragedy. if asked I'll play it off as visiting my buddy and how he keeps talking about how cool the club is. hopefully I'm just being a paranoid geezer, but I'll prep for the worst

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Previous thread: >>92746016

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which is your lesser known rule that you think more people should use?
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That's for setting and background information not for rules.
Why is that a problem?
What do you mean by strength amplification, exactly?

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Blasphemous dooting of a daemoniac flute Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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Just read The Aquarium by Carl Jacobi. Pretty neat little story. Could be an inspiration for a short CoC scenario where the investigators try to solve a murder in an abandoned house, only realizing too late that there was an infant Star-Spawn (or whatever that thing was in the story) hidden right under their noses the whole time.
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How do we feel about the Arkham Horror novels?
I just got finished reading my first one, Wrath of N'kai. It wasn't bad, but it was very pulp, and of a different sort of pulp than Lovecraft. Felt weird going from nervous academics to an international thief countess who specializes in stealing ancient artifacts as a protagonist. It was fairly basic and not especially scary, but not awful either and decent as light reading.
Are the other ones any better? Any really good ones?
anyone remembers a cover with a psychotic smiling dude next to a dead woman? very gory
Hey /hsr/, I need a concept for a godlike superpowered human, deeply frozen in time in a secret prison. What could be his/her world ending power ? I need something creative, powerful and terifying of course. Give me your idea please. I have 4 already but i want another one !
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Some ideas:
>Will cause gravity to reverse, flinging all on Earth up into space with nothing they can do to stop it.
>Will lead to a breakdown in time, with everyone experiencing every moment of their life simultaneously. As this includes their death, it shatters everyone's mind.
>Will absorb all living things on the planet into its own body to feed its ravening growth.
>It will turn into an inescapable vortex, draining the Earth into itself, shunting all away into a realm of unknown terrors.

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