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Are you a Wall Street Kid, /vr/?
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imma wall st R A I D E R
This could have been better
If a million dollar home is a wallstreet... sure, most everyone here is.


If you mean am I a nepbaby who gets to flip money on 50/50 stock picks with enough money to make a shit ton more? No, most people aren't. Mind you studies have shown that investment firms and shit are no better than chance. Now - the big money in stocks these days is high speed micro-trading off small exchange differences. And most people aren't invited to that market manipulation, just large corporations mostly.
>the biggest money corps are all engaged in a desperate fight to get their transmission tower a few feet closer to Wall St.'s main broadcast point
>all so they can get the prices a few milliseconds quicker than the competition and buy/sell based off that info before the competition does
>meanwhile every day-trader in existence doesn't get the price info until seconds after the change, when the corps have already bought all the cheap deals and offloaded their bags
It really is impressive how they managed to create a second stock market inside of a stock market that is so very regulated and carefully watched. If a lowly day-trader found a way to get the prices before everyone else and bought and sold using that advantage, they would quickly be accused of insider trading and fined out of existence by the FEC.

You know what I mean, games where the best content is all used up early, especially when it's just the first level. Bart VS The Space Mutants is a good example because the first level gimmick is actually interesting while the rest of the levels just have you collecting objects. Personally I think Monster Party is another example. The first stage is the only one with a crazy change halfway through and the amount of interesting bosses tapers off as you progress. None of the bosses in stages 6, 7, and 8 are all that weird or have any kind of twist. The already-defeated dino/spider, the fried food, the punk rocker, all within the first 4 stages. The only funny boss in the latter half of the game is the dancing zombies that you have to watch in stage 5.
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Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six (1992/NES)

In the 1st half of the adventure, all levels have an item to get, in the 1st level it's the key, though in this case it's right next to the door, so it's a bit of a let down, even if the level itself has a couple of distinct atmospheric areas, the 2nd levels is how things turn great though, with a couple of unique items you need to find before the exit to get to the boss, and then the 3rd level has an optional item, but one that makes things way better if you manage to find it and grab it, again there's a ton of atmosphere and many areas to each level too. It's nothing amazing, but this 1st half was great.

In the 2nd half though... we get a lot of reused assets on both the 4th and 6th levels, with only a few gimmicks, the bombs in the 4th level and the 6th level being essentially a compilation of all of the other levels... the 5th level looks a bit unique, but all of them are dull, linear... what happened?
That game felt pretty big as a kid, but coming back to it now I'm shocked it has a runtime of less than 20 minutes for a 1992 NES game.
I'm sure they ran out of time after Mysterio's stage. Hobgoblin, Vulture and Doc Ock's stages are straight hallways after some non-linear aspects of the game's first half following with a piss-easy fight at the end of each without any real gimmicks. Why the game wasn't made for SNES is beyond me, considering Arcade's Revenge was a month later and with the same publisher.
Sonic 1 is weird because Spring Yard and especially Star Light are also fun. It's less front-loaded and more flip-flopping between great and just okay.
Indeed, I recall playing it on a Famicom clone all those years back, my "PolyStation" with my only cartridge, that had a NES Tekken ROM hack, but also had Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six... and Batman, which was the best one by far... it's really a completely different experience coming back to it today, it's 15min long if you know how to get around things... but back then I struggled.

I agree, it really feels like they ran out of time, it goes from maze like stages, that aren't linear, at the same time they weren't too maze like, a nice balance... and then it's just bland hallways really.

I wish we had gotten a 16-Bit version, and more time on the oven, because the level design early on, finding items and using Spider-Man's powers and mobility... it's nice, not spectacular, but nice.
Hollow Bastion is great and the Ansem fight is good but End of the World which comes between them is really forgettable, you're right. I didn't even remember Chernabog until I replayed the game.
Yeah that's more accurate.

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What's the best route through StarFox 64
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Just stay at home
Based Cornerian civilian.
1304 was my best score without glitches or charge shot spamming. Don't see the appeal in playing like that.

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What's the best way to play through the first four games in this series?
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This looks really good anon, thanks. I’ll enjoy being able to read the item names.
that sega ages version is great, it's a shame they never did the rest of the series
Very nice, thanks. Cool that physical media is still being published for these games.

Because they’re really not great

Thoughts on this?
It's a bit weird that they didn't release it in Japan, VF land, even if the Megadora wasn't popular.
It's also curious that they changed the character cover from the original VF2, replacing newcomers Shun Di and Lion for Jacky and Tao Pai Pai. Though understandable as base Megadora didn't get VF1, so it's a better idea to use more popular characters people know about I guess.
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Fun fact, the guy who did the soundtrack for this version, Shogo Sakai, later went on to write music for GBA Pokemon and Mother 3
luv me sum VF
simple as
VF fans are better than fans of other fighting games. you might not like it but it's the truth
for some reason sega loves to include this version in compilations instead of the original or even the saturn version
That’s fine

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ah, Commodore. love 'em but god they were retarded. kind of like Sega.

>still making 5 micrometer chips into Reagan's second term when that shit should have been abandoned around when leisure suits went out of style
>could only make 250 VIC-IIs per wafer due to their relatively large size

and contrary to what he says they had lots of money but it mostly went to buying Irving Gould a new beach house in Maui and wasn't invested into modernizing their manufacturing
wasn't 5 um already deprecated by the end of the '70s?

What other /vr/ games have done this?
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What a shitty fucking day that would have been for Diddy Kong.
>wake up
>banana hoard gone
>team up with Donkey Kong, travel accross your island to get it back
>Finally do so
>K.Rool takes your best buddy
>Call up GF on the banana phone and get her ass there pronto
>travel across another island to get up to K.Rool's plane
>get buddy back
>Fucker runs off to the Lost World
>go through that as well, K. Rool needs to be taught a lesson
>kidnapped with your buddy, have to rely on Dixie Kong
that's 3 years
a reverse case
Not canon. It was a dream
Why did this never come to the Gamecube or Wii?

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There really aught to have been more remasters of N64 games on this console.
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>how they were meant to be experienced.
They were meant to be experienced with a piece of shit analog stick therefore 3DS is more authentic
Well they've been decompileing a bunch of n64 games you can run on a jailbroken 3ds in 3d. Like mario 64. I've been playing openlara in 3d on mine.
still don't get why they didn't put greyscale vb wario land on the eshop there, would've been perfect

Are SG renders peak SOVL?
I thought that rubbery look was weird as a kid, but they are pretty rad in retrospect

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I have a Gamate but it oesn't seem to play anymore, no matter if I put cartridges in or not, it will just show a few horizontal lines across the screen and nothing more, is it broken?
my parents bought me one for some reason, I had Treasure Hunter and when I tried to jump on top of an enemy the guy died and I cried because it wasn't like mario, my mom told me "it's because they are poisonous". The game was shit. I also had a shmup with a turtle, also shit.
I retried the games today on my analogue pocket and it's still as dogshit as it was back in the day, what a wretched console
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it's pronounced GAH MATE (as in Japanese like YAMATE)
Dunno, but I just found this cool 90s looking site with stuff I never knew about the hardware

pretty gay, mate.

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The pink PS2
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Kawaii Sakura-chan.
back to led dit ZZZZZZZZ
I hate the hot pink ps2 but this one looks pretty nice even.
The piss yellow tint of the white plastics do not play well with the pink though.
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Bring back pearl pink and translucent pink
I was sooooo fucking insecure about buying anything pink back when these consoles came out

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Anyone want to drop a dime on their mod setups for Diablo 2:LoD?

All I'm running is Plugy with slashdiablo's BH maphack for it's loot filter but it's unstable for me, crashing every 50 runs or so, so I'm looking for alternative loot filters and anything else you got. Any info appreciated.
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Just in case anyone is wondering, this setup is 100% portable to Linux. All I did was scp the full install folder from my windows box that I used to set this up, add diabloii.exe as a non-steam game into my steam library, change compatibility version to proton experimental and you're in there.
Calling people fags is for fags. Fag.
>is that the .txt edits you were talking about
One of them, yeah. I also changed some recipes based on the ones available here: https://www.snakebytestudios.com/projects/mods/diablo-2-mods/
You can get D2R's txt files here: https://github.com/laki28/D2R-Excel but they're not always on the same format as LOD's. Here's a compatible runes.txt: https://pastebin.com/edH8Puwu
You will also need to add the runewords to data\local\LNG\ENG\patchstring.tbl using http://www.afj-progs.dk/d2/AFJ_tbl_Edit_1.12u.exe otherwise the game will crash.
>drops were no good but the setup is great
Game on!
Now kiss.
You’re a turbo ultra fag

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Got burned by the steam version which is the best way to play this on a computer?
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You haven’t lived life until you’ve beaten a MS game at a dimly-lit liquor store while drinking BAWLS and eating Now-and-Laters
there is a steam version?
Is there any major differences?
>no way to remove slowdown
The slowdown is proof that the devs didn't compromise on their vision.
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>I emulated an emulator
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Get on our level, faggot

Can we adapt to the fact that third worlders who grew up with famiclones had better childhoods than anyone else?
>reliable hardware without moving parts, early 90s models were actual clones of the Famicom and had FC style pads with rounder edges instead of the more angular NES ones
>Big library of games, maybe not the big games that required saving, like The Legend of Zelda, but on turn famiclones got a lot of japanese-only games
>Cheap as fuck and also multicarts
Basically famiclone kids got both, quality Japanese games, but at a very cheap cost, getting the best of both worlds of console gaming (good games) and british micros (cheap price).
You could argue modchipped PS1 or PS2 is better but
1) moving parts means less reliable hardware, especially if you weren't aware of putting the console upside-down technique in order for it to read discs
And 2) 100% ludo, no modern style games with movie stuff or urban simulators, just straight up games.
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>Famiclones in the USA weren't a thing until the late 90's.
That is false.
Ill never forget the famiclone my grandmother gave me when I was young. Such a sweet woman, may she rest in peace.
Anyways, I played the Panda Mario hack so much in that thing I cant still whistle the only semblance of a soundtrack It had.
I'm from Argentina and we had some Japanese fc games unreleased in USA or europe, all bootlegs from HK or taiwan
Corrientes avenue and the city in general was so much more soulful in the 90s. Changing the neon lights for cheap led lights was a mistake. I guess it's the same for all cities around the world.
Not to mention a world without social media.
/vr/ stuff was garage sale fodder until sometime in the late 2000s/early 2010s AFAIK. I bought a 19" PVM for $50 back when I was in High School and two 27" PVMs for like $200 each in the same timeframe. Never saw too many famiclones for sale in that timeframe but they did exist (mostly ones that were also SNES compatible like the retro duo)

t. '96 zoomber who got into retro games because of the AVGN

Daily reminder that this is and will always be the superior version over that botch job of a remake
daily reminder that stop spamming threads already faggot AAAAAAAA
Do you ever play any good games or is it just tendo shit?
Define a good game, with examples.
will you /v/ refugees fuck off already
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.

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