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Nothing seems to work and surgery is not an option.
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>no mustard

Get some aloe, the actual leaf not the banana boat shit, and slice it open. Take the gel and rub it in your asshole. Not even memeing. This works.
I know that issue and had a surgery some years ago. What improves them is tea tree oil, mix with coconut oil or sensitive cream if it's too strong
I get these couple times a year.

For me it's just about not spending too much time on the toilet and washing my ass and I won't get them.

But then I forget to follow my own advice and get them again. It's not honestly so bad for me, only bothers when I'm cycling.
He will never be a woman.

what's your combine 225lb bench press rep record?
(no bouncing on your chest)
im stuck at 12
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9. Generally I do 3x8 bench at 225 for chest day. I'm gonna up reps before I up weight.
Max reps for 225 is 23.
My best is 22. Right now I can get 17 or 18
At my strongest I did 240x11, but I never really lifted for strength I just like to look good. If I tried now I'd probably struggle with 225x5.
14 with good form at 190lbs bw. But also >>74346323

Rice bucket is quite literally most fun exercise. I think about bucket of rice all the time. I couldn't find good picture of rice bucket so I generated one by ai.
I wouldn't take the advice of somebody that can't find/take a picture of a bucket with rice
My fingernails would rip off.
5-30 reps? no
eccentric and concentric phases? barely
stretch under load? no
overloadable? no
novel? yes
guys rice bucket is definitively a good exercise
I get better progress on forearms just doing normal lifting and doing wall pushups with my finger extensors.

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>Step aside, kid.
your response?
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I'd throw him back across the Bosporus.
lifts for this mode?
>*steps aside*
>*milks his wife*
heh... nothin personnel, kid...

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How long can I get away with doing pushups, leg raises and bodyweight squats until my body gets imbalanced? Throwing in some wall-supported handstand pushups occasionally

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Strength doesn’t equal size

I’ve been lifting for 20 years (I’m 35), my younger cousin joined the gym a year ago with me (he’s 25) and he already caught up to me in strength level, but I am literally leaner while also being 40lb heavier than he is. He’s 6’0 160lb and in 6’1 200lb,
I have a 6 pack, he doesn’t.

This is proof in that strength doesn’t actually mean anything. He’s some how squatting my weights despite having legs half the size lmao.

This calls for celebration of all the guys who said strength didn’t = size in the last that got called stupid and wrong

As far as it goes, my cousin will need to get his 315 squat to 605 just to have similar legs to me, that I already have at 315.

Yeah so maybe strength = size, but it’s not one size fits all, you might have to squat 2 plates for big legs, some other guy might need to squat 4 plates for big legs, and some other guy will need to squat 6 plates, and even then some guys might get that and still not even have muscular looking legs.

Pretty much, I’ve figured out how it all works now, and you’re all spasticated morons who took powershitting theory too far to the point it’s easily debunked by any simple experimentation, comparison and analysis done in the real world
If you get bigger muscles you'll be stronger than if you had smaller muscles. Also you don't try hard.
You missed the point completely

I’m 210 with visible abs

He’s 160 without visible abs

We both squat 3 plates for the same reps

I’ve got 20 years of training over him, but the strength level is pretty much identical as he caught up to my strength level in a little over a year

And I do try hard, you don’t get 210 lean without trying hard

I am too shocked at how my cousin got his strength up so easily, he barely even eats and hasn’t even really gained any size at all since he started lifting, he hates eating, but he’s gained strength very easily.
200* not 210
Strength = size is something you apply to yourself. You get bigger muscles, you'll be stronger.
Once you start comparing with other people though it's a different story. Some people just have different builds, proportions, less/more efficient CNS.
If your cousin is 6 foot 160lb & he's as strong as you, either he's got a top of the bell curve CNS or you're not very strong yourself

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>Be me
>Have postural issues for 4 years
>See physical therapists, chiropractors and naprapaths for 3 years
>Get MRI scan even to check for bone problems
>Schedule whimsical 30 minute appointment with girl at random gym in desperation
>She is stressed
>I barely explain my issue
>"Yeah your issue is likely this this this"
>Gives me insanely niche advice
>Things I've researched and suspected myself after 4 years of investigating MY issue, she kind of alluded to in passing
>Gives me exercises I've never seen before
>30 minutes with her, my lateral shift is fixed and I'm more steady
I think I met a genius, you faggots told me gym "thots" don't know anything, fucking faggots
I can't even find accurate pictures of the exercises she gave me, rotated row is closest I could find
Why don't you tell us what your issue was in the first place?

I actually had an issue after a severe injury with my IT band, and a gym gal told me exactly what I needed to do to improve it, and it also worked.
anyone have any advice for foot drop?

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>claims to be fit
>doesn't get 10,000 steps per day

How does it feel that my fat co-workers mog you in size and health?
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You're just not used to it and maybe your shoes suck.
I walk for 2 to 4 hours without pause most days.

Keep at it, but rest when you need to
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I walked 20k to work today in these
Your body has degenerated from a lack of walking. Even my 60yo mom can walk for hours through hilly forest trails. A young man should be able to walk the entire day while carrying a tent, sleeping bag, provisions and a change of clothes on his back and only stopping for lunch.
Based, but it takes some time to get used to them. My calves were completely dead after I ran my first 5k in my xeros.
How the fuck can you not walk 10K steps in a day.
I wake up and drive to work, start at 7am.
I come out for breakfast at like half 8 and have 5000 steps done already.
On days when I go for a jog after work I have 25K or so done by the time I get home and then when I go hillwalking at the weekends I get 40K or more in a day.

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Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
thanks mike cheers
Can't. Dry fasting rn.

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could lifting have saved her?
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>happily lives to be 18 and passes peacefully while her owner pets her in the sun
Nothing to be saved from, anon. Her life was as good as it ever could have been.
no way :(
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She was 18.

She lived a long life
A very good girl.
Sad. I got a morale patch of this little shiba on my gym bag cuz I love the meme. Gonna do reps for the doge in the gym today.

Do functional lifts really prepare you for real-world physical challenges, or is their practical value overstated?
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I would put her through a physical challenge if you know what I mean
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You guys sound like fucken losers LMFAO
Why do you know these things? ew.
The Chosen One

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>At his tallest he was 6 feet 6 inches (198 cm) and by the time of his autopsy he was 6 feet 4 inches (193 cm) tall and weighed 223 pounds (101 kg).
Would you be able to play him in the movie based off your psyique?
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there is a universe where that actually happens. wouldnt be more ridiculous than him being president
Will they include the part where he got arrested for holding a gun to his pregnant girlfriend's stomach?
Any discussion of the Mandella effect, or the Mandingo effect as it’s known in the all-black universe, is better left up to discussion in /x/
Daily reminder that the only reason women support BLM and go to those protests is because they are coal burners.
Every single white bitch on those protests is a mud shark, no exception.
Normal girls don't care about this shit.
If COVID was real it would’ve run through those gathered protestors like wildfire and killed millions of women and minorities who are most effected.

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The sign you were looking for edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Fated Fatties who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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I normally work out at 7 but I worked out at 1 today so now it feels like it's going on forever


Grats. I'm down 125 myself, feelsgoodman
Anyone deal with nausea first thing in the morning?
Apparently hunger nausea is a thing.
Why do I get nauseous if I haven't eaten anything? This is bullshit. I never got nauseous when stuffing my face with 2 whole pizzas in one sitting.

How many body weight squats can you do in one set to failure?

I want to be able to demonstrate to a normie my physical athleticism without any equipment.
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2 sets of 50 as a warm up
>Oh you think you're fit?
>*starts squatting*
Is there a time limit? If not then literally 1,000+
>demonstrate to a normie my physical athleticism
Just do a one armed pushup, my normie friends lost their shit when i did that. Y-you can do one, can't you OP?
Just do a backflip.

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is this legit? i look like the guy on the left and am thinking of giving HGH a go..
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hgh is barely anabolic on its own
>focal length
Yes, this obviously
The results shown look like something that could be achieved on a moderate cycle of actual steroids. 4 months of the only wouldn’t achieve this
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roiding for a natty physique
absolute state of males in 2024

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