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If so, what exercises do you recommend?
Diet-wise, she's been consuming a lot of chicken/broccoli/rice
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She needs to eat more than that bro.
As far as exercise, I'd only recommend light cardio in the form of a walk outside everyday. If she wants to go to the gym, maybe a walk on the treadmill at a low speed and stretching exercises. Don't take any chances in the third trimester. She might feel like shit for not working out, she'll feel worse if she has a miscarriage.
is it a law or something that every zoomer has to get the shittiest, most generic tattoos ever on visible spots. who the fuck still thinks thats cool at this point??
The only exercise she should be doing is picking up the fork and gaining weight
Not yet, but with some work she can become a beautiful finished project
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>the ultimate /fit/ hairstyle
There's no better hairstyle that highlights facial structures and make you LOOK like you lift
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wrong. jeff seid and zyzz mog this eternally
>you are a god
you almost certainly look like a greasy dungeon master
says the used car salesman
Holy fuck the long hair mogs the shaved sides by far. It's true you look like a god with long hair. Long hair takes you from soldier to emperor.

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Where do you guys go to bulk?

For me, it's the movie theather
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great thread man keep it up
>2 hot dogs and a drink
>21 dollars plus tax plus tip
>those prices
are theatres still mystified why they're going bankrupt? it's not just because streaming and home systems.
People who go watch movies in theatres don’t care about the price

Movie theatres are on the decline because most people don’t care about what they’re watching they will just watch slop on their phones or $300 Chinese TV
For me it’s the two wieners and an ice cold bangs to wash them down

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Are steroids good for you?
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I never did steroids in my life and I look 10 years younger in my mid 30s
Steroids have no side effects, this is a demonstrable fact
I wonder if there's a connection between testosterone and ADHD? That would explain its prevalence in boys over girls
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holy shit roids turned him into Gordon Ramsay
He still looks the same now, at actually 50 or something. kek
Good guy, though.

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should i get surgery for my inverted sternum?
the recovery time might mess with the gains
where do your organs go with such a big hole?
Nice body bro, stick a gem in it or some sort of orb.

there is some body mod guy wishing he had that.
im not sure and thats part of the reason i want the surgery
there is no way it is not pressing on my heart and or lungs which impacts my physical health
I looked after a patient who had the surgery, they actually put like the equivalent of a metal bar, or fake rib in your chest if you will, that can later be removed.

You’ll be sore as expected & take time to recover but doing it young is a huge plus as you’ll recover faster & being healthy doesn’t hurt either.

Just don’t try to rush back into training, be honest with your surgeon & follow his orders, a lot of people screws themselves over & end up taking longer to recover by not following medical advice.
Fucking kek

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When is the best time to start hitting the gym?
I've been following a dieting program, going from 123 KG to 101-100 KG. My BMI is around 32, so I still have a long way to go
My question is, what weight do I need to reach to make the most of my gym progress? I have been going to the gym in the past, but I would see very little progress in terms of losing weight. It wasn't until I dedicated myself to full dieting that I started losing weight
The best time is now.

Diet is always going to be important.. No more goyslop fatty.

You should do Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe's routine. Perfect your form first.

Once you can hit 4 plates deadlift, 3 plates squat, 2 plates bench, you can consider switching routines.
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Post deadlifts.

This guy watches multiple vtubers at the same time for hours every single day. If you're not watching vtubers you're not training hard enough in the gym. Lia's schizo ranting and zoomer energy is the perfect preworkout. Pippa screaming about glowies is excellent fuel during a training session. The cortisol recovery effects of FuwaMoco's Rock and Rawr Party every Saturday is essential for muscle growth. Following along with Haachama cooking teaches healthy and anabolic eating habits. Practicing your wotagei with Mint is great cardio between weight training sessions. If you want to be strong you have to watch vtubers and do deadlifts.
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>barely 2x bodyweight
>no lockout
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Not powerlifting legal
405x15 on my juggernaut 10s
Lowered my training max by a tad cause I'm coming off of an injury but it's a rep record for me. Probably had 1 or 2 reps left in the tank but callus ripped.
I wanna hit 650 this year we will see how much strength I lose as I increase deficit for the last 6 weeks of cut.
>yeah you lifted the weight and got the down call but 2 out of 3 judges decided it wiggled too much so you didn't lift it actually
powerlifting is retarded. Strongman has the superior judging system.
>down call? good lift

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Well, looks like my ride might end soon. what else should I do other than chemo to live longer?

My doctor gave no guidance on diet/supplements other than:
>eat healthy, eat whatever you want
>drink enough water
that's all. Shouldn't they at least give some more specific suggestions on diet/supplements? How the fuck could they just tell me to eat whatever I want as if it doesn't matter at all?
and at the same time there are too many snake oils, it's all so tiresome.
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If you hadn't start living do it now, empty your credit cards, mortgage your house, buy a dirtbike start drinking and smoking.
Make the most of your time either that or listening to schizos here that say you need to do month long waterfasts
He can't even walk, dude
Can you explain? I can’t find much info
>If this would be true you'd open a cancer treatment clinic and inject people with your magic potion and become stupidly rich

imagine you have discovered a product that will completely demolish an established business by undercutting its entire business model. Now imagine you're a broke literally who and the established business is one of the largest and wealthiest in the world. You really expect them to play by the rules and just let some small fry competition completely destroy them? You don't think they'd try buying the patent, lobbying congress to ban your product or make it impossibly difficult to bring to market, bribing you to stay quiet, threatening you? Coca Cola once hired 3rd world militias to torture and murder union organizers who represented a minor threat to their overall profitability. Imagine what they would do if someone wanted to take their whole business offline
Wim Hof man.


Also look up Joe Dispenza. The healing power is within you, i know it sounds woowoo but I've experienced it myself. You wont die from this. First start with wim hof then read joe dispenzas book You are the Placebo.

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Is it acceptable for men to wear crop tops in public to show off abs?
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You may not like it, but this is what peak male fashion looks like.
there’s a guy at my gym who does it. pretty decent-looking guy. he basically talks to every chick at the gym. not sure what other guys think of him but he comes a cross a bit light on his feet if you know what i’m saying
I see pigs wearing shirts not covering their stomach with their guys tucked into the pants all the time
If your obliques insert like that and you have wide hips you shouldn't.
Even me as a gay person says

Dont wear that. its SO gay. i would never date someone who wears this shit. Wear a tanktop if you want to show off

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>Solves abs
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The wheel and pullups are 90% of what you need to look good
Ive never tried these but I will asap because ab/core work never works on me. Like I never feel it in my abs, usually just hip flexors.
Make sure you start with the green one.
It is. It's just difficult.
It only uses the leg flexors

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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It's in the archive, retards. If you want to start another pathetic tantrum thread I'm sure you are welcome to so long as you don't pretend it's the new running general.
Seconding Xero HFS. I went from "I just can't run, I always get shin splints" to running 30 miles/week by switching to HFS and increasing my cadence.
Any reason to care about HT zones when I'm just starting out?
when youre just starting out, no, get to be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping first before even considerin....
actually dog i dont fucking know read a book about running why the fuck are you asking 4chan
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Reached the taper stage.

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Gyno surgery in 2 hours. I've had some form of gyno since I was 8 years old. Now I'm 41 and in my mid-life crisis. All I've ever wanted was to look normal.
Wish me luck boys.
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1. 6k, which includes 4 skin tightening procedures over the next two months.
2. 325 when I was 24, 160 when I was 25. Been hovering between 190-220 for about 10 years.
3. 205
4. Absolutely but I could never afford it before. I've tried everything else. Steroids, peptides, creams and pills and various injections but nothing has ever worked.
5. She's a 5 and so am I. She weighs 100lbs (45kg) and she's wicked smart. She can be a 7 if she puts on makeup but she only does that on date nights. I can't show her Pic because she is a professional and barely uses social media.
Awesome. Thank you. That makes me feel much better.
Dang, I wish you full recovery and best result.
Good luck bro. I hope it goes well.
No idea, why do third worlders drink poop water and get eaten by escalators?

Is Kefir good for you?
It's not bad for you.
where's the porno?
makes me fart

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Post bods
Gives mires
Give advice
Fuck spammers
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Do you do direct training for your obliques?
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imagine blasting roids in an attempt to balance out your freakishly long body
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to understand the situation i had to physically detach from reality and explore space from my bedroom, i've returned home and realize that men can't be changed, they can only be competed with
let's show them something that really scares them

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In honor of cutting season, I bring to you the great /fit/ Oracle of old.

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