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McCandlessbros.. our response?
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>give me money, housing, exemption from all laws and expectations of functionality, also sexual access to your children!

Did it feel good knocking down that strawman you just built
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makes this post:>>2729252
calls this post strawmaning:>>2730828
lol, take your meds faggot.
also; stop perving on kids.
>is homelessness a housing problem or a mental illness and drugs problem.

Both. In Finland everyone who wants can get a house. There are still homeless people and fucked up drug addicts, but relatively less than in other places and they are relatively better integrated.
He killed it with a single .22 round. It died instantly.
He could have killed it with a paper airplane for all the good it did him.

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2 questions
Does anyone else here use the app iNaturalist to search for plants, animals, fungi etc


What GPS device can I use to punch in co-ordinates that won't run out of reception half way there like a smartphone?

I need to enter a latitude and longitude into a device and for it to tell me when I'm exactly there no matter how isolated the area is.
I use inat but have never used it to find anything like what you seem to be interested in.
>What GPS device can I use to punch in co-ordinates that won't run out of reception half way there like a smartphone?
Your smartphone should have gps anywhere regardless of your reception. I use gaia but it's paid only. I'd look for a free as in freedom app, it might be hard to use but won't have bullshit like locking you out of using it when you're without reception. Bear in mind gps accuracy is often only to around 100ft or so depending on what people use when uploading to inat. You should just aim for the vicinity and then look.
Smartphones have gps but to load the webpage again if you accidently click out of the specific page you need phone reception/ internet to load the page again. I have seen people use a dedicated gps device to reach lat and long coords
I use books.
Plan ID is significantly more involved than just looking at pictures.
Also, iNaturalist is shit for trees or anything bigger than a shrub and it is mostly for home gardens and imported species.
If you need exact location a smart phone is almost the worst option you could go with. You're way better off getting a dedicated GPS--even off the used market--than using a smartphone if you need a grid location.

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Have any of you lived in Gustavus AK? What's it like there?
Yeah. It sucks, and Greg still owes me $40.
Air freight is expensive, so the ferry system is your shipping lifeline... and Mike fucking Dunleavy keeps hacking away at the budget for vital public services. If you aren't fishing, then you work for the state, see above note about corrupt administration. The rain and wind through the inlets will beat the hell out of you pretty frequently.
All told, though, if you can handle the isolation and the limited options... it ain't bad living. Just don't spend the rest of your life there without seeing any more of the world.

*mogs your grass lawn*
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>My yard was a sparse mess of weeds and sand when I first purchased my home,but it's slowly beginning to resemble a lawn without the use of herbicides or fertilizers.
Same. My lawn was completely paved over when I started out. Tore it out only to find a layer of sand on top of a layer of clay. I took a pitchfork to it to mix it up, then added a layer of acceptable topsoil.

Three years down the line now, I have a lawn lined with little (grafted) pear and apple trees and a small wildflower patch. Couldn't be happier.
I planted that shit! Fuck grass! grass is a soil eater and water hog, if you try keeping ti green year round. I've never understood the desire for a monoculture lawn. I actively try and add clovers, vetches and the like to my lawn. No fertilizers, less water, much softer to walk on!
You know what would be cool.
An entire lawn of creeping thyme.

Imagine how good it would smell when the wind blows.
Herb lawns in general sound really cool. If I were in a warmer climate I'd try to make lawns out of all kinds of things. Do you think a basil lawn could reseed itself reliably if you stopped mowing when flowers appeared?

For the past few months I've been finding myself going to local parks more and more, off the beaten path, and just loving being out in nature. I figure I'm at the point where I'd like to start taking it a step further and get some camping gear and a nice off-roading bike but I don't really know what brands to go for as the marketplaces are flooded with different brands.

could I get some recommendations on some starting gear for spending a night or two out in the woods? The bike is probably the thing I'd like to spend the most money on to begin with as I like to ride bikes in general so I figure that's the thing I'll get the most use out of.

Also, I hate to add to the already bloated request, but any general tips for somebody just starting out on backpacking and camping out would be much appreciated.
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Gotcha, I got a flat, wide foot so the arch support is always fun to deal with in finding a good new pair of shoes. The double sock thing is something I'd never have been thinking about though. Appreciate all the advice. Looks like I got an REI about 15 minutes away from me so that'll work out.
(though I may or may not have lost my job tonight, so might put a wrench in the funds lol)
Any reason using trekking poles would cause bicep pain? Went out on a trail with a backpack full of waterbottles for the weight, didn't feel too much different than usual, but my right bicep was hurtin' by the end of it and I'm kinda wondering if I'm using the poles wrong.
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>about to go uphill, let me stop and adjust my poles
>hold on guys, looks like the grade is changing, I have to adjust
>is everyone holding their arms at 90 degrees? My level says we're on flat grou-shit, it's going back up again, we have to stop
>does anyone know what grade this is
>guys, wait for me, I have to adjust
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You're really supposed to adjust the positioning of your hands on the poles. On top, in the middle, and lower.

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What do you guys hunt with? Whether its small or big game
What kinds of guns/bows/knife equipment do you use/recommend
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Also, look up if there is a standard textbook for students. In germany its "Vor und nach der Jägerprüfung", carried me through the whole course and exam no problem. I dont know how it is in france, but in germany you have to put in considerable work in order to pass the exams, so dont half-ass it
Yes, I look it up, and there's also a text book in France but I can't buy it now, they sell it during the first class.
That's the reason for my first post.
But thanks any way.
kid, no you dont, try /soc/ or a similar troon board if you want to play make believe on an anime forum
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.223/5.56 is fine for any deer outside those freak Canadian whitetails that are fuck huge. You're right most hunters are just shit marksmen even at a basic level.

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What are some of your biggest accomplishments and happiest moments in life?
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>I have never been hunting before
Nice to know.
Fucking based.
(Assuming /out/)

College summer jobs working as wilderness guide for groups of teens. Great community/friendships with coworkers, summer romances with coworkers, got to be silly and fun with the kids and play the games we stop playing as adults. Getting paid (meagerly) to whitewater raft, paddle, cave, hike, etc.

Maximum effort sport climbing and scary trad climbing.

Beautiful moments with wildlife encounters and stunning landscapes while backpacking.
Yeah I'm a simple man, what's my life got anything to do with your day?
I proposed to my gf at the end of a cool hike we did in Glacier National Park. She dumped me almost 1 year later though.

My mom never let me go to Scout/summer camp because she was afraid that I might get raped.

What did I miss out on?
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Put em on clutch
I joined the OA and nothing was ever the same ever since. Just a bunch of globalist who jerk each other off and drink like fish.
>I just learned scouts do "pioneering" where they build swings and bridges and catapults and shit out of natural materials as a team. Sad I will never experience this.
I know that feel fren. Doing all that sounds fun as fuck
>I surprised myself by standing my ground
King shit
>What did I miss out on?
getting raped. unironically. i was next door neighbors with a family of scouts as a kid and i went and stayed the night one time. I saw the brother rape his younger sister . Their dad was a scout master . Where did he learn that from ?

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Topics include:
>soakers and how to avoid them, dude
>non-slip grips, kid
>clearance sales, chief
>cleaning and treatments, boss
>wellies, chauncy
>vintage gear, toots
>stay-aways and ripoffs, jack
>liners or wool socks, professor
>hunting boots and camo options, rambo
>handmade leather and bespoke examples, fabio
>ropers, riders, and cowboys, huck
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Is this a bot post? wtf does waterpoofing have to do with either post?
Probably a Terence to another thread, where a girl is claiming rubber boots aren’t waterproof.
I had a pair of Cat Colorado's, size 11 (or 44 here in europe) that served me for 8 fucking years as my daily shoes, while also being used for hiking.
Eventually they got holes in the very leather, and I just have to switch them out because its literally more expensive to repair shoes than buy brand new ones in this gay country I live in.
Speaking of gay country, we don't import CAT shoes anymore it seems, and I can't find any resellers anywhere, so ugh...
ANYWAYS: I bought a pair of Wolverine EPX boots, size 10 (43). And idk, they feel nice, but my toes are getting a tiny bit squished togheter from the sides, but its been EIGHT YEARS since I tried new shoes. Will they wear into it? Are Wolverine boots even a good brand? If anyone has any experience with them, negative or positive, I'd love to hear. But mostly I'm just so unsure about if the size is right, which is retarded I know, but I suspect my old shoes literally were a size too large for me, and I just coped with it for 8 years, but these feels a tad small now.
Any great boot manufacturers making women's size 7-8?
this seems to be pretty good

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> catch a flat tire
> get a repair kit
> get the inner tube out
> find the hole
> seal it
> use a mini hand pump to inflate the tube
> pump for like 10 minutes
> still flat
mini pumps are a meme and presta valves are a work of satan
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>retard used the wrong end on the pump and blames the valve

only on 4chan dot org slash out
>i had to use an adapter for it
Switch to tubeless too.
I once pumped a car tired with a mini pump
it was stupid and I was retarded
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>Gets you back on the bike within minutes
You should really replace the inner with a new one after, but I always carry this stuff with me when cycling, has gotten me (and broken down strangers on the road) out of plenty of shit situations. 5€, you'd have to be a retard to fuck up using it and it means I don't have to do a half hour repair job on the side of the road for a minor puncture.
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Why wait for a puncture in the first place?
Ditch the tubes.
Carry one for an emergency spare if you’re paranoid or 6 gorillion km from home.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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Wait they have a euro L version? That might still be worth it then. It'd be worth throwing 20$ at, mind posting the URL or store?
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Looks like they're a little more expensive
Perfect, thanks anon.
Anybody well-versed in chink ultralight tents?

What's the closes chinkshit alternative to MSR Freelite 1? I've been using Naturehike's Cloudup 1, supposedly another MSR knock-off and it worked great, but now I need something really light for thru-hiking SMT (Slovenian Mountain Trail), ideally freestanding and under 800g. Frelite 1 fits the bill, but the price (at least $500 where I live) makes me want to consider chink alternatives.

Been thinking of >>2703642 as well, but I don't like the limitations of relying on a pole and stakes (while backpacking in alpine environment), and the weight benefit is negligible.

I mean, in a free standing tent your still relying on poles, potentially even thinner more easily broken ones at that comparing chinesium to chinesium. Lanshan 1 you would have a backup if your using 2 hiking poles on your trek.

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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Il mio odio per milano aumenta ogni giorno sempre di più
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>I married an afro
mi raccomando, rimani li e non venire in Val Vigezzo
Non sai quanto tu sia fortunato
>Bob Marley
Bob Marley had a white father in the british army.

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Explain to me why March and April were warmer than May
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Yeah ikr and if global warming is real then why the fuck does it still get cold outside in the winter? Checkmate AL Gore
Cause no other answer than mother nature is a bitch
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>frog poster
When did this place start hating frogs? That was the start of the end.
When people realized just how fucking stupid FrogTards are/
God I wish I didn’t live in a hot desert

Magic mushrooms + hikes in nature

Best time ever
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I can't say that they're even close to the same. I thought it was impossible to have a bad trip on dissociatives.
Anyways, there's no such thing as a bad mushroom trip.
When you finally can grasp eternity and you see that you are the creation and creator all at once, you're going to freak out.
You will have no desire to trip ever again.
The whole tripsitter thing is a meme. Their presence acts as external stimuli that knocks you out of your rabbit hole like dynamite.

>"If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments like microscopes, telescopes and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen."- Alan Watts
I've found them before because I had a friend who I went with to learn what to look for. Here in the UK there aren't really any "tragic" mushrooms that you could mistake for magics, so it's no worries. The few species that look similar to them seem to be harmless, but also emit a different (non-edible) smell so even if you accidentally pick them, you later realise that they useless.

I'm currently buying a pack (and stuff to put in it) so that I can get out there soon and enjoy some solitude. This thread has reminded me that I can (and will, hopefully) find a rich bounty of soul food along my travels.

I don't know about other places but here, there are areas that are covered with magic mushrooms. I've seen moorlands that were just littered with them, and I've personally picked them in AUGUST, on a hot sunny day, so I don't listen to people who claim that they don't grow in summer. I walked over a busy-ish dog walking area and got a full pocket of them much to the confusion/amusement of the regular who saw me walking around staring closely at the ground.
I am always cautious with substances (apart from weed), so I just take a little bit when alone. Then once you are comfortable you can take more.

Like with any drug, start off small and then 30 minutes later, take more if you wish. That way you don't suddenly wonder why an elf (your cat) keeps scratching your face every time you try to shake its hand.vvjrs
Mushrooms don't have any negative heart effects associated with them. But dark chocolate, in moderation, is said to improve heart health in general.
Take 2g and you'll be okay. They're a lot different from DXM.

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Is pepper spray any good against wolves or dogs?

What can you do about wild boars?

How about beavers?
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extremely effective against cunt dogs that want to bite you....the only problem is the owner after they figure out you maced their shithead dog, so make sure you have can with enough juice left to spray them as well
I know for sure it works on junkies
for larger animals it might be effective, but for dogs, nothing beats a rock. (free)
Of course the guy who hates dogs also goes right to stoning. Have you said your daily seven prayers?

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