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12 x Krispy Kremes is 2916 Kcal. So if I walk to burn 916 Kcal a day, I can eat 12 Krispy Kremes and lose weight!! CICO is based.
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>comprehends basic arithmetic
smartest zoomer
Sam Sulek is probably bullshitting, everyone on the internet does it. Same with chef andre rush, and Tommy fury claiming he eats 10k calories a day

They might do that on camera because it generates attention and gets people talking about it but they absolutely do not eat like that all the time. When you genuinely eat an entire cheesecake every day you end up as a fat bloatlord - just look at Eddie hall, who is a guy with great genetics too
Yeah a fit guy eating like 5k to 10k calories in their videos is only doing that for the video. After that it's back to chicken breast, spinach, and supplements. Popeye diet.
how the fuck is that 3000 calories christ man my entire tray of cookies is like 1500 and taste 1000x betterer
>CICO is based
I get that this is supposed to be a pisstake but you literally will lose weight by doing that.
You'll feel like shit the entire time and develop scurvy or some shit if you do it long enough, but you WILL lose mass. Basic thermodynamics.

Train once every 4 to 7 days.
Stop overtraining.
This is why you're still DYEL.
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>do 5 sets with 10 reps
>when a little pain pop up he'll throw away the iron to make loud noises
>thinks he's cool, makes no gains
Sheesh i hate casual lifters
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>actual real life data says otherwise
it doesn't though
look at how the greatest natural bodybuilders trained and you will see they train very differently
some did bro splits, others upper lower or PPL or full body
some of them very high volume, others very low volume
some trained to failure, others very far from failure

so what does the real life data actually tell us?
well it tells us that volume isn't the driver of hypertrophy because if it was then 100% of bodybuilders would do very high volume
>if anything, it suggests that going to total failure is even a worse idea for advanced subjects
no such thing as "total failure"
there is only failure
and suggesting training to failure is worse for advanced subjects begs the following question
why do high volume then if recovery is suddenly a problem?

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you need higher motor unit recruitment and lower the fatigue you experience from your training
and you probably also have to reduce the degree of atrophy you experience between sessions

the only way to break plateaus as a trained lifter is to reduce fatigue while increasing muscle activation in order to access muscle fibers that have yet to be maxed out in size
I do this because I'm really fucking lazy
Mike said he trained for 3 hours a week in some interview.
You could do PPL 6 times a week with 30 minute sessions at a high intensity.

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Will I get bullied if I go to the gym?
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despite what goylliwood wants you to believe, gyms are not full of bully jocks who come after you the moment your skelly ass steps into the gym. you've fallen into their demotivation trap to keep you weak.
This is the only correct response
Only if you go to a gym full of blacks/browns
No. Gym niggas are some of the nicest people you will meet. Just make sure to stay away from the tiktok whores.

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How do you avoid this from happening, /fit/?
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If you start doing dips to develop your chest you'll be golden
It should be "avoid this happening" or "stop this from happening", Ranjeed. Now please do the needful
Dips won't change his insertions
Yeah, his insertions are fine
... on opposite day.

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>does nothing but make your skin more oily

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WTF happened to this guy ?
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that's because Americans are retarded. 'right vs left' isn't even a real thing but Americans are just programmed to think like that. Normal people don't subscribe to a 'side' and need to validate their opinions
He's satirizing what stoners say tardmogus
Guys like this are 100% white. Usually they're raised without a dad so they're giant pussies and they don't get accepted by blacks cause they're so light, and generally they grow up playing video games. They're basically redditors with tans.
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these guys(and their viewers) are just victims of youtube's retarded algo shifting. their videos stopped getting recommended and that's when they started experimenting with whatever would get them recommended again - that's usually when the drug talk starts since drugs were easy views when youtube's algo was a drunk hyena.
then yt started pushing right wing content - also those viewers are easy money since you say what they want and they dono to you instantly.
nowadays yt is pushing hyper leftism and insanely long vids - but also has social media analysis so meatheads don't make it unless they have a SUPER young audience like sam sulek that shares the video a lot/talks about the video on other social media.
Basically you gotta bring eyeballs to yt now, yt wants new eyeballs that stay for longer instead of ppl just watching for longer or ppl being loyal to a channel.
> another thinly veiled anti-Christ thread

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last one got nuked early so here's a new one

previous: >>74279498
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based for rejecting "the science"
cringe for rejecting inherent esthetics and common sense
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B-but they actually run 3 miles a day! And bicycle!
It was 20 minutes slower on the long commute and 5 minutes longer on the slow commute. But you have to take in mind I didn't need dedicated cardio time because I was being more efficient doing cardio on my commute, not paying for gas or car maintenance. Now I work close enough to run to work.
Dayton Ohio. For the longer commute I could have gotten there faster but I chose a route that was mostly in the bike trail for safety.
Went to EVO. Loved the event. Watching all the fighting games was a lot of fun. Sexy cosplayers were walking around too. But can't have good without the bad. Plenty of these types are around. Can't escape from it in any of these remotely nerdy and autistic like hobbies.

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can i get to 10k in 3 months?
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that's great news but what progression should i aim for
google c25k
click the link from nhs.uk
read, do what it says
see you in /roon/ in 5 weeks fatso
to add if you can roon 5k how to roon 10k comes naturally so i suggest you stop worring about things you wouldnt know if you havent tried

Actually you shouldn't be running at all if you're super fat, it will be very bad for your knees and ankles. Swim or cycle instead. Then run once you're at a healthy weight
im not super fat and the nearest swimming pool is like 20km away

You're a failure of a man if you can't squat 3 plate bellow paralle and ifl you don't own atleast ONE Rolex by your mid 20's
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Ash that shit nigga please
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I'm 28, can do maybe 25 consecutive pushups and bought a F-91W solely for the stopwatch function. How am I doing?
good.i bought the same watch because it was the cheapest one in the store that wasn't AliExpress brand
>Now what?
OP squats down below parallel and gets fucked in the ass
you're a failure as a man if you run a mile slower than me, which is 4 minutes 40 seconds.

Powercopers will see a guy like this and claim he doesn’t even look like he lifts

Lmao @ the delusion
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He literally looks like a faggot

>giant leather jacket
yeah no
Look at his skinny legs then. Arnold didn't look like he lifted in clothes, deal with it.
no they won't, and inventing insane arguments in your head is a sign of mental illness. get help
roids won't give you his shoulder-to-hip ratio*

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Has anyone tried fasting or partial fasting (like 1 day a week with more standard slight deficit in the rest 6 days) for their cutting phase?

People are fear mongering about losing muscle but I see no reason why would that be the case. Our body literally stores fat as a energy reserve to avoid unnecessarily burn muscles. Just don't stop lifting so that your body knows you still need those muscles.
Yes, haven't seen any real loss in muscle mass. I train while fasting too, just feel a little more tired than usual but I just sleep and nap more. No bullshit supplements or any shit
how much do you fast for?
Cutting is for homos unless you're strong which you arent
It'll work but it's much more effective just to fast in one go for as long as you need to reach desired level of bodyfat. And yes, the body preferentially burns fat. People are just psyopped / wussies about burning muscle but you'll be fine. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/prolonged-fasting-deplete-visceral-fat
My cat looks like that too

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Why are women attracted do men who hurt themselves and do drugs etc?
Why even lift? I swear every bitch is going after a dude that will 100% be a total loser but now he's just young enough to be normal
Meanwhile hustlers who study, work etc get denied... Wtf??
Some days im just lifting out of pure anger ngl
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Idk bro, I'm a loser and I've smashed a lot of puss. I love to lift too though. Even with just an average income now I can still get laid pretty easy. Sounds like you're just a dork. Quit doing things to get laid and actually just focus on not being a fag and you'll be better off.
Hot girls are into degenerate men with rich parents
you should already be having sex and lift on top of it, wtf is wrong with you?

>wahhh let me wreck my body with drugs and be fucked up all the time just for a chance at pussy
>please I will do anything, I will pierce my nose, I will fill my body with ink, I will waste my time and potential hanging around with losers
>I will change every part of my personality, I will betray all my values, all for a chance at banging the hole

take the sober-cleancut-educated-man-who-gets-pussy pill
Testosterone is self destruction.

All that hustling, stoicism, working nerd shit is feminine as fuck.
>Implying the father would choose a weeb nerd
Beating your wife, doing drugs, having saturday night brawls, breaking the law etc was also normal for males in the last 5000 years of human civilization.

The nice guy stuff? Started in the 90s and only got mainstream appeal in the 2010s.

How do you solve this aka bony elbows/forearms?
I don’t get it. You want your bones to stick out less? Build more muscle on your arms and the bones won’t be as noticeable. Hopefully that’s what you were asking.
Well elbows and forearms are bones, so there’s going to be boney.

ps. i’m still voting for trump

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This nigger got his phD at some bumfuck off road sister fucking university and now teaches at some shitty college in new york.

Why should we listen to him again?
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His physique is ruined by everything
>5'6" dwarf
>literally called (((Kike Israel)))

Nobody who matters was ever listening to him
>deeeeeeeep stretch
>some random gay-esque joke
god i hate this faggot
this nigga poopmaxxing
One of lifes great mysteries but kike finds a way

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Bodybuilder vs armwrestler
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bodybuilder vs armwrestler?
you mean homosexual juicehead vs juiced lobotomy victim?
armwrestling lmfao get a grip
you edited out the kiss
They both look good
Who hurt u bb


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