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Bodybuilder vs armwrestler
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bodybuilder vs armwrestler?
you mean homosexual juicehead vs juiced lobotomy victim?
armwrestling lmfao get a grip
you edited out the kiss
They both look good
Who hurt u bb


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>1 year lifting
>Still look like this
What do?

Do a better job, I guess.

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Can we get a calisthenics thread going?
Right now I'm testing out Mentzer's philosophy with calisthenics exercises (and some dumbbells), and so far I think it's working great (only done it for a couple weeks now though)
How does your routine look like anon? How often do you workout and what is your favorite calisthenics exercise?
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It doesn't. It's max fatigue but minimum tension so it's really just fatigue without the training stimulus. Realistically when working with fixed resistence you want to go the other way with it. Minimize fatigue to maximize training uptime and potential volume. Even something like Doggcrapp would make more sense being a form of HIT and maximizing reps close to failure. But again you'd run into similar problems after 5 or 6 weeks and lose any advantage of that method. The basis of what makes HIT or any of its modern variations work is proximity to failure with high tension and this part is essential in High Stability movments like machines. Because you cannot reasonably get that close with low stability movments. You'd be leaving too much on the table when you go so low on total volume and frequency every tiny bit squeeze into that one session matters so much more.
calisthenix is usually mass reps and then increase difficulty.

mentzner is super intense one set with heavy weights.

its like a marathon runner trying to powerlift
How the fuck are you sticking with the 6-10 reps to failure rule with calesthenics?
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You use progressions or do unilateral work. A progression is basically a set of exercises for the same muscle group ordered by difficulty. You get like 15 reps per set in this one you move up to the next one. But it's not perfect it's just better than not using one.

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The Feelsbar ! We're finally open once again and its the weekend special edition! As you already got used to it from Friday to Sunday! Please come in and take a sit by the counter ! What can I get you to drink ? What bothers you in your life ? Share with the others !
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I guess it depends on the person. For me personally I have no issue with starting and maintaining conversation but I had a massive issue of not going anywhere. I fell into an infinite loop of I’m not going anywhere because I have nobody to go with, which led to me not meeting anyone to go with to future places.
fuck it i'm going back to bed
guys pls i actually am clueless what I am going to get him
this could be my chance to get some semblance of social life back
Just get him a gift card or just cash in a signed envelope.
I thought about that but cash seems a bit tacky. Dude owns like 2 houses already

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For all you guys out there wondering how to approach girls, this is the look brothers. Okayish physique plus okay face (not attached) plus attention grabbing anything (in this case shirt) is all it takes for girls to approach you on sight.
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nothing you said changes the fact the shirt fits him well. just being fit does not make shit fit you well, not at all. in fact on the mid section almost nothing will fit well because it has too much material and won't taper down your lats to your waist properly. most fit guys in america will have to use a tailor
> Imagine how he would look in an actual dress shirt, sleeves rolled up, slacks and a real belt. Then he'd probably get twice as many girls
if he were cold approaching every cute girl he came across yea for sure he'd get 10x as many girls, but clearly he doesn't care (or know). if he's just targeting girls who like that style or whatever, it is what it is. it looks childish obviously but i never expect anyone to have taste. even in europe i dont see guys wearing slacks or shirts anymore, just sweats or baggy jeans like absolute faggots
>guys who chase pussy are cluessless
this board tho
guys who chase pussy get pussy and know what works you absolutely pussy lacking retard
well fitted slacks and a shirt convey status. simple as. doesnt have anything to do with anything other than perception. ill prove it: what do young girls jack off to? 50 shades of gray and that fucking glittering retard from twilight. what do those guys wear? oh look, a shirt and slacks. or jeans with boots. what tv shows do girls masturbate to? peaky blinders, the wire... shirts, slacks, fitted tees with overcoat/leather jacket, or jeans/boots
you cant do anything about what is
tattoos are a perfect example of superficiality.

just don't like them, or what they stand for (willing to waste money on ornamenting the body rather than sculpting it)
i'm obsessed with use value
>if he's just targeting girls who like that style or whatever, it is what it is
i say people should play to their strengths and focus on their target audience for best results. the preppy frat guy that likes goth chicks isn’t going to do well in that area but he’ll surely have an easier time pulling sorority girls at a greek party

Please post your bodyweight, years lifted, and your best OHP/BP/Squat/Deadlift/Curl.

Thank you to anyone who replies.
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just over a year
I'm 163lbs at 5'11".
I don't really bench or ohp, but I'd like to reach a 3pl8 squat
Forgot curls:
5'9", 205lbs. Lifting for 9 years

OHP / BP / S / DL

220 / 305 / 410 / 505

I don't really max curls, at least 110 on an ez bar strict. I can do a weighted pullup at +165 lbs.
230 lbs, lots of fat to lose
>best sets
160x10, 245x5, 405x3, 405x3, 60x10

I don't go for 1rm, and the calculated one always seems way off. My deadlift is underdeveloped compared to other lifts, just started it late

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imagine the smell edition
previous: >>74271626
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those guys are either a samefagging roastie or hungry, they should eat more meat
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What are your favorite “no effort weightloss” scams for women?
the one where they leak oil
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Which one is that?

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my squad in Helldiver Training, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Malevelon Creek, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained as part of an elite peacekeeping force and I'm the top Stratagem caller in the entire galactic war. You are nothing to me but another target in need of a taste of democracy. I will wipe you the fuck out with orbital precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this campaign, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of democracy officers across super earth and your outpost is being IP traced right now, so you better prepare for the orbital barrage, maggot. The orbital barrage that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking liberated, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime and I can deliver managed democracy to you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in Brasch Tactics, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my super destroyer, and I will use it to its full extent to liberate your miserable little ass off the face of the galaxy, you little shit. If only you could have known what democratic retribution your little "treasonous" comment was about to bring down upon you , maybe you would have held your fucking liber-tea. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn alien scumbag. I will shit freedom all over you and you will drown in it, you're fucking liberated, kiddo.
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I havent had my morning cuppa yet.
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Finally a good post on this board
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pov: me choking and pounding your pussy with my fat cock

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So water was created for toilets? Are you from the Idiocracy world? Go back.
then post your flabby body. No wait, dont bother. I already know it looks like bloated shit.
honestly i only browse /ck/ and saw this thread on the front page. reason enough not to bother visiting fit LOL, there's no reason to eat pancakes at all in any world. All shit nutrients going into you with no benefits at all.
>there's no reason to eat eggs, milk, flour and fruit
>all shit nutrients going into you with no benefits at all
post body
Looks great, screenshot taken. Fry in pan?

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we are all gonna make it
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>be 6'2 /fit/ guy with good job
>never had a gf

>meet fat chicks and almost all of them have a bf

fuck me, are fat women really more desirable than reasonably good looking, successful men?
Post body, loser….., even better: post drugs and the gun you’re about to use tonite.
I believe you’re reasoning is true for maybe 20% of the guys on here sure but these threads get way to many hits and “dude that’s SO me!” Replies for me to think it’s not a psyop
Idk man.. for a fitness board there’s a lot of you opting to fuck fatties, idk why else this meme would circulate so much
Relatable and popular aren't the same things.
I'm with the other anon, who's forcing this meme? There are no templates, and art style is the same for all of them.
I will admit though, images are hilarious
>nothing about social life, just MUH SIX FIGURE JOB WHERE GF

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We live in the age of technology, acquiring knowledge on how to become jacked is just a few taps away.

Yet, many modern men, in our hypergamous society, refuse to be the muscular when they KNOW they are just a left swipe away from being replaced with a better man.

How the fuck can anyone complain about moden women, when 80% of modern men are lazy and entitled slobs?

And then they spend all their time on sites like incels.is and whine about female nature. How does that make any sense at all?

Why don't men self-improve, instead of complaining online?
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Learned helplessness. This happens when you put normal people through university, it literally lobotomizes them. Unless you're hyper-racist you will not leave university undamaged.
Why don't they go meet girls irl
>how to become jacked is just a few taps away
Then is starting to put that in practise and thats kilometres away.
You're really pathetic. You lift for pussy? Who gives a fuck what women think about you. Get some hobbies. Get a job. Maybe then you won't be a virgin loser.
>just listen to le self improvement grifter
Online dating is shit, and working out beyond general fitness is among the least meaningful ways to improve yourself.

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Traits and characteristics necessary for a man to possess in order to be considered relationship material in 2024 in no particular order:

• Self esteem and self love
• Relatively well adjusted mental health
• Agreeability and temperament complimentary or compatible with hers
• Values, life goals, world view and potential similar or on par with hers
• Adequate social skills
• Adherence to social norms and expectations
• self respect
• mutual physical attraction
• an active in person social life, including established friendships
• Financial potential and ambition
• Life experience & maturity
• Independence, including but not limited to not living with nor financially dependant on your parents
• health outlooks relative to her own

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okay, but why do you want a relationship?
We'll unironically have AI girlfriends in the next few years so idgaf
LOL cope, chad eats pizza, cookies and milksAkes for every meal and his hobbies include trucks, football and he works part time at Kmart and still fucks bitches en masse
This only applies to Normies
That's relationship material at every point in human history you fucking sperg. That's the absolute basics for being competent at life

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I’m no stranger to cutting, but I can never seem to get the pace right. I’m trying to drop from 237 to 200lbs, and I’d rather do it quickly since 37lbs is a lot of weight to lose. Right now I’m sitting around ~223, but it’s starting to slow down and I’m not sure if 2lbs a week is too aggressive for an extended period of time. I’m definitely getting brain fog and in general just feeling lazy and apathetic. My sleep schedule is shit, too.

Thoughts? Is dropping my calories to ensure I’m losing 2lbs a week (or even slightly more) too much?

Pic related is the beginning of the cut
>No one has replied to the ghost thread.

I’ll humour you op. The real question is what’s the rush? You’re not cutting for competition or photography because you aren’t being paid for your body/athleticism.

>Get a body fat scales that you will use consistently as a measuring stick.

>timed eating windows.
>use caffeine or low risk medical stimulant.
>always try to find the edge of being satiated to hungry before going to sleep.
>use zero calorie drinks
>cut carbs
>don’t quit if you fuckup a bit, keep your eyes on the prize.
Cutting always sucks and I’m of the opinion that it’s better to just get it over with. Outside of that though, I’m going to Naval OCS in late fall, and I know from experience that calisthenics and running are a lot easier when you weigh less. I’d like to have a few months before I leave to not be cutting so I can train extra hard.

All the other advice seems good though, outside of cutting carbs. That just makes my energy and mood go even more to shit. Once again, speaking from experience.

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cutting as a manlet is impossible.
I'm literally eating nothing right now
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My brother in Christ it's possible to lose 20 pounds in a couple weeks by fasting, get back to building muscle, and already be lean for the summer. Why would anyone want to wait until august to see their abs given that alternative?
Bro most people go fucking crazy after one day of not eating. Even me who has super-human discipline compared to the rest of the pop has only managed 40 hours. No one is fasting long enough to lose 20 fucking pounds on what planet do you live on?

Maybe youre some freak of nature but im trying to give advice to people who arent.
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>he doesn’t know
The only reason people go crazy after a day of not eating is because they've trained themselves into a state of carbohydrate dependency. It's extremely easy to transition into a fasted state when you already eat a proper human diet (animal based)
This desu.

What was she doing wrong?
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idk but when I use a heavy weight this hits my abs harder than arms
Use one of them straight bars, none of this rope shit, stand up straight and press that shit down.
Nothing. It was just some DYEL trying to strike up a conversation with her.

Total stinkers.
May Chud set them straight.

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