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Alright /out/ with turkey season wrapping up for most of the country, how did we do this year?
Ill start. I harvested my first bird in a decade of hunting them. I got it done in the Cleveland National Forest in San Diego county
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why u killed that torkey? he did nun wrong.
mm chikemn....
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He pretend sleep for photo, hes okay
Still trying to get one southeastern indiana. Feels like the kentuckiana methheads keep beating me to it. public land hunting truely is pain.

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> Mountain biking deep in the woods last week
> Take a trail, assume it's point-to-point, ending at the road
> Somehow get turned around. End up on the back of the mountain, in the middle of nowhere.
> The trail gets smaller and smaller.
> I'm hoping that means I'm closer to the road, but instead it dwindles to nothing. It's a glorified deer trail at this point.
> I see something in the distance.
> What the actual fuck??? It's a camper.
> Looks like pic related, exactly like Breaking Bad, maybe even more ramshackle.
> Covered in spray painted pentagrams, and the hood reads "LIAR"
> How the fuck did it get all the way out here?
> It's got to be five miles to the nearest road.
> I get a better look. There are spent propane tanks all over the place
> I see galvanized metal tubs. Someone has been cooking out here.
> Begin to put two and two together, and I get the feeling I'm being watched.
> Can't see in the windows. Realize someone might be looking back at me.

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when i was a young anon, i found a trailer in the woods. but back then nobody made meth.... it was just filled with old pornography magazines. i dont know why but the older generation use to just dump trailers in the middle of the woods and fill them with smut. Maybe these tweakers found an old porn trailer and converted it to a meth lab.

im being 100% serious.
Are you kidding? 80% of the posts on this board are fiction.
fucking call the cops you dumbass. Nature doesnt need those fuckers polluting up the forest
>When I came home I started to take off my muddy clothes and clean the stuff I was carrying
>Inside the backpack I found a hand hook man car door
>will never know who was phone
Can confirm, that’s how I encountered some of my first smut too.

Someone’s older brother found a couple of boxes of nudie mags in the woods, took as much as he could carry but there was so much of it. Told his little brother, who was our friend, and we went to check it out ourselves. Sure enough, there were a bunch of boxes of nudie mags back there. Off name random late 80s - early 90s smut. That was some time in elementary school I think, maybe 6th or 7th grade at the absolute latest.

I also remember finding a box of porno tapes in a closet at a college house. It was cool at first but then Danny’s Dudes turned out to be about a guy named Daniel instead of a girl Danielle, that was weird.

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>inb4 he's a southernlet
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Didn't even realize there was an aurora Friday. Was out camping. Was super cool, stayed up really late though.
>I definitely need to get a better camera specifically for low-light photography because what I have isn't cutting it

A7s? A7s3 second hand if you re kinda rich
That's awesome. It looks like a supernova!
is there an app or something that will notify me when these magnetic storms happen? i keep missing out

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Despite being known for rainforests, most of the region of the Pacific Northwest on the windward side of the Cascade mountains is surprisingly dry during the summer, specifically. By the end of August, the undergrowth foliage is thinner, and brown grass is common.
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>climate change is only due to local factors
no I havent considered that because im not retarded.

>I don't trust those measurements
so you just make up your own data? lol
Sure whatever, but you do realize that the timber companies go ahead and plant trees back to harvest in 30 years or whatever right? I fly over all the timber land all the time... it's all trees, not empty plots. It's not like they are magically turning their property into voids of desert.

Regardless of whatever science you have to support your position, it's a small factor compared to what the ocean is doing. You can argue on a grand scale forestry and construction affect the oceans but the ocean is way more dominant than the local factors.

ah, but not all forest is the same. for example water collects less efficiently and is lost much faster from plantation forests. so you're right that large scale weather patterns are more affected by the oceans, but when you're thinking about the actual water relations on the ground, vegetation structure matters a lot.
Sure, a new-growth forest isn't the same as an old-growth forest, and that'll have varying affects on local flora/fauna and water retention and kinds of environment. These are however local effects. You see far more impact from weather systems moving in from the ocean and colliding with geographic masses causing orographic effects like lifting up mountains, or around the olympics creating the puget sound convergence zone.
If I dump a bucket of water on some grass, I don't say the grass caused the bucket of water, even if the shade caused by the grass keeps the water from evaporating.
I think we may be talking at cross purposes.

I would be interested to read some stats for this specifically discussing logging in the PNW. I have found many sources discussing how logging in the amazon can strongly affect weather systems elsewhere, but very little from elsewhere.

One of the best /out/ experiences of my life was when I was camping in South Dakota and I watched this massive multi-cell storm approach me then hammer me all night. I had never experienced such power in a storm, even in the tropics. And that was considered a typical summer storm for people out there. I want to go back to the plains and storm chase. How do I go about this? These videos make me want to see it in real life.



OP i heard that you are interested in bugs too? you could become a bugchaser! would be a very fitting hobby for you i think
fuck around and find out, anon. I'd advise you to listen to your ancestors and get inside during storms.
make sure you have a sturdy car
>How do I go about this?
you need to become a weather dork and understand why and where big T-storms form and put yourself in position- which requires advanced planning and luck. Hardcore chasers no the day before where the storms are likely to form and proceed accordingly

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What's up with Krauts, specially boomers, and their kitted out rigs?
I'm in southern Europe and every time I go to the beach, no matter the time of the year, there's always many, many hundred thousand €€€ traveling/camping rigs there and 90% of the time they have German plates.
As I post this there are a couple 100K vans, mercs sprinters I think, fully prepared for world travel and parked on a gravel road right up to the beach.
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Krauts don't drive those tho?
I don't understand the $150,000 overlanders. That's more than my house. I just want something like picrel on a 4x4 I rebuilt with the basics.
I would buy one in a heartbeat if i had the money but they cost.more than my house
And honestly no German/Dutch boi is affording that lmao.
Kraut here. /out/ is basically dead here because camping is pracitcally illegal of you are not coming in a camper van or to a designated camping spot (which in most cases is just for camper van anyways). If you want to go out you basically have to bring a camper unless you go to a festival or got the go from the owner of some private property.
And as it turns out a lot of the boomers put their money in these giants once they paid there house off.

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I've tried asking on 'dog' forums but I get nothing but a bunch of hysterical fucking pearl clutching faggots who start throwing accusations and character defamation around because I may not be of the opinion that dogs are actually human babies.

I need a dog that can tolerate at the minimum sleeping overnight on its own, in a dedicated plush outhouse of its own, but still with some good guarding instincts and physical capabilities.

All the personal protection breeds are faggots who will start whining and crying and pissing themselves if they're physically separated from their owners and forced into the indignity of not sleeping in your house according to the literature.

Which rules out the otherwise ideal breeds ie Dobermanns, GSD. Any Anons had experience with dogs that are still down to ride like a Dobe/GSD but don't suffer separation anxieties?

Thanks outists.
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Your map shows they’re not endemic to North America genius. Endemic means it’s only found there and nowhere else
Imagine the shits and how much food it'd need. Granted it can carry its own food.
Any shepherd breed, like a German Shepherd or an Aussie. Preferably a Mutt mix including one of those two, since purebred = inbred = disease. These won't even require that much training and exercise.
>You can't go wrong with a Border Collie.
Yes, you absolutely fucking can. You can teach those dogs anything, but if you won't train your Collie daily (95% of Collie owners fail to do that properly, you probably will too), it's going to go fucking Dingo mode. I have a vet in my family and he said that every Collie he meets behaves like a wild retard.

Also if you want a guard dog for camping in an area with wild animals like wolves or bears, having a dog near you highly increases the chance of an attack.
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I like a great Dane boxer mix myself.
If you are using the dog to protect animals get two donkeys

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Lost my job and planning on living out of my car and camping places for at least 6-12 months since I haven't done that in many years now. I haven't really been homeless before but it's my next option currently so my funds are going to be kinda limited.

What are going to be the best and least expensive ways to sustain myself with food? I've never lived like this before so I'm wondering what all of the "oh shit"'s might be before I encounter them. In what areas might it be realistic to live off of the land, simply from fishing rivers or foraging? I don't plan on attempting full "survival" mode but I'd like to be out there as long as I can on as little as I can. Any good things to know or experiences are appreciated.
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Those are elderberries, retard. Hope you become homeless too
raw elderberries will kill you as quickly as pokeberries... But keep trying. Enjoy your homelessness.
>he doesn’t know ripe elderberries are safe to eat
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A man can live off potatoes and onions for a long time. Supplement with meat and bell peppers (vit c) and there ya go.

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Have you outed in the desert? Is it dangerous much? Scorpions?
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Leave no trace, Anon. Shame on you.
It's quite dangerous. But not from wildlife. Just Sun exposure and dehydration. Way more people die from that every year than any critters in North America.
Hiked and camped with Wingate Wilderness Therapy (Now Closed) in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument for 13 months for 2-week shifts every month. Water and food resupply was brought in with high-clearance vehicles. The land is beautiful. The weather is diverse. I wouldn’t know where to start, when looking for food or water. I’ve eaten a few rattlesnake, but scorpions were only a nuisance when sat upon. Cedar gnats and snow storms were the worst issues I’ve had. We hiked in sleeting weather once, and had a client experience hypothermic shock. Shortly after, I left. Any questions?
Water is the difficulty. Good luck. Regarding the actual hiking, ruck early, rest during the heat of the day.
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>innadesert in the summer
knowater,,and where itlives.,base of rocky zone will flowith water after rain,,,,can holdit just below the sand for months.,rock bowlsand will have water if you dig a little.,
,,evaperation will CHILL you on the hottest day!,109F,sit by sprinkler,,Cold!,ride in sun to warmup,,,wind puts the Freeze in my bones!,reach mystopull off helmetowarm up,,,shivering!,motorhome nearby has airconditionerunning HARD,,inside,Californitestare out window amazed? ,

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Oke so im planning on tackling the west highland way soonish with my bong friend pretty soonish, were going to meet up either in london (if i decide to take the train from the netherlands through belgium and france to england) or in glasgow (where i can take a direct flight) And were wondering if any anons that have done this hike before have any tips to share with total beginners such as us.. :---D and with tips i mean landmarks off of the beaten road that we should visit along the way or stuff that we should/shouldnt do and generally what to expect during the trip. We also wouldnt mind meeting up with other out/chuds, and if youre wondering were both males aged 22
well what me & my mate did was bring a big bottle of whiskey each from glasgow and wildcamp way off the track & get drunk gazing at the mountains every night. was pretty good. bridge of orchy hotel pub is full of cunts. travel early as much as you can, it's much more beautiful then and much higher chance of seeing wildlife. WHW was awesome overall, you're in for a good time. the rocks around lomond can be a bit fucked in bad weather so be careful there. good luck anon
thanks for tips anon, i dont have any experience drinking alcohol so i think ill keep it at a pint or two at a pub, i am also planning on bringing along some mushrooms along but im no too sure on how safe or smart that is. Do you have any reccomendations for what to do in glasgow, or should i avoid that place like the pest?
DONT go to Glasgow, it’s 3rd world - Trainspotting is basically a documentary.
Edinburgh is pretty cool though, there are backckers and genuinely good pubs in the middle of town.
Locals were all pretty friendly. Just follow your nose mate, worked for me.
t. Kiwi spent a bit of time over that way when I was 25.
Go slow, you can easily do 40km+ daily on the WhW, but you'll miss out on a lot. Also, take time to appreciate the Caledonian forests along Loch Lomond, I raced through the area because I was laser focused on seeing the true highlands area.
I didn't do much in glasgow, just stayed the night there so we could start early the next day. it's not as phenomenally shit as e.g. >>2732180 suggest, more or less just your typical run down UK city.

I think this is good advice. absolutely no point rushing. if I ever do it again I will go a lot slower. you may meet people who look down on you for not doing e.g. 30 mile days every day. if so ignore them, they're autistic.

Okay, I'm done coping. Even ignorning muh mountains, the west still has an overall better aesthetic than the east.
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Any Washingtonfags here? I’ve been thinking of moving from NW part of the state (skagit valley) to east of the mountains, maybe Okanogan county or even all the way to Pend oreille.
I like em both a lot. the main thing that the East wins is with the dense forests, damn near jungles. I miss swinging on vines and yelling like Tarzan, when I was a kid. I don't miss the poison ivy and the ticks/leeches/mosquitoes
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>then go innawoods near us to enjoy the lush greenery and bright colors of our woodlands, wetlands, water bodies and meadows.
>the entire West is a desert
that guy lol
> I'm done coping.
You're not even from the east. You're just the westfag that constantly makes these bait threads. Nobody cares about your California-transplant-in-Colorado-tourist-suburb-ass Jose. Stop shitting up the board.
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>said the entire west is desert and climate change is caused by beavers and jewish loggers guy and only my acre of decidious trees matters/


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Are you excited for the warmer weather /out/ :3 ?
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For some reason I haven't had a tick in years and I live pretty much innawoods
Imagine not feeling shit on your skin.
Tick concentration is location dependent.
I work innawoods building a trail and most of my tick encounters were simply at the edge of wood lines rather in the deep of the forests.
Imagine not feeling ticks on your poppy seed muffin.
Was doing yardwork naked yesterday. Stopped to enjoy a fire and drink a beer, found a tick in my chest hair so i threw it in the flames
>my friends
some day :(

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One deer tick, it was crawling on my permethrin-soaked tent. Didn't seem fazed by the poison at all and so I crushed it. Pic is related.
>hiking in conneticut
you mean walking in the park
Was exploring some abandoned buildings in New York last summer. Found 3 ticks biting me including one on my ballsack and they had been there for at least a day before I found them. No Lyme Disease. It's a fake and gay disease.
Glad I moved to Wyoming.
Curious if Lyme disease diagnoses will go down now that Long Covid is trendy.

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everyone loves mountains and forests for /out/, but what about the humble grasslands and swamps?
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Rare spotting ITT of a Chad Euro
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beautiful open field in pea ridge
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me innaswamp
do you kayak through the swamp usually? or do you trudge through them in waders
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depends on the place, the time of year, the water level. lots of variables. this one has some pretty deep sections, and in the raiiny winter when the water level is high, you can paddle through areas that you would never reach during the spring/summer when it's pretty dried up and overgrown with vegetation. exploring them in the winter is pretty cool also because you don't have to deal with the bugs and snakes, not that I'm personally worried about that... but bugs can be annoying. bump into one wrong branch and you're covered in hundreds of tiny spider hatchlings. lol

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Its not fair, bros. I just want to go fishing and I can't breathe because all the fucking pollen in the air making me sneeze like crazy and making me sound like charlie from smiling friends.
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Gooby is a bum midget
I'd beat him
see if you can find some honey that's made from local farms, eating it can help with allergies from pollen in your area
I dont get it, trees and pollen have been around for millions of years and you show up and make a big deal about it
Weak genes. Stay inside timmy
Take an antihistamine.

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