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anyone in college or employed in an /out/ related field. im in college for environmental engineering and hate it but hopefully i can land some innawoods job out of this. or at least become a government jackass smugly delaying construction projects.
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No, I had an IT job but got fired so I'll never get a job in that industry again, don't know what I'll do now. Would be nice to have an /out/ job but it seems like the demand to supply ratio for jobs would be even more ludicrous there.
Try not stealing time for starters.
I worked as a biologist for an environmental consulting gig. I worked with the staff PWS to hump a GPS along pipelines.

Outside all the time in neat places all over the east coast. Traveled two weeks a month. I was fit and happy and making decent cash.

My dumb ass went to law school and now I don't go outside from 7a-6p MtoF. Better dough, shittier QoL. I walked more miles in a summer at my old job than in the last five years combined. NGMI.
It's not really an innawoods job but with teaching/academics you still get summer and winter breaks to go outside. It's shifty pay but pretty nice flexibility
this thread is highly depressing. i wish i'd majored in something like electrical engineering or forestry instead of something worthless like finance...

One of the best /out/ experiences of my life was when I was camping in South Dakota and I watched this massive multi-cell storm approach me then hammer me all night. I had never experienced such power in a storm, even in the tropics. And that was considered a typical summer storm for people out there. I want to go back to the plains and storm chase. How do I go about this? These videos make me want to see it in real life.



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its depends on the time of year to certain degree. You are looking for clashing air masses- cold air coming down from Canada clashing with moist, warm air from the gulf of MX. Where those air masses meet is where the T-storms develop...and that can be any where from SD/MN to TX OK to LA/AL etc...

they are seeing evidence of major outbreaks moving east over the years but "tornado alley" is still a thing. OK had 30+ tornados in April.
>these videos make me want to see it in real life.
Are you sure? its pretty nutty. this was yeserday in Iowa


>How do I go about this?
There are decent predictive models that can give a general area several days out
I hate how 73% of stormchasers always yell and scream in their videos. STFU so I can hear the wind
that dude- reed timmer- is notorious for being borderline hysterical half the time. its annoying as fuck but he one of the best out there. to be fair, its loud as fuck and death is a real possibilty so I try to overlook it lol
Mother nature doesn't like wind turbines either

>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
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Which is why there are ver few cases of lyme beyond the North Eastern US and Lake Michigan areas?
I mostly hike in long pants to avoid sunburn anyway. In the mountains this isn't a massive problem given that it can be rather cool.
The wrong country got nuked.
The more you read and uncover, the more you're bound to ultimately reach that conclusion

Besides ticks, there was also stuff like Operation Seaspray.

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Have you outed in the desert? Is it dangerous much? Scorpions?
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drink your own piss like an ultralighter
None, but when I was at grade 3 I was stung in my left pointer finger and could feel the effects of the venom move up my arm fully then my throat felt like a wet noodle and went almost completely numb (which feels really weird when you try to drink water), then my eyes got jittery and I had some muscle spasms and the pain level was above an 8/10 for me for the first 4-8 hrs, 5/10 pain beyond 24 hrs (you go to sleep for 8hrs wake up and it's still in pain). 3-4/10 pain to 72 hrs. While light but noticeable residual nerve pain lasted for about 2 weeks on my finger that was stung, I couldn't fully curl it for the first 3 days. My other stings after that one were all fine and not even half as bad.
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I would say it counts, even though the majority of the high mountain climates of the southwest aren't arid or even semi-arid technically (most being sub-humid, or seasonally humid or outright humid). In most of the SW you don't have to travel all that far to find forest biomes and at least semi-arid biomes, and most people outing in the SW out in both the deserts and the mountains. Pic related, less than 10 air miles from saguaro cacti upper Sonoran desert biome, the water flows year round in parts of the Sonoran desert proper to, thankfully most people don't know where. The high desert can often be more desolate than the lower deserts, but you're still never that far from more temperate forested ranges and canyons.
As an anon who is used to sweating their balls off and primarily /out/s innaswamp, lack of water seems like the hardest part of desert /out/.

Is it just a matter of knowing where to look/preparing on a map or is there other secrets, kinda like knowing how to look for dry shit innaswamp. Or do you just carry a shitload around?
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It can be one of the harder parts of outing in a desert biome, but it isn't terribly difficult to overcome. Knowing the seasonal patterns, the landscape, and your own limits helps.

Often the hardest landscapes to find water are those furthest from mountains, so high desert plains and flat low desert landscapes far from any topographic changes. Two examples being the low flat desert around Yuma, AZ and the high flat desert around Meteor Crater AZ. In these locales, water is often found in well shaded areas in washes (tree shade not necessary, it can be a wash side cliff for eg), water can also be found on the lee side of big boulders or at the base of waterfall washout areas, sometimes you might not need to dig even 1 ft to get moisture, others you might need to dig 5 ft (which wastes energy unless it is an emergency). The evap rate in high deserts is lower than it is in low deserts, and morning humidity is higher.

In more upland and varied topography desert zones, north facing canyon washes (ideally in shade and nearer to the bedrock) will usually have water just underground, for example even a small desert peak like Picacho peak might have water just beneath the surface in some washes. Water and soil moisture rises with humidity so mornings are the best collection times. You can collect and even filter moisture with a cotton t-shirt.

In more temperate and mountainous zones, water can flow year round in some desert canyons let alone montane ones. Same rules apply. North facing shaded canyons or washes in early mornings.

Know the wettest (winter and monsoons, in ID and MT it's often spring around May) and driest seasons (SW US, April-June). There is also water from certain plants, humidity condensation, and solar distillation of pee worst case. I typically carry 1 gallon of water and a filter on outings, in 100F weather I bring no more than 3 gallons. What you wear also helps, and also look up an "olla" (how people kept water cool in 100F temps).

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Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
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They taste more or less like they smell, I find regular oysters by comparison have a less distinctive flavor
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Spotted this cute little fella today.
About 10mm across.
Grass, public park.
Hello /mush/. I found pic related growing in my strawberry bed. I dont know shit about mushrooms and was wondering if a kind anon could help me identify them.
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Forgot pic
ink caps

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Why is it that every normie girl I invite to hike with me always ends up wearing these things to go hiking? I thought this was only worn by low income minorities. What's the explanation behind this phenomenon, are these branded towards normies as hiking boots?
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Nice. The only thing I do is put Scholl's "work and boot" insoles in them every year or two as needed. The stock insoles are pretty hard, I think they assume you're wearing thicc socks or just not going far. It depends though, for an extra hunny they sell the "premium" version which from what I can tell is the same boot but with a really posh insole. I prefer to just spend $20 on a nice Scholl's set and toss them in the ocean whenever they wear out.
too bootie
Hahahaha DeWalt.
found the cuck
Sorry you're jealous that I get to lick sweat off her abs while she chokes me with her thighs.

>want to buy 7x3 or 9x4m overground frame pool
>usual Intex or shit, around 1000€
>only have pretty uneven meadow
>real pool foundation expensive as fuck
>two left hands
is there a way to work around this? like awesome system X not many people know or pool pads Y that just work? or am I a delusional idiot?

only kind of /out/ but I spent my fucking holidays in my fucking garden damn it.
Have you tried taking a shovel to it? Get the area pretty even with the shovel and level in your garage then look into renting a roller to really smooth it out. I assume there's something like a home depot in your third word yuropoor country?
I'm from Germany so all this shit is available but I'm a fucking dev that is happy he's painted a room twice and is able to grow some tomatoes... to be honest taking a shovel to it or using a roller isn't exactly something I'm good at. And the professionals won't do a simple easy cheap solution for obvious reasons. I'm fine if it's only a seasonal solution.
Screw some wood planks into a short frame, dig out some dirt until the frame sits level (check with a level), pour cement or concrete into the frame and drag a piece of wood across the top of the frame to level it out. Once it dries you'll have a level spot for your pool. Bonus points if you lay down some rebar before you pour it, but I really doubt it will matter. You can add up to 10% crushed lump charcoal to the cement to improve strength and decrease weight, but it will darken the cement and it will heat up a lot more in the summer.
Most of these pools don’t really give a shit about uneven ground unless the slope is like 5+cm/m. Get the rocks and stumps out of the ground, but after that, just fucking send it.

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how hardcore are you?
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.She was fucking the tree. Probably had several different branches she liked best.
>>Stealing tax payers money
Its literally her money

>Giving it to criminals
Like congress?

I don't know what world you live in but surely you don't want to live in a world where everyone is as dumb as you are
>m-muh taxation is theft
kys libertariantard

lose 30 pounds and turn screen-time down to 3 hours a week.
you can lose 30 pounds in 45 days or less

>but you won't.
>why won't you help yourself Anon?
>you can only live on 4chan until the DNC in Chiraq in August.
>the whole grid is going to collapse
>you'll need to leave your den to forage, Anon
I think it's the only way around. Chicks these days are being brainrotted by tiktok and instagram and onlyfans to never leave their bedrooms. And the ones that do want want to be /out/ are either already dykes, already taken, or currently being competed for by every other dude innawoods.

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Geocaching is what started making me go /out/side. Does anyone else still do it? I bring a mountain bike and head to trails.
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no one evern post pics of even just dog poops in a geocatch
Only on out because gen a doesn't go outside
>the whole point of a geocache was printing off the 3 or 4 lines of cryptic text and going innawoods with that piece of paper and solving the puzzle
uhm, no? GPS co-ordinates was a part of the game from the very beginning. You're mistaking it with the treasure hunting or letterboxing, which are different activities. Go read a wikipedia article.
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19 sauidis crashed airplanes there.
High trust society.

Is this a good water filter?
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Lol, sawyer has been tested even by dumbnuts like you, turns out their claim is fine.
[citation needed]
>missing the part about a carbon filter
Are you really that dumb or are you just pretending for the sake of bait-posting?
I also am a First Need Chad but come on the regular Sawyer, not the micro that OP posted, is a pretty good water filter for half the price and definitely easier to use.
Sawyer itself recommends to flush the filter with diluted bleach solution after the season is over. https://www.sawyer.com/blog/section-hiker-how-to-clean-sanitize-and-store-a-water-filter-in-the-off-season

Do you guys bring any instruments with you when you go /out/? Im considering picking up a naf, harmonica, or small travel guitar to maybe jam a bit when im camping overnight.
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One reason why I prefer a special 20 is the plastic comb which isn't affected by moisture like the wood comb on the marine band. But I like the sound of the marine band, but the durability of the plastic has my preference, especially outdoors.
i have a special 20 i got a few years ago for my birthday but i like the looks/feels of my marine bands more. maybe /out/ a plastic comb is technically better but im pretty good at cleaning mine so i havent had any problems with them ever
i have a blues harp in c (actually it was my first one) and i cant tell the difference really between that and the marine band. the special 20 just has a different sound to it though
not the same anon but i actually prefer the sound of the special 20 over the marine band, the plastic gives it a rounder tone or something
>it's too upp beat and happy
Learn to bend and play in 3rd position or get a minor-tuned one. Whether it's F or G it's still Richter-tuned and will sound upbeat unless you play with purpose and know how to do what you want to do. The key doesn't really matter unless you're playing with someone or have perfect pitch.
All I was saying is that a grand isn't that out of place for any handmade classical/traditional instrument, not that you'd take any of them /out/.

That banjo also reminds me, I think it'd be pretty funny to go chill out of sight in the woods near some semi-popular trail and start playing Deliverance music when somebody comes by.

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I bought a tent, maybe camping soon :)
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The saved weight is pretty small compared to the amount of space you get
cat is VERY impressed with tent
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She loves the sleeping bag too :)
Cool. Also there aren't any rules against using regular sneakers to go outside. Boots are nicer but you can make do in most situations with converse
I have the Storm Break 3 and can set it up in 2 minutes, just get some better tent stakes. Its a solid tent

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rule two
No one cares, brownoid.
honey you need chemical peels or laser for those acne scars

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Literally what is the point of "camping" with an RV or trailer when you could just have a campervan?
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Teardrop trailer.
Lightweight, can still haul an atv in the truck bed.
Can unhook, set up camp and still use vehicle.
One of my mates has a full size bus converted to whatever you want to call it.
Master bedroom, bunks, toilet, shower, lounge, kitchen, outside shower and kitchen, auto levelling, it's fucking gangster.
We take it to motocross and trail rides mostly. Arrive the night before, you're ready to go after a sleep in and leisurely breakfast while everyone else is scrambling to get ready and a 2-3hr drive after an early start.
Afterwards when everyone is covered in dirt and sweat and generally uncomfortable, we're rotating between the bbq and shower with some cold beers.
>Teardrop trailer.
Those things crack me up, but they sure take them some wild places in Oz. Are they common in the rest of the world?
I know a few people that use them for long term travel, one guy lived in his for almost a year just stopping where he felt going back and forth across the USA. It's a nieche thing, but they're convenient. I like mine for going hunting for a week at a time, or long weekend trips. They're good for offroading, getting places an rv or larger trailer can't.
This just looks like a college students bedroom, why would you go into nature to stay in this shit

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Is bringing Whiskey/Drinking on a trail a shitty idea?
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A red wine and a cigarette by the camp fire is one of life's great pleasures, one of the comfiest feelings going. As long as you don't feel run down in the morning and you're not going to have to get up too much to piss, I think a little booze is a great way to wrap up the evening.
>Is bringing Whiskey/Drinking on a trail a shitty idea?

nobody smokes weed for the flavor, and you cant just light one up without getting high. I sip on liquors because many actually taste good, and only in small enough portions that I don't get drunk or even buzzed
one thing i will say is i find marijuana doesnt work the higher in elevation you go which seems ironic given it grows in the foothills of the himalayas. any time ive tried smoking a j on some peak its like i was smoking hemp or something it has barely any effect then once i get back down to sea level i get hit with a thousand pound bricks
>red wine and cigarette
Based and frenchpilled

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