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I own a piece of land that is connected by a county road, and these amish fucks have recently started moving in near the road and they fucking DUG A 5 FOOT TRENCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COUNTY ROAD WITH SOME GAY PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION CREW AND IT IS UNPASSABLE can I call the law on these retards I want to actually be able to access my land....
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Do amish have guns? Seems pretty easy to solve if they can't use technology
They do use technology. They use power tools, computers, the internet, everything. They just say it's "off grid" because they run it off a generator.
Amish are great believers in incest, domestic violence/abuse and rape. They are based for keeping to their beliefs and ways as well as they have and these sorts of people/communities will survive upheaval. But like all other religious sects they devolve into the dark desires and power.
t. ex-amish, got a away thanks to my dad figuring things out, but I got abused and still feel confused about them
They tend to be "protected", they are well known for their abuse and other fuckery and yet little is done about it.
And they do have guns, basic shotguns/rifles but no pistols. Most aren't keen on them and/or hunting but there'll be someone to balance them majority that does know and will shoot you.
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son, if you can't read that, it's you who can't read english...

Modernity is so goddamn gay, decades ago you could hitchhike easily and truckers would pick you up really fast, nowadays they aren't even legally allowed to pick you because laws, company policies and insurance garbage.
And this is just an example of many, as we move forward and as the population grows things get worse /out/ wise.
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what? hitchhiking is still a thing here, no laws against it. if i can i will try to pick up hitchhikers when im on my roadtrips, they are usually international travelers and has lots of stories. once picked up a danish girl who had traveled all the way from denmark to north cape, norway and was heading home when i picked her up.
blew my mind when she told me east euro truckers, the kind you really dont want to deal with, they are batfucking crazy, drunk or on drugs, where here best and safest rides. they absolutely wouldnt touch her, no sexual harassment, nothing, just total protective bro-mode.
>can't enjoy riding on the bed
You’re a massive faggot. The Vox article contains like two dozen links. The poster he posted is all over the internet (along with one or two others), all attributed to the federal government.
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>early May
>96° F already

Are y’all really going out in this?

>t. Floridian
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It's been a weirdly long, cool spring in southern Arizona. My windows are still open all day except a couple hours in the afternoon.
I had frosts until 3rd May. It was the wettest winter ever, on record, ever.

I have never needed my heating on this late before (by about 2 months difference).

It was warm for the last week, and then will return to the seasonal average.
>forecast rain all week averaging in low 60s
It's fucking May why do we still have April weather. Fuck this global warming shit why is it taking so long.
Louisiananon here. It fucking sucks. It’s usually warm but the last two weeks have been a solid 10° above average. It cooled off last night and looks like it’s back to normal.

I noticed a trend where my farts start to smell like the bubonic plague after camping. Anyone else experience this? Is it the dehydrated decathlon meals, the streamwater I'm drinking(filtered), maybe the electrolyte tablets? Send help
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>dehydrated decathlon meals
it's most likely this. i've read reviews of some mountain house meals doing this very thing
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What if OP got buttpregnant with Wendigo buttbabies haha
What if you put some Mountain House in your ass would you burp or would you make a dehydrated poopy farty mess

How do you handle feelings of loneliness and vulnerability when alone and /out/?
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And a backup weapon. One heater and one good sized blade.
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>feelings of loneliness
I hate people so being alone is nice
>and vulnerability
carry gun
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>How do you handle feelings of loneliness and vulnerability when alone and /out/?
That's the best part about being alone and out.
I usually just get very horny when /out/ and imagine meeting nature spirits for sex, it's almost unavoidable at this point, at some point on a hike alone I WILL get an erection.
Vulnerable? Vulnerable to sex from nubile forest spirits / creatures.

Dudes I went to high school with now have house, wife kids truck dirt bikes side x sides and fuckhuge camper trailers

I'm fucking disgruntled
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This right here. The amount of motherfuckers in Canada who fit right into this description is insane. They dress with designer clothing, always have a Starbucks coffee with them at any time of the day, latest car/smartphone. But that's not even the thing that really pisses me off about these fucking people, its really the misplaced sense of security in themselves that they have, not realizing that the only reason they have such high self-esteem is because they never had to break their backs working, and even if they did "work", it would be some summer job that they know they can quit at any time because they have rich or well off parents to fall on. The level of optimism these spoiled shits have is only protected by their parents finances. The moment their parents (for whatever reason) lose their financial stability, they will rope themselves due to the sudden realization that they will have to actually work and probably not even manage to get the lifestyle they used to have (seen cases like this).
Turns out I'm rich, and all the people I thought were rich are in serious debt.

But here's the thing, they're all having a great time right now, this very second and I'm living off tinned food.
They're counting on inheritances to clear their debt, some will get them. I won't inherit shit, so all said and done they might end up having a better life than me.

Economics is a scam, we should just gas the bankers
and dead parents
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fuck off we're full bru
>being able to use a computer at adult level is being very privileged
Off yourself nignig

Europe isn't known for it's dangerous fauna and predators, but in the Alps there are bears, wolves and foxes, and also boars in the pre alps, I don't know much about them but I want to learn more.

I'm about to go to the admaello national park in the alps for a 2day outing and i got the (irrational?) fear of getting jumped by a pack of wolves or a nigger bear while i sleep.
I'll be between 1800m (start) and 2800m(end)

ITT we discuss the topic of predators and dangerous animals in the alps, where they are, how to prepare, defend yourself, and avoid them.
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>taking them from slovenia.
are there bears and wolves in slovenian alps? i was thinking of visiting grintovec and triglav
your fear is irrational. the only reason you get attacked by a bear while asleep is because you didnt store your food properly, and no just leaving it far from your tent is not enough, and still teaches the bear to look for human food. hanging should only be done on a tree with at least a 10ft limb 20 ft up, so requires a decent amount of cord. the safest thing for yourself and the bears is to just use a bear can
Learn how to affix a knife to a sturdy straight branch, making a small spear. 10 minutes of handywork creates a weapon that has decided the outcome of history countless times. You only need a handle of say 30 cm to fend off various animals and the if you put the sheath on the blade it can be kept in your pack. Then again, you don't want to be seen walking through quaint Alpish towns with what looks like a brutal improvised weapon, so...
I always have my big knife hanging from my belt and no one ever even acknowledged it, idk they even saw it, and they talk with me and chat no problem, dont think they give a shit
anyone here ever had some encounters?
I met a pack of boars in the pre alps while going up a super steep off trail muddy incline where I had to be on my knees with a stick to go up, and those guys just ran down like it was nothing, it they charged me I would've been absolutely fucked, pretty cool and scary experience.
also met a mother and baby deer or something like that, in the middle of the road in a very small and full of tight curves road, and when I started honking they didnt go innawoods but kept running along the road, not very smart, if another car arrived while we were there it could've needed in a car crash and the deers would've been rekt

Which one is the ultimate pair of boots for out?

I'm deciding between Alpina's Tundra model: https://www.lamnia.com/en/p/19054/apparel-and-footwear/alpina-tundra-46

Or its Trapper model: https://www.lamnia.com/en/p/19021/apparel-and-footwear/alpina-trapper-boots
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i was thinking of horned viper. i'll probably see common european viper too, but i'm not so afraid of them
What is Saucony?
Named after Saucony Creek Pennsylvania. One of the oldest American shoe companies still in production. Owned by Wolverine at the moment.
You are suppose to say saucon deeznuts
Oh. Saucon-deez-nuts, faaaaaaag!

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Why does the North East have so much SOVL bros? Vermont and New Hampshire are the best states I've ever been to in this country.
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yeah too bad they vote to flood the country with immigrants. Go fuck yourself bradley you fucking faggot
Vermonster here. If any of you want to meet up in Southern Vermont to get a beer and do a trail, let me know and I'll drop my Telegram here.
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bloody Yangeese
God damn.

What are the best long distance walks in Europe?
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UK SW coastpath is good and missing from your map. Also London has several long distance hikes in it, in spirals, if you want to experience something different. You could stay at the same hotel and get public transport to/from each days start. It wouldn't be out-out, but you would get jaw-dropping views time (albeit brief) away from the noise in Richmond park hampstead heath etc, and experience a lot of culture along the way. You can make it strenuous by doing at a different pace to usual etc.

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The GR20 is considered one of the most beautifull and pretty difficult, not the longest tho 180Km, 11/15 days



>Europeans aren’t into it
Dude what the fuck.

Mountain ranges in Europe are always busy with hikers from spring to fall, certain mountains where I live (Tatra) are memed to oblivion because they're genuinely crowded with people, especially on the holidays.

A lot of people in Europe do what you'd call hiking and other outdoor stuff, it's just they don't treat it like their whole personality, don't buy tons of gear and scream about it on the internet.

Also there isn't a big outdoor sleeping culture here because there are hotels all around you and for a lot of people it just doesn't make sense, unlike in America where there are no options for sleeping outside a tent in a lot of places.
>a handful of European companies that make decent hiking gear
>literally half of the high end alpine/hiking footwear manufacturers are european
ever heard of salomon, asolo, scarpa, zamberlan, hanwag, and so on, what the fuck
I'm working my way through the Scandinavian bits of the E6. So far it's been very enjoyable.

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whats your EDC?
for me its a sheffield 16 in 1
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>let me guess
You need more
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I'm in the middle of clearing 30 years of bullshit out of my parents' 90+ year old house and prepping the place for sale in a few weeks so I'm EDCing a fixed blade and flashlight right now.

I don't know how anybody gets by without at least a small pocketknife, at least in the US where so many things come in packages that are a nightmare without one. I've always got at least a Swiss Army or Case knife in my pocket unless I'm going somewhere with metal detectors.
>carries and empty phone case
Kinda weird.
Yeh. Digimon X. Newer version, backwards compatible.
The smaller thing is a thumby. It's dope as hell, but it's a novelty. You can't really use it as a keychain unless you can cut your own screen protector for it. It has some surprisingly decent games though. The best ones aren't twitch based due to the tiny controller. Mini golf, puzzle games etc. there are tiny rogue-likes that are decent but a little under featured.
Maybe more now, been a while since I looked.
I don't carry a whole bunch of shit around but I'm starting a farm job soon so perhaps I'll be able to contribute something then

Do you guys bring any instruments with you when you go /out/? Im considering picking up a naf, harmonica, or small travel guitar to maybe jam a bit when im camping overnight.
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Would I be a dick if I brought an alto sax or something
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Surely you aren't suggesting anybody drags "university-level stuff" and "way more pro stuff" with them on a hike, nor is that price range what I would recommend to a "beginner" (the first post you replied to). Especially not when they plan on taking them /out/side.

You can get alright, playable, decent-sounding violins (well, fiddles), guitars of any sort and banjos at a price range where it isn't a huge pain in the ass and the wallet when the rain and moisture eventually and inevitably gets to it (i.e. less than 300 bucks). Pic related, 270 bucks new and plays like a charm.

As you said, steel-string guitars are even easier to find in this respect. I have a 12-string that I couldn't have paid more than 150 for at the time, and a Soviet-era parlor guitar that I picked up on the cheap (50 bucks lmao). Both sound fine and hold up well outside.

I'm going to ignore the brass band and drum comment for obvious reasons: not /out/.
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Patrician choice
if i was at a campground i'd rather someone have a guitar than a fucking bluetooth
at least they'll just strum for maybe 30min until their fingers get sore and they stop.

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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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Only worth going on an off day. Especially when the trail narrows, it's not fun having to hug the rock wall cause some man shaped like a bowling ball is taking up the whole path.
I doubt anyone wants to live in Portland. If only there were high paying jobs less than an hour away from work: ow wait, that's basically anyone in Colorado.
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Olympic is top tier, but overcrowded. Cascades are worth the drive. I recommend any trail overlooking the Skagit River. The prominence of the mountains around make the view breathtaking.
Beacon Rock is like an hour drive away in Washington. They've got some pretty neato rock formations.

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>Can I see your Angel's Landing® National Parks Trail Permit™ please?
>Oh you mean you don't have one?
>That'll be a $200 + tip fine then

What would you do, /out/?
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line wasnt too bad because i went as early as possible. had tickets for circuit 4 but bribed security guard to let me onto the best cuircuit (circuit 2 has best views). its very touristy though, feels more like a museum than being /out/. peru overall had many tourist trap places and street shops but their currency sucks and food was cheap so unless youre room temp iq and cant barter for shit then you should be fine
Appreciate the advice, thank you anon.
start hiking, if they want to tax me they have to earn the privilege to do so
Fuck yeah Climbing General, it's been too long.

I've been having a blast this season at the Gunks so far.
Got two new climbing partners that are around the same ability as me and it's allowing me to push my grades up a little more than in the past when I was climbing with a less able climber.
Managed to onsight Never Never Land, my first 10b (on GunksApps, 10a mproj). Super technical slab climb with some fantastic committing movement. Also been super fun revisiting past climbs that felt like a challenge and now are just cruiser.

Always on lookout for more partners if there's any NE anons that want to get after it. Looking to hit up some of the longer climbs up in NH.
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This one's going in the compilation

Pretending to be outside with highly regarded individuals.
VR is /in/. This is /out/.

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