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Post tidbits of health and fitness that can't possible be argued, that everyone on every meme diet and lifestyle can agree on.

1. Staying hydrated is key to good health
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>1. Staying hydrated is key to good health
nah, stay hydrated was memed into existence by the sports drink industry,
if you're thirsty drink otherwise don't bother, check tim noakes
Look into salt water being great for your skin
if you walk for two hours or 30k steps you will lose weight.
milk gives me asthma

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74332100
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Still have one set of Larsens and 3 sets of plate pinches
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Best eva waifu is Misato.
That wasnt me, but hes right
Speaking of, if SISE is permanently over where else are we gonna get cool swords? The last roxana comp i won a sick viking hand axe "pizza cutter"
the lady that did SISE does other shows I think and supposedly her thing is to have a weapon as a prize every time. But I think I heard swords being considered for STL's Strongest in Sept maybe.

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How can I ever do a pullup? It seems impossible
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Why do people cross their feet like little girls?
What is long black pants fat %
lololol that last guy
>can I copy your homework
>yeah just change it up a bit so it doesn't look you copied
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>Pullup ability is highly genetic.

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>manmade horrors beyond comprehension
when you say phrases like this, which have been memed to death on the internet, you are behaving like a parrot or a bot, and it makes it incredibly difficult to take your opinion seriously. you are a fucking moron. if you want me to take your opinion seriously, explain how that phrase makes sense in the context of what you're talking about.
Let the meadow muffin dry out and it flies like a frisbee
how did a chad like arnold become such a fucking faggot as he aged?
The hearts of men are easily corrupted. He isn't different, he isn't special. He is just another useful idiot.
he was never a chad

Give me the formula to attain this body natty before 2027
I’m 181cm and fat.
looks odd, he's skipping back day
how fat?
just lift at -500 deficit until the fat is gone then recomp nigga
recomp is at the same time as fat loss nigga
Aw fuck nigga

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Post your last rep face.
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Goes hard can I screenshot?
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What is the manliest sport?
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Also known as a rake. But I didn't say rugby wasn't homoerotic at all. It is but it's the proper amount of homoerotic.
When I was a prop I used to kiss the other team's hooker on the cheek as we started to throw him off his game
>Wrestling is a little too homoerotic
You know the answer, you're just not strong enough for it. Running around a field with a ball is for swishes, full stop

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>6 million calories in 4 servings
>doesn't even fill you
What's its problem
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If it doesn't fill you up you have healthy hormones and your body is attuned to how useless consuming it is. For instance, I am lean, but whenever I've eaten pasta in the past I can easily consume an entire package of at least a pound to myself and still be hungry. Which doesn't happen with meat.
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Carbs don't satiate nearly as well as fat and protein. They also increase ghrelin more that fat and protein, the "hunger hormone" which causes you to eat more. CICO carb addicted faggots refuse to accept this.
this desu.
>>doesn't even fill you
you're fat + try eating it with some mince
Interesting, I see how you unintentionally admitted that meat offers satiety while the grain doesn't

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i mean bodyweight exercises and meat worked for 200,000 years, why do you need more?
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i'd still fuck her regardless. figure, symmetry, ass > tits
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how to get ebony gf? i legit haven't even see a black person in over a year
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Meat's good but I like w8s, so convenient.
She's mogging her two friends like they're the Falkland Islands.
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I can't forgive my grandmother for calling me ugly.

After I went to the gym she started saying that I had become the prettiest in the family.

But I still can't forgive her. How do you forgive?
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Your grandma inspired you to get /fit/ (by challenging you, and motivating you to prove her wrong). Thank her.
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dude i will never forget the time in highschool when i took my girlfriend home. my aunt was giving us a ride, and 5 minutes into the ride, my aunt says in spanish "your girlfriend is ugly". I don't think she knew that my girl knew spanish, but she understood. goddamn i felt so bad for her, because she really was fucking ugly. I was only dating her for that 10/10 cheerleader ass.
Life as an ugly woman must be fucking hell man. i really can't imagine. like atleast men can compensate with salaries and personalities.
>be ugly
>get called ugly
>this causes you to change and get better looking
>they compliment you now
>this causes OP to be butthurt
You should thank her for making you change
women are fake, superficial cunts

Is youthmaxing actually antithetical to being fit? Seems like you can only have one or the other
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I look like pic on the right and I'm alpha as fuck. Cope and seethe libtard.
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>ratfaced hollywoof chinlet
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This motherfucker just said that guy has "feminine lips". MF'er just took a look at another man's lips and says to himself, man those are feminine.

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From Bodybuilding genetics, height, face beauty and athleticism

Do some ethnic group mogg others in this departments or is it an individual thing?
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the romans used pale skins as concubines, they couldnt bear to see these creatures stripped of fundamental dignity

the swaztika is a symbol of the activation of melanin receptors .activating the solar chakra in the gut, turning an npc into a sovereign guided by fate

carthage wanted to use these golem for their own purposes and they succeedd, enter the kali yuga
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As a group? Yes it's most certainly a real thing,but individually is where it gets complicated ,for example put the guy on the left in a room of low test office american city basedboys at a beach resort in an african country and see who'd get more attention from the women,or put the guy on the right beside your average american black guy (skinny/fat with hilariously dysgenic facial features) at a majority black pool party and see who'd get the most attention from the women there. And in the context of a social setting,individually is where it matters.
is that a hapa?
Those aren't portraits of Roman people. Those are portraits of ethnic Egyptians. I know because I've seen the original portraits myself, in the Metropolitan Museum of New York in the Egyptian exhibit. Those were painted when Egypt was an imperial province of the Roman empire but the people portrayed aren't ethnic Romans.

Lying piece of shit nigger

No he's born in Japan.

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There's a certain group of people that are making it hard to go the gym.
The common characteristic among them is that they smell rancid and don't wear deodorant, love talking loud in monkey babble and they hog machines in groups of 5.

Unfortunately home gym is not an option, how do you guys deal with them?
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>r u from Canada or something
Sadly yes.

The problem is that there's so many of them. They seem operate in a hivemind too, you piss one off and then you'll have all of them on your ass
Call the police and say they did something
They often won't listen to the police and sometimes the police will shoot them for you
indians are the weakest motherfuckers on the planet earth. they're so disgusting and repulsive it's ridiculous.
>The problem is that there's so many of them. They seem operate in a hivemind too, you piss one off and then you'll have all of them on your ass
Indians can only act tough when they out number you 20 to 1 kek
your shithole still spent most of its history being ruled.

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>he isn't mouth maxing by doing his curb bites
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pretty fucked up that this was taken from a real video of a dude killing kid for some sort of gang initiation
It looks fake as fuck
No one is going to believe that
I saw it
Can't believe it was on tiktok for so long

Morgan Spurlock, creator of the Super Size Me documentary where he ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days, has died at age 53
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The best part of the movie was where the doctor is bitching at him about his drinking. He literally edited it to make it seem like the doc was bitching about him eating fast food.
Now that he has passed on, will he finally reveal his food logs for this documentary, or will that be buried with him?
his fraudulent ways got McDonalds to remove beef tallow fries, spit on his grave
>but he started a national conversation!
>the ends justify the means
is Fauci cope
Mcdonald's stopped using beef tallow a long time before the documentary, making it even more pointless.
>making it even more pointless.
how does that make it even more pointless anon

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