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How do you niggerinos manage to eat enough protein? I have to eat 180g and it's hard af.
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This is my favorite picture of all time
>emiru atleast still attractive with no makeup
Looking like a man is attractive?
she looks good for a bug come on
>looks good
that's like saying persian women look god
like yeah i'd stick my dick in it, but i'm not taking it home to meet my mother.
em is like jack me off behind a hooters attractive at best.
>I have to eat 180g
No you don't you dyel retard

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How long until I gain 1 inch of neck? Doing neck curls 3 times a week
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it's manufactured and performative behavior
Behind the facade there is nothing but misery
He'll go Watts mode when he realizes his despair
I can't even doom over this, you know she does it in front of the camera and did it ONLY to eventually get a collage of her "being cute"
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>because he wears different clothes
>this shit only lasts a year.
Not even that. 2 months, tops. And I'm being generous here.
Profit has been the primary motivation for the creation of 99.9% of businesses ever. The only reason you can even name exceptions is because the world is so wealthy (thanks capitalism) that people can now think about other things. Can't be overstated how out of touch you are.

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I want to raise my TEST, tried with my normal doctor and he wasn't about it. I'm at the low end of normal (350, 33yr old).

So either I can go to one of those TRT clinics... or I can self-medicate.

I want to stay in the physiological range, nothing crazy.

Is there a really good resource on dosage, TEST type, and whether or not you need aromatase inhibitors and stuff like that? Basically want a top to bottom "guide" on what to do, including what bloodwork to get and what to look for
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>jewish james west
Alright you're retarded
>da jews!
Every 12 yo on this site thinking this is an argument winner. Jesse isn’t necessarily on gear cuz he looks better than you bro. He’s around peak natty, case in point. You can look great without having top end T levels, though ofc he has good genetics and fitness is his career so not the same for the average joe. But also not that far off
>I want to stay in the physiological range, nothing crazy.
30mg EOD in the delts with an insulin syringe.

e2 should be fine on that dosing regimen. no ai needed.
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get lean, work out at least 3 time a weak, clean up your diet and consume extra virgin olive oil with enought sleep, if all this won't do shit maybe consider trt, but it can come with a ton of side effects for example red shitty skin, acne, hair loss, premature aging.
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perfect pct just helps you not to kill yourself from low T depression. why do you think a ton of roidtannies are on TRT for life if its a walk in the park like you make it out to be?

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Will this go away if I lose weight?
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It’s so over
You need to lose the weight anyway
Find out
What a sad little venomous man you are
Start resistance training, eat a slight caloric deficit or even maintenance, do cardio.

If you only lose weight you will look like malnourished. You need to improve your body composition by having more muscle and less fat.

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I feel muscle fibers, or something that feels like that, popping in my arms when I do cable crunch. I googled it but couldn't find any info. Is it safe? I use the single handle rather than rope as rope is hard to grip and I crush my fingers using it
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ok but answer my question
Where in your arms, be specific.
Worshipping the dark god called the cable stack aka Moloch is banned in the Old Testament. Repent.
those are your tendons retard. it might mean that they've lost some of the fascia anchoring them to your bones and that you have a horrible injury looming on the horizon
Forearms - I'm guessing it's because they're being stretched while tensed but I don't know if it's safe or what

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you should have posted this earlier. would have saved me 1000cal

>Verification not required.
I did post it earlier

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what's the most effective sleeping supplement you've tried?
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Sleep hygiene, getting enough sunlight in eyes during the day, melatonin.
you can buy it OTC and you body already produces it naturally.
Nasal strips and never scrolling in bed.
You can help your body produce it naturally by supplementing tryptophan
probably your bed or your sleeping form. I kick and roll in my sleep and sometimes wake up fucked

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Thought this was a meme, but holy shit bros, it couldn't be more true. I have kept the same diet and routine I had in my 20s for the last 2 years but slowly my bf % is creeping up. I feel like I can't even have a cheat day anymore without immediately seeing the effects of it a few days later in the mirror. It's like my metabolism has ground to a halt or something. Did you guys experience this too? I take back all my hubris in my 20s.
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as well as being shorter than 175 cms
I’m 30. I workout more now (and from 24-30) than in college. In college there was other stuff to distract you and walking half a mile to the gym when it’s cold and shitty out is way harder than walking to my basement.

Post college people get fat because they drink the same for 2-3 years afterward while not getting the same exercise. Then they never recover.
>quit lifting
>eat the same
>why did i get flabby
Truly a mystery
Prove that consuming less calories than you burn will not result in losing weight.

Side note, where did this sudden “CICO doesn’t work” come from the last couple weeks?
Lol I'm 36 and I STILL fit into my high school jeans with ease, as well as staying within the 5 lbs weight range that I've been in since my mid 20s. OP, either you're eating more or you're less active without even realizing it.

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>that loner faggot in his hoodie who pretends to look mad between sets
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>that bitch trying to secretly record me glancing at her for her stupid tik tok
It's just this fantasy of being a dark and mysterious le ascetic monk strongman. It's somehow even gayer than the bright short short era of the early 2010s, because at least that was authentic in the sense that it was about being carefree and having fun.

This whole punished stoic routine is so transparently performative
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I'm not mad, I just have that kind of face. Also I'm autistic
People might also stare you down because you are a cringe faggot as well.
Hey fuck you buddy the airflow that reaches my balls through that mesh is otherworldly.

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Just came back from the beach. I want a big booty milf to shake her ass on my face so badly bros. There was one in a tiny thong bikini bottom that bent over basically showing her asshole to me while I passed. Was that purposeful? Did she want me to go at it right there?
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I do bb and mma. ppl at Muay Thai tell me cutting is spiritual when I tell them I'm cutting. when I ask them how it's just eating less, they trip up.

is it spiritual or is it some people trying to find meaning where there is none
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You've never been to China or anywhere abroad so stfu you fat boomer. Your culture is shit and you have no soul.
>You could have a stroke on a public sidewalk in china and people would just continue walking past you
To be fair, most major Western cities are headed in this direction as well, what with the influx of homeless and migrants that don't speak English. In the long run this will be an advantage for the Chinese because they've been living in bugmode for millennia, whereas white people can't cope with that level of social alienation so it weighs on our psyche. He who makes himself a bug loses the pain of being a man.
sounds like your coach gave you a terrible way to cut weight
most fighters hydrate the fuck out of themselves for several days and cut the water down to zero only for the last day
titrating down
that's not spiritual that's just exhausting
they are getting something out of it, making weight

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What if I replaced rice with peas??? Do peas also taste good butter on them???

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at what number do pure bodyweight pullups give diminishing returns regarding hypertrophy/strength gains

i mean total number of all reps from all sets.
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Everything after the first set is diminishing returns on volume invested per every 3 or 4 days. So really this is just a rep range question.
if you're just cranking out reps, then probably in the 10 to 20 range, but you can start doing harder variations like paused reps or chest to bar and continue getting stronger
once you hit about 15 or so, start adding weight.
Like with anything. When you move past the reps that are within the hypertrophy/strength range, you begin to get diminishing returns.
I got stuck at 15. Maybe I can diet down to 18 or bulk up to 12 but it's always pretty much the same. I might be natty limited. I am pretty heavy so it's a good count.

>in the 1980s you were considered fat if you could “pinch an inch” from your waistline
Well, fit, do you hold up to the standard?
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Idk what this means exactly.
Does it means if you can pinch an inch or more between your fingers like calipers? Because that seems reasonable anything over a centimeter is obese.
Based and yeah, looks like I'm fat. Funny part is I've got people complimenting me on my weight loss and wondering if I'm underweight now
You are still overweight, just don't use their 'solution'
Faggot detected
That's stomach fat being pinched. Your abs are part of your core which is on your stomach. You making the connection here?

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