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>watch youtube noo
>whips out cheap chinese non full tang machete
>begins to baton green wet wood off a living tree
>chops down whole forest
>makes massive bonfire

No nigger! All you need is twigs! Gather a faggot and you're good to go.

If I see you with a bonfire I immediately skip your video.

The military solved the outdoor mess kit long ago. get one of these bad boyss in pic related with a canteen, cup/pot, range, and pouch. stick a spork in there and a ferro rod and steel keychain and its FUCKING PERFECT. the only problem with these is nobody buys them so theyre cheap

the military SOLVED this shit nigger wisen the fuck up. christ!
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Add one of these to your fire kit and thank me later. It tuns sticks into perfect tinder in seconds. Shave a couple of large pencile sized sticks of fatwood down and fire is the easiest thing in the world for cheap.
>drink the (((aluminum)))
no amount of abstaining from aluminium will save you from the retardation you already have
Holy shit I can’t believe I never thought of this
>REEEE consume the metal slave!!!111

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I don't know how to use a compass. I cannot read a paper map. I only use my phone.
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This is the absolute basic,skill of an Infantryman.
It’s really not that hard to learn and understand.
However,it’s all good for me,having been an Infantryman the past 22yrs,but there will be somewhere,on the Internet,which can explain this basic skill?
>add a waypoint hud to our vision
peakvisor is the closest you'll get right now.
>you're supposed to
keep track of where you are along the way.
too much to go in to here. takes a fair bit of practice to get it right.
Colonel told me to find the little red boxes in the woods, and I did. It’s pretty easy
many such cases
Download Trailsense

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I'm going camping and looking for some good recipes that pack nicely and require minimal cooler space. and also taste good. I will have access to a wood stove and a small gas burner

breakfast recipes:
>oatmeal with, water, salt, dehydrated berries/foraged berries, peanut butter and chocolate chips (unsweetened)

Lunch or supper recipes:
>canned mackarel/foraged fish with herbs, orzo (pasta), and spinach
>beans or pea soup and turkey sausage

>fruits, nuts, and chips

and thats it. im kind of drawing blanks after that
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OP here, since pemmican has come up, can anyone share some pemmican recipes? I made a similar concept one with a similar concept but much sweeter, like a breakfast food or energy bomb. its not truly pemmican.

>mix almond flour 1 cup
>with cocao 1/4 cup maybe less.
>with maple syrup or honey, 2 tbsp or until firmed up.

>makes a ball that looks like shit but is delicious. its sticks together but not sticky
>just keep in mind that maple syrup needs refrigeration of some sort.
>haven't tested with honey yet.
>be warned, it literally looks like shit.
>Do people going backpacking call that camping?
>I dunno, maybe it's a regional difference.
I think it's an American distinction.
In Australia, the UK and Europe I've only ever heard backpacking used to refer to the extended holidays where you're travelling from hostel to hostel, living out of your backpack but definitely not camping (at least not for the majority of your time), maybe hiking but more likely travelling by train/bus/hitchhiking. Camping is used to refer to both car camping and what might be called backpacking in the states.
I'd literally never heard backpacking used to refer to camping (in the sense of hiking through the woods with a tent etc) until I browsed /out/.
50c* is the perfect temp to dehydrate meats and vegetables. If you load your oven with sheets of thinly cut meat (bacon if you are lazy), pasta and diced vegetables, you can dry a great mix of ready meals out of it. Mix in some gravy powder and dried herbs/spices and divide them into zip locks.
When it is time to eat, add to the pot with some water and let it boil. The meat and vegetables will rehydrate and what ever water is left will boil the pasta and make a great sauce from the gravy.
>Pemmican bad
pleb detected. You know you're not supposed to eat it on its own right? You use it as a soup or stew base. Literally one of the best camping foods ever if you're not retarded.
Based post. You can also fry it up, with other things or by itself. Even modern injuns turn their nose up at eating pemmican raw.

How does the Czech M85 fair for camping?
(And how does military surplus gear fair in general)
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>no adjustment
Do you mean a belt?
Because I wanna larp as a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in the woods
>military surplus is most often lowest bidder trash
not the commie stuff, most of it (boots and jackets especially) will outlive the memory of everyone you know
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The US Army ACU UCP camouflage gear is widely available since the US Army discontinued its use and it is cheap because most people do not like the camo pattern.
Military surplus sites have 65 liter packs as well as smaller raid packs and web gear available at very good prices. I paid about $60 for the UCP ACU 65 liter surplus pack and see civilian gear that usually costs in excess of $400.
The military gear will be well made with heavy duty materials. It will be heavier than most civilian gear.
I buy the US Army UCP ACU and dye it to help it blend in better to the area of Appalachia I live in. Hobby Lobby has green textile dyes that work well.
Picrel has for reference an M1981 Alice pack in woodland camo, a MarPat magazine shingle, A British Disruptive camo pattern pack cover and a ACU UCP 65 liter pack and a ACU UCP raid pack I dyed.
You can see on the 65 liter pack a portion of the pack I was not able to get into the dye bath so it shows the US Army ACU UCP pattern as it originally is
It is a personal decision but I like finding good deals on military surplus items.
vz85 was pure trash and it's only positive is that it's waterproof (it's rubber duh)
but if you really want it make sure it has straps because it does not have them by default. also the straps suck because they are a part of the whole webbing bullshit so you also need some sort of a belt for them to work (unless you do some hackjob and use pliers to make it "work").
85 was just ""modernized"" version of the old vz60 and it never got any use since commies fell and czechoslovakia broke couple years later
as a sidenote the whole vz85 set is ass because it was made solely as a peacekeeping uniform and to be as "neutral as possible". so for example the uniform doesn't even have the infrared coating the old 1960's uniforms had lmao
although the vz85 coat is pretty neat and stalker-y

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Welcome to beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2577491
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Dedicate traps for hive beetles as small rags to put into corners. Bees will usually try to attack/sting the beetles to no avail and will often push them into corners. Beetles that will lay eva’s will crawl to thr front entrance and fall onto the ground and lay eggs in the vicinity of your hive so depending on how bad your hive has beetles it might be worth your time to kill off any vegetation at the front of your hive or use a heavy mat to cover the soil to make it harder for beetles to reproduce and spread. Beetles will usually prefer weaker hives that are in more wooded/shaded areas. Depending on the genetics of your hive might be best to replace any weak queens or not switch any frames around from infected hives in the meantime.
Once your hive population goes up and is healthy, in addition to any treatments and preventative measures, beetle populations should minimize or outright go away. When checking your hives, one or two beetles every once in a while shouldn’t too much go a cause for concern but finding multiple beetles every time you open your hive should warrant intervention.
Hive beetles aren’t as bad as mite infestations but they are a problem that should absolutely be addressed if you have any care or consideration for the well being of your bees and any sort of honey/wax cultivation.
Wild honeybees are different from wild solitary bees, which actually are under threat, and those don't interbreed with honeybees. Apis Mellifera doesn't really need saving, and anyone who's trying to sell you some honeybee related equipment and telling you'll be SaVIng dE BeEs is a snakeoil selling niggermechant.

The black honey bee, or AMM is a little different and could use some help, but it's pretty much impossible to raise purebred honeybees in the US, as most beeks ship their hives to California for almonds, and that works better with italian type breeds, whose genes then get propagated much wider than it should.

If you want to help wild bees, do what >>2709109 does, or just don't be a HOA niggerslave and stop mowing your lawn every week.
Cute and wholesome. I need to paint mine as well. Its said that blue and yellow color works best for beehives, and even increases producrivity, as bees are able to clearly distinguish those colors, and find their home faster.
it's been super hot these past couple of days and it's pretty normal for the bees to be out on the front of the hive just hanging out to cool down, but lately at night they've been hanging out on the outside still. When I woke up this morning they had mostly gone back inside(sans the ones grouped up on the handle) but it is a little concerning. At night it's still a little warm, should I be worried about this many bees hanging out on the outside or should I stop being a baby about it?
New thread: >>2732841

Is this a good water filter?
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I guess this is the relevant thread to ask in, but are filters even a necessary bit of kit? I would think of you have access to flowing water then you can just grab some from the top and then boil/purify it without any concern for particulates. A little bit of dirt never hurt anyone anyways
If you want to build up a fire every time you need to fill your water bottles then sure, rely on boiling.
Ok then purification tablets?
>chemicals are in the water where you go "out"
kid this board should be reserved for people who actually go outdoors, not to paid tailgating spots with paved parking lots and power hookups
Yeah, they're fine. Filters work out cheaper in the long run but it's not like anyone is bankrupting themselves buying aquatabs.
Some tablets leave a chemical taste in the water and they're obviously not going to do anything about particulates in the water (but filtering through a bandanna is usually enough for that anyway).
Only major downside to purification tablets is that most of them are ineffective against cryptosporidium (or if they do work against crypto they require a 4h treatment time). On the other hand, filters don't generally work against viruses. In most areas crypto is a bigger threat than viruses but t b h you'll probably be fine with either.

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I really really like the way Slingbags look, but I hear they are bad for hiking since they distribute the load unevenly. How retarded would I be to get one as a daypack for 6-8h hikes with around 2500 feet elevation, hiking in the alps?
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Also called a FANNY PACK.
it's usually just roomy enough for any 9mm pistol and a couple loaded magazines.
And a tube of chapstick and a pack of chewing gum.
Wear around your waist. Which sucks because unless it's insanely tight around your hips it will slide down constantly.
Ove gotten around that by running a strap through the little nail loop and ties around the top of my belly under the ribs Japanese style.
Otherwise around one shoulder resting on back or your chest belly area.
Anything heavier than a liter of water get a backpack.
Get a skinny normal backpack
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>I like the way it looks
Nobody gives a fuck what your pack looks like you narcissistic little cunt. Just get the whipsnake 3700000000000 and do your thing.
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The image in your mind is probably pic related but the people who currently spam LARP everywhere are actually normalfags who learned it from FaceBerg during the boogaloo retard days.

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post your photos
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Unless you’re way out west Big Bend way, Texas has fuck all for /out/
>t. Texfag
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Kirby Cove?

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>Whoa a mexican! So exotic!
Ben Nevis? What is a zippy zipper sit down thing? Ben Nevis has no amenities, it's a slightly tall mountain at a high altitude, with snow most of the year. The only way up it is to walk, but it IS just a walk, and an easy one. No technical difficulty whatsoever unless doing it in winter.
he's probably thinking Yr Wyddfa tallest mountain in snowdon
I banged your mom, so it looks like we both conquered some great land masses

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What's good hammock brand?
I'm in Eu
Need one for 2 pers.
Must have mosquito net and detachable rain cover
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i got a cheap ass nightcat last year that has all of that, includes poles which you can use to pitch it or just keep the top off you
>American prices
Do you think EU prices are typically lower than American prices?
Polish prices definitely are. Lesovik are 2-3x more expensive than other manufacturers while not being any better.
Can you provide a competitive EU alternative? That's what the thread is about, after all.
I ordered their hammock sleeve. I did think it expensive, but I didn't find any other EU made sleeve in my search.

#503- “Not A ManAss” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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That's why it's alled fishing rather than catching, Anon.

Love the way those channel cats fight. Nice catch, Anon.
Don't think so. I'll buy fins and go snorkelling/try diving at Clovelly or somewhere. Though I tried that about 2 months ago and the water was turbid/full of matter and so I couldn't dive, could barely see my feet in the water.
Learned from an old coonass you gotta cook them like you would a low country boil. I use zatarans shrimp and crab, cut up some lemons and onions and toss them in there maybe some potatoes. The texture is more rubbery than crab or lobster but its not bad if you bleed and clean them correctly.

Currently assembling my at home and outdoors first aid kit. What is essential gear that I need to have? Or are there any preassembled kits that y'all reccomend that aren't just fancy band aid packs?

I'm already getting tourniquets and cpr masks (I know CPR doesn't use mouth to mouth but mouth to mouth is used after Heimmlich and other forms do respiratory arrest) and I'm also getting big ass scissors of course.
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>OP isn't very likely to need it, but if he does, he's probably fucked if he doesn't have one.
And if he doesn't need it, but panicks and uses it, he's also fucked.
Tourniquets have their place in stopping multipenetrative or amputative wounds, so if you're carrying a gun, riding a bike or hiking in a place where there may be mines left from the last war, carrying one makes sense.
But if you apply them and don't get to help within a couple hours at most, or if you overtighten them, the limb you put them on is pretty much gone.
Imagine panicking over a minor cut that a pressure dressing would stop just fine, putting the tourniquet on and losing your arm for it. That sort of thing could well happen to some of the larpers here.
>And if he doesn't need it, but panicks and uses it, he's also fucked.
Not really

There is essentially no risk of ischaemic injury to nerves or other tissues if a tourniquet is left on for less than 2 hours, and even up to 6 hours there remains a strong chance of saving the limb (although surgery may be necessary and as you approach 6h the risk of at least some permanent complications increase). There has even been one case where a chopper pilot was shot in the wrist, had a tourniquet left in place for 16 hours and the eventually regained near-normal function in the hand, enough that they were back in cockpit by the end of it (that is admittedly a bit of a medical miracle though).

You're not wrong to say that tourniquets are dangerous if they're used unnecessarily but that's a reason to go out and get training, not a reason to avoid carrying one. Stop The Bleed courses are free in most areas and Wilderness First Aid courses are worthwhile for anyone who goes /out/ regularly.

And hell, if some anon overreacts and puts a tourniquet on unnecessarily only to realise that medical care is more than 2h away then he can just take it off again (assuming he does so within an hour). At the very least the tourniquet will have given him some time to properly dress and bandage the wound without pouring blood everywhere.
That said, never remove a tourniquet once it has been left in place for more than an hour. After that point toxins can build up in the injured limb which may cause a cardiac arrest if released. Losing the limb is better than losing one's life.
Do any of you carry Potassium Permanganate? If so, what for?
if op thinks an extremity hemorrhage is the most likely thing he'll come across and is the first item on his make believe shopping list, there is not a strong enough way to express how retarded op is

>snake bite medication
I'm now 100% convinced this is bait

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Hello, I’d like help identifying this scat. It was bigger than coyote poop. I think it’s bear poop. I’m not sure what else it could be because of how big it was. About the size of a big dogs poop. I’m in the piedmont region on the east coast of the US. Thanks!
thats poop
I'm a bear hunting guide on the east coast. It does not look like black bear scat but I would have to taste it to be sure.
there are other things between dog size and bear size. like bobcats
That's my poop. I made it

I found it in a cave in Japan. About the size of a golf ball. I got bad vibes from it so I didn’t touch it.
you finally found your first ball of spiders
cute spider ball anon
I’m both confused and horrified that this is a thing but thank my instincts for telling me not to touch it
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it's a ball o' spiders
Thats an anti urbanite cluster mine (AUCM)
When triggered it will sprawl out a bunch of spiders to crawl up your arm and assuming you only brought the one flashlight(as most city folk are want to do) will cause panicky jerking movements in your reaction, making the now flashing between light and darkness insects that much more terrifying to see spreading ravidly out and up the limb that disturbed the.
Best results when flashlight is dropped during panic, this creates maximum trauma to the urbanite, effectively creating a phobia on the spot and causing the city dweller to long for the the comforts of home and vow never to step into a treeline again, and fear those that do.

Your instincts did well by you, likely because you have some woodsman blood in your veins.

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honestly might be a good idea if you area has soft rock like limestone, around here it's all fuck hard granite or something so it would be much harder
I have a little rockhouse on my property that I have thought about excavating a little with a pickaxe and making a little hidey hole or place to store shit. The rock is super punky sandstone and I'd be afraid it would just collapse on me if I started to excavate it.
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too threatening :,

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