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I was looking for videos or articles about making a short bow with simple tools from either European Oak, White Birch or White Ash. I want to make a really short and powerful bow similar to what I saw in "fandabidozis historical short bow video" I tried making a green hazel short bow and I'm not sure what went wrong. Any good info or advice to me more confident in trying this?
Short bows suck and I guarantee you that larping sodomite can't shoot any bow worth dick. Stop following random dress-up-playing faggots and learn to shoot a bow first. You'll know what you're looking for in one then.

As for building one, get the bible and go from there maybe: https://libgen.rs/search.php?req=bowyer&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=title

Clay Hayes has put out some cool stuff. You'll have to pay for the books, but he has some instructional videos on his channel.
Instead of both making it very hard on yourself and still hitting nothing, make a flatbow instead of a shortbow. Also buy a cheap bow so you know what a normal bow feels like and can practice. Google "tillering", it's the trickiest part.
If you want short + power it sounds like you want a recurve. "Short bow" is pretty unspecific, it just means it's not a long bow.
RuneScape larpers
ahh 4chan negativity to every happy camper that comes their way. tis joy to me ears!

the channel u want to watch is hunt primitive on yt.

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Is OFF going to give me cancer? I hate mosquitoes so much.
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Do you guys get malaria over there?
We get a few mosquitos here, but nothing serious. Sandflies are the problem. They're noisy and you can generally feel them bite, but they come in their thousands.
A couple of pieces of vegemite on toast will have them going for whoever doesn't eat it, but if you're on your own you're still fair game though to a lesser degree.
Might work with skeeters too, give it a go.
Further to last, if you do decide to try it, spread it as per pic - anyone outside NZ/Oz/UK/SA pour the shit on like jam and gag on it.
Buy the Oz made stuff, the UK made is shit by comparison.
>Do you guys get malaria over there?
No, we eradicated it sometime in the 50s.
the replies in this thread...

sit close by fire. bugs will stay away.

wear hoodie, gloves, tuck pants into socks

the mosquitos proboscises arent long enuf to go thru the clothes and ur skin. plus if ur clothes r shifting around their proboscis will break.. clothes plus fire will keep them away. if ur moving they cant keep up. stay away from stagnant bodies of water they lay eggs in them. they can also lay eggs in small puddles or even leaves with water in them after a rainfall. i notice they tend to come out at certain times of day, usually in the evening. it must be related to their life cycle. theyre usually not out during the hot noon or morning. also being in sparse areas with lots of wind keeps them away.
also if the problem is around ur house, compost food scraps and let the grass grow long. this will increase biodiversity and larger insects and spiders will predate the mosquitos

I saw this map of some of the long distance trails in the USA and want to go there and pick one and do it... but I have VERY limited outdoors experience. I'm also flirting with the idea of walking coast to coast from Charleston to San Francisco or Seattle or LA or maybe even Portland Maine to Portland Oregon using trails, roads, etc.

Have I gone mental? Everybody is telling me not to go. Which of the long trails would be best in your opinion? Also anybody ere walk coast to coast?
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US here, you better practice on scotland then. Our trails can mess you up bad. You also need to realize how absolutely massive the US is, being wider than the entirety of europe bar russia. And that walking down trails takes way, way longer than going in a straight line. The vast majority of people don't last more than a couple days on the appalachian trail, my home trail. Maybe try a popular trail in europe first, like el camino. Easier to get to and should be safer (by virtue of no catamounts or black bears, which WILL kill and eat you alive).
This, PCT and AT have annual full on guidebooks and support networks. I'd reccomend the CDT and Pacific Northwest if you have experience but not for a first timer.
It's your time to waste.
papers please! the absolute state of this country

id fatten up a bit before u go in case u dont have food but whos not going to have food on a trip they plan
>(by virtue of no catamounts or black bears, which WILL kill and eat you alive).
Dude, you can fight off a mountain lion and a scaredy bear (local name for black bears) easily. You can just punch them once and they're terrified, you can grab them and hold them in place easy, if you have a knife it's really easy to kill them. I'd be more worried about breaking a law by ACCIDENTALLY killing them than of fighting them off.

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ur glow is showing

So my friend from uni who I used to do easy /out/ trips has invited me to come visit him (moved to USA) and go camping all over the mid west and Western US for a month. I recently got a job but told them about this plan and they okayed me starting later so I literally have a month straight of camping.

I am actually spooked about camping in dense woods in places like Pennsylvania (where we start), Michigan, Minnesota, even Black Hills in SD. I feel like out west it's more expansive and even if forested it's not as creepy (maybe I'm wrong).

But I legit think I might blow it because I'm creeped out by the woods. Is it actually that creepy? I've done camping in UK and France and wasn't really afraid but this is my first time doing backcountry camping.
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A lighting storm in summer or autumn, with no rain. There going to be fires all over the place.
Why live if you believe in nothing?
>That a pine forest is "unnaturally dark"?
> Until then, maybe write a dark and melodramatic poem about it so we can laugh at you.

In the heart of Michigan’s forgotten woods, Where ancient pines stand sentinel, Their gnarled roots clutching secrets untold, Lies a forest veiled in shadow.

The air here is thick, suffused with dread, As if the very trees harbor malevolence. Their needles whisper in a language unknown, A symphony of rustling leaves that speaks of doom.

Step cautiously, mortal wanderer, For the path ahead is treacherous. The moon, obscured by twisted branches, Casts feeble light upon the forest floor.

The ground is soft, spongy, and damp, As if it cradles the bones of forgotten souls. Shapes move in the periphery—phantoms, Or perhaps something more ancient and insidious.

The wind carries a mournful dirge, A lament for those who dared venture deeper. Their footsteps echo through time, A chorus of lost souls seeking release.

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>Euro cryptid
"Preform the ritual to banish the creature!"
>American cryptid
>gets mag dumped
pleasure is good pain is bad

Hunters, how many boars are required to build two of these special operation boar tusk hats?

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Welcome to /hive/ -
beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2657231
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Only a flagrantly open homosexual would choose birds over bee's. Simple.
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Native species are better than introduced species. Change my mind
Nice box
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hey, nice to see my pic used for the thread, thanks OP. Thats the queenless hive from about 2 months ago. Haven't really checked them cause its been raining non stop and I've been too broke to do anything about it if the colony hadn't made a new queen from that brood frame i put in. Cracked them open today and they are chock full off bees, new queen is pumping them out. Unfortunately the hive next door is near collapse with varroa mite and hive beetle. I've removed the near-slimeout frames and put some plastic drone frames in, taken the honey super off. Filled the beetle traps with a bit of oil mixed with a tiny bit of peppermint oil. I've also got a feeder in with tea tree and peppermint infused syrup. I really hope I bring them back from the brink.

Next month I'm starting a 3 month long camping/traveling trip to Denali, Katmai, Kenai Fjords, and Lake Clark national parks. PART of the trip is guided, but not all of it. I do have bear spray packed, but also own a little ruger lcr 357 snubby revolver that I plan to pack with. Is it retarded, given the length of the trip, to instead purchase another packing pistol? There won't be any hunting during this trip. I have other guns but they're either pocket pistols or a 20" shotgun I'm not lugging around for weeks at a time.

Of course I have bear bags, know not to cook food in the open or leave food, etc. I'm trying to minimalize encounters entirely.
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This guy
Had a rifle, and his son killed the bear with a .454 pistol because he couldn't shoulder the rifle in time. A 1,000lb grizzly was able to clear ~50ft in 4 strides.
Nice to know your life isn't worth 6lbs of additional pack weight.
Stats disagree. Pistols have the most usefulness in bear attacks and have killed or deterred the most bears. There are only a handful of rare cases of them not deterring a bear during an attack, one of the more famous ones was when a 1,000lb sow ate 4 rounds of 300gr 44 magnum and still mauled the guy, he survived and the bear actually left after the last shot which went through her eye socket, the bear didn't die right away. The guy only shot his gun once before the incident. Other cases are straight up neglect and not taking proper care of being always aware of your surroundings, such as two hunters cleaning their ungulate kill and getting ambushed by a bear and despite not being able to grab their rifles one of them had a pistol (but left it in his bag off his person) but was caught completely off guard and had a deer in the headlights moment and his lapse of action, awareness of his surroundings and due diligence of always having your sidearm ready near you or on your person and knowing how and when to use it resulted in him being mauled to death. Other people have effectively warded off or even killed grizzlies with 9mm by getting enough accurately placed shots off in time. The two specific cases I gave both happened in the lower 48 in the last 3 years. Complacency kills, even experienced outdoorsmen.
Correction, the first example was within the last 3 years or so, the 2nd example was 2018.
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I turned 18 this month and my sole mission in life is to scale every inch of land and water out there, I'm willing to sacrifice everything for it, my relationships, family, health everything. I'll start on my journey after completing my college graduation which will be around 3 years from now.

I'll gather as much money I can in that time period, Please suggest me all of the training routines and knowledge I need to attain within these 3 years to survive long enough in any given conditions
In 3 years you won't give a fuck about any of this
Trust your instincts
Don't judge
Try everything
Learn how to say thank you in every language you encounter
Ignore people like this lady.
>digits checked
if i was you i'd e-mail this guy. I've contacted him before. He travels everywhere and has tested everything to the 9s even buying things 10 times over to make sure he has a backup to everything.
probably true, but no reason to steer them off this regardless and this sure beats another gearfag thread
Learn Arabic, French and Spanish. Hone your social skills. Get good at haggling. Learn to sail. Learn a valuable trade. Become skilled with a musical instrument. Let go of your ego.
Not OP but interdasting. Thanks anon.

Wanted to share tips to not die if your boat sinks or you somehow end up in the middle of the ocean:
-cold habituation, take cold showers and swim in cold water regularly
-increase body fat to mitigate heat loss (this is how ancient people were able to cross the oceans without newfangled drysuits etc. think of how chunky the average polynesian man is)
-increased fitness, be able to swim and most importantly tread water and float to keep your airway above water. it is shocking to me the amount of people who go on or near water without knowing how to swim

any other good tips please share here, its a matter of life or death
protip wear a lifejacket
>wear a lifejacket
yeah if youre in a small boat for sure

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Do bears really eat you alive? Why?
How can you stop it? By pooing yourself?
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Imagine the stench of humanity if you had a bears nose.
They can smell and track you from miles away and have some of the best noses of any animal. So the stench up close would indeed be quite stout.
probably a Cana*ian
If this whore was eaten alive how is she giving her story?? Clearly the bears weren't very hungry. More msm lies.
Clearly the bear ate her bottom half first, and decided he would save the rest for later. Don't act like you never stuck leftovers in the fridge and then had someone else come and take them when you weren't paying attention.

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what is there to even do in oklahoma? I want to get /out/ more but this god forsaken state is so hideous and boring nothing seems worth getting lyme disease over.
>been to Martin Nature Park
>been to Lake Overholser (spoilers: it's just crackheads)
>been to Lake Hefner

Don't even mention "Mount" Scott.

Please help
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ngmi? you mean i'm new at this. that's why i'm asking for advice.

but to be fair I am on foreskin so you're probably right
i'm gonna do it anons. i'm gonna OUT
Just going outdoors would make you more experienced than half of this board
Ouachita Mountains, and if you're too far then the Wichita Mountains
>Lyme disease

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>west virginia
Holy shit I share a board with plebs
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The gun laws of VT, NH, and ME are good though
Minnesota should be higher than Wis they have the entire bwca who ever made this is a coastie ppeb
You’ve never been to the BWCA
West coast is more scenic but not the best for all /out/ activities
Stay the fuck away from Mississippi you disgusting inbreds. keep your liberal cucked policies away from us

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Is this petrified wood? Found it on my land in Tennessee. Looks very much like wood grain and has similar form to other wood I've found, but I've only ever found it out west. Don't really hear about people finding this stuff around here.
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Some recents, mostly milky quartz with rose inclusions (ridiculously common in my area).
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Some more; top quartz inclusions in (likely) serpentine, milky rose quartz (obvious), bright colored pyritic and quartz inclusions (bottom), and likely smoky quartz (right).
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okay thank you fellows I appreciate it

also here's some rocks I found while elk hunting + camping in New Mexico last October
As a side note, the pyritic inclusion in the bottom one might also be chalcopyrite, I haven't really tested it. Both are common to my area.
Nice. I think I see some amber (?) in there center left, perhaps more likely it is just agate/opal or something else, sometimes it's hard to tell from pics alone. If amber it would be very soft and easily scratched by quartz. I've some naturally tumbled southwestern amber that looks similar to that before though. Another one that can look similar (especially when collected from areas with water flow) is honey calcite.

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I require more ticks
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>attack the problem at the root
So, the government
Feed her, she's starving!
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Don't you wanna just squish it?

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