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everyone loves mountains and forests for /out/, but what about the humble grasslands and swamps?
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Rare spotting ITT of a Chad Euro
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beautiful open field in pea ridge
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me innaswamp
do you kayak through the swamp usually? or do you trudge through them in waders
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depends on the place, the time of year, the water level. lots of variables. this one has some pretty deep sections, and in the raiiny winter when the water level is high, you can paddle through areas that you would never reach during the spring/summer when it's pretty dried up and overgrown with vegetation. exploring them in the winter is pretty cool also because you don't have to deal with the bugs and snakes, not that I'm personally worried about that... but bugs can be annoying. bump into one wrong branch and you're covered in hundreds of tiny spider hatchlings. lol

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Its not fair, bros. I just want to go fishing and I can't breathe because all the fucking pollen in the air making me sneeze like crazy and making me sound like charlie from smiling friends.
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Gooby is a bum midget
I'd beat him
see if you can find some honey that's made from local farms, eating it can help with allergies from pollen in your area
I dont get it, trees and pollen have been around for millions of years and you show up and make a big deal about it
Weak genes. Stay inside timmy
Take an antihistamine.

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> buying land and ruining it with invasive crops, invasive livestock, pesticides, and killing native wildlife because they are "pests" to your invasive crops and livestock.
Literally trust-fund kids LARPing for a couple of years before they flip the property for profit to another retard who doesn't understand that they're buying ruined land. When will this trend end?
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you don't even know where I'm at first of all. second of all, thinking it's ok to bulldoze forest and replace it with a cash crop is the sign of a suburbanite that only cares about comfort. stay in your apartment complex.
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my corn is reaching critical levels of dark green that defy all bounds of reality
Forests are shit ecosystems if you don't manage them. Since cutting down a bunch of trees and letting sunlight into my backyard I have never had more rabbits and birds and snakes everywhere.
>you don't even know where I'm at first of all
You're on the east coast where both those species are invasive together
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On the other hand, a lot of the times these properties have been overgrazed by cattle ranchers for decades, and buying them gives them a bit of respite.
time for you to learn about snake and rabbit habitats, just because you like "well-manicured" suburban lawns doesn't mean it's better. stay in your backyard domesticated man.

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Geocaching is what started making me go /out/side. Does anyone else still do it? I bring a mountain bike and head to trails.
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>Does anyone else still do it?
stopped when smart phones became a thing
the whole point of a geocache was printing off the 3 or 4 lines of cryptic text and going innawoods with that piece of paper and solving the puzzle
now every single one has a Google Map pin, GPS co-ordinates, multiple Youtube tutorials and 15 zoomers TikTok Twerking in front of it with their phones out.
not to mention last i checked Geocache website now requires a monthly subscription
ur old
>complaining about 40-somethings on a website mostly populated by 30-40 somethings
k lol
no one evern post pics of even just dog poops in a geocatch
Only on out because gen a doesn't go outside

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Just got an REI membership and all I want to do now is consooooom
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To be fair, it's a lifetime membership. You'll make back your $30 in savings eventually.
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and I'm guaranteed to find those savings somewhere else
not always plus you always get the biggest savings on rei-branded items
I'm just here to seethe at this

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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum

classes have finished for the year and work has slowed down so hopefully I can keep this one alive. I've made some amazing fids in the past few months that I have been gone and I hope to see what all you have found since the last thread as well. First fossil of this thread is a Placcticeras sp. about 9.5 to 10 inches in diameter was super stoked when I found it. Upper Britton Formation of the Eagle Ford Group, Denton Co. Texas
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First attempt at fossil prepping today. I used a tile saw and an engraving dremel. Kinda fuckin mangled my crab fossil but oh well, it's mostly exposed.
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Last pic. It took me about 4.5 hours in total.
cool crab!

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Why do you like nature more than people?
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Every time I organize a group camp, people bail. No matter how many camps I do, nature always shows up.
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>Remove this concrete
,BLM land is FREEEEEEE!,for 14 days.,,,after 14 days the poop circle is toosmall!,
,,,,,,sidenote> HUMMINGBIRD FIGHT!!!orisit?sexytime?,
,,,op?whynot Love both?
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Nature is the constant, the unchanging, and pretty much the default form of existence. We as humans like to take control, and change the world we live in, but by doing that we make it complicated, confusing and obtuse.

It doesn't matter who you are, where you're at, and what you have or what you don't have, you can always return to that constant as it lies underneath the facade of society we've built. I think its no surprise that people who've never experienced the constant let alone established a relationship with it are unhinged neurotic messes.
how old was Diogenes when he died?
nature never called me a chud

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For me:

>Tent: MSR Hubba Hubba 2
>Bag: Gregory Baltoro 65
>Sleeping bag: Marmot Sawtooth 15
>Sleeping pad: Zlite
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Yea quilt would be shit without a insulated pad, I wouldn't use it then. But the quilt is much more like blankets at home in bed and offer more flexibility because you can partially cover yourself if it's warmer.

500 fill power is ass for that price. You could probably get something made in the us with 750-800 for that price. The thing I don't like about sleeping bags is constriction. I side sleep so quilt all day. I have sleeping bags too, just prefer the quilt.

I don't remember the exact formula but it should be online somewhere. The know area of a quilt (length * width) can be used to estimate the fill power by measuring the thickness when fully lofted and vice versa. So use that to determine if you're actually getting what you're paying for
They're nice.
I had helinox cot loaner from a friend and it was comfy, very light too, no need to worry about sharp rocks or anything else for that matter to poke you in the back or puncture your mat.
Checked and same, tent is the only way I can sleep without worrying some little mega-aids cunt biting me.
Also last time I used a hammock there was a frog in my boot.
>Increase surface area so you have more area to lose heat
>Heavier for the same insulation because the surface area that needs to be insulated is greater
>Going to have more cold spots because it's a more complicated shape
>Less volume inside the bag means you don't start warming up stale air
A meme unless you want to do warm-up exercises repeatedly to maintain warmth.
Tent: Quarterdome 1
Pack: Mariposa 60
Water: FirstNeed
Quilt: EE Revelation 10F plus overfilled
Pads: Nemo Switchback and Tensor
Shoes: Hoka SG5
Poles: Leki carbon
Stove: MSR Pocket Rocket

Comfy as hell three seasons.

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hey /out/
so,me and my friends are about to have our finals so we thought it would be a great idea to do something stupid before going back to studying 24/7

we wanted to do a great urbex so if some of you guys know some great urbex spots/scary places to go explore in brussels and it’s periphery it’d be great!

im ready to trade infos about other places we found in exchange of whatever urbex/place you have!
As far as Brussels unfortunately I can't help you because I live in Wisconsin... but do post photos please. I like scary places.
Break into the NAVO HQ. I heard it's pretty cool.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2725600
Spring is in full swing! Stagger your bush bean plantings to get continuous harvests.
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>It's cute how your dog always accompanies you. Very heartwarming.
Yeah she's great company, always tags along, got her the same week I got my house, fenced in the whole yard for her.
Cute, what race is she?
She's a working bloodline German shepherd
cute wolf
Have you guys tried growing mushrooms?

Fore the record I've technically been solo camping a bunch but I've always been within eye sight of other campers. I've been wild camping with friends/my ex but never alone.

I'm not usually afraid of the outdoors and when I do feel nervous about something once I start doing it I'm fine. I love to go through night drives and explore hoods, which I know is way more dangerous.

My main fear is for some reason I'll go a bit crazy and flee from my campsite and get disoriented. There's some mountain lions periodically out here but they're super super rare. I slept in grizzly country before but, again, not alone.

Anybody else feel a bit nervous then realize it wasn't that bad once you got out there?
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it's statistically impossible that two serial killers run into each other in the woods.
>statistically impossible for two serial killers to run into each other in the best place to hide a body.

Not to mention who tf asked
I've been "solo" camping multiple times, but if I'm heading off without other people I always bring my dog with me. I've not been in grizzly country but I've spent a lot of time hiking and camping in mountain lion territory. If I'm going to be alone, having both my Malinois and a gun with me goes a long way to making me feel more secure.
I'm too scared of people to sleep anywhere near them while camping, unless it's family/friends. Just be scared of others judging you and you'll prefer the unsafety of solitude.
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> Implying that OP is a serial killer. XD

So /out/... I'm from out west and wanted to explore the eastlands. I went down the Pennsylvania rabbit hole and discovered the entire northern part of Pennsylvania is known as the "PA WILDS" and is more sparsely populated than Mongolia. I'm now dying to check it out. What can I expect if I try to wild hike through the whole region. Any concerns beyond getting lost and dying? Why is this region so fucking mysterious?
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only on the west coast is that allowed, sorry :^)
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Outside of the designated public ranges?

>p.s. the ranges have a "3 rounds in magazine maximum" rule because they were built for hunters, not tacticool larpers
>and yes, you will be ticketed if they catc you with more than 3 rounds
Huh what about state game lands?
If it's for hunting, yes. Just bring a slingshot if you want to plink at cans.

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trees love CO2
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it was the jewish logger beavers.
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>humans love oxygen
>let's feed them 100% oxygen
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>100% oxygen
theonly,,wayto stay alive at 4PSI,,astronauts knowthis.,
,had collapsed lunglastyear,,,that PURE PURE O2 wasaving.,
,,,drunkard welders huffff like mad on mondays.,
,,M Jackson overpresure chamber?,,,i dont wanto APOLLO-1!
,how low doyou think co2 should be?,,orhigher!
>what is a hospital oxygen chamber
Are you retarded or something?

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Old one is about to 404 >>2639545

Last minute discussions and hopefully some sweet pics after the fact will go here. Fair warning to DFW area bros, there's some weather foretasted for the 8th so plan accordingly.
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This is an american board you goddamn beaner
picos de europa is a pretty huge area with no forest, only grass and exposed limestone specially the peaks i have in mind. if the forecast predicts clouds i will change plans of course but i hope not. and since the peaks are at very high elevation there's usually not fog up there, if anything there will be a sea of fog below me which is usually awesome, and it must be even more so during an eclipse
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Last night totally made up for us getting screwed out of last month's eclipse. The skies lit up in green and pink colors around 10 pm, danced like crazy around 2 am, and were visible for most of the night. It was easily the best I've seen in this region and one of the most memorable nights of my life!

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It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
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I tried half ropes on a meandering slab and it doubled the rope drag. I'm guessing that's why American trad is mostly on singles, because we have the slabs.
Ah yeah I've done that one. I'm no hardman but it's a pretty easy solo when it's dry; not even 5.5.

I've never been to Waikiki with a rope but I've always wanted to. That anchor looks simultaneously bomber and sketch as fuck.
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Recently recleaned this near-forgotten problem to project. Super-nice rock, over the bulge with no real holds, just friction.
Fuck yeah, climbing general, it's been too long.

So far this season at the Gunks has been great. Been pushing grades way beyond what I'd hoped for and having a ton of fun cruising up routes that were a challenge just a couple years ago.
Looking forward to ticking off all the classic 5.8-5.9's and testing myself on the 10's where it really starts to get interesting.
Any NE anons want to get after it hit me up.
That's awesome man. Post some pictures! I've found that I'm actually climbing weaker than I was a couple of years ago. Not a huge surprise since life has been kicking my ass recently, but still disappointing. I'm gonna have to get back on the hangboard.

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