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The awful framestutter has been fixed now, and i am happy.
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Hold on, my mistake, i got Yoshi's Island and Mario RPG confused with the Wii port of Sonic Mania, THAT's the one that crashed near the end at Titanic Monarch, sorry.
>all 3 snes emus are inaccurate
Snes9x GX is based on Snes9x 1.62.3 and that is not inaccurate; the RX fork trades accuracy for speed and has less input lag, improving performance for SuperFX and SA1 games.

>do please DO NOT LISTEN to contrarian shitheels telling you Yoshi's Island and Mario RPG work fine on those
Didn't try Super Mario RPG, but Yoshi's Island works great on Snes9x RX, same for Trials of Mana.

>For GB/GBC stick with VBAgx
Gambatte on RetroArch is plenty better.
If you want composite then 480p isn't an option
Wii is strong enough to emulate PlayStation? Huh.
It is if you bother to properly optimize for the hardware and use a dynarec for PowerPC. Most emulators on Wii are just straight ports with barely any optimization, drawing to a software framebuffer and wasting 10-30% performance on a basic display.

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At what point did emulators get good enough where you could play most 3rd and 4th gen console games at full speed? Would you have needed a top of the line processor for such playability or were you able to get by with an average consumer PC of the time?
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That looks absolutely horrible, uncanny valley of Lookin' Good smoothing, and the top image looks closer to how it is on real hardware (pic rel)
No, it literally looks like >>10957071 on real hardware, because it's not "smoothing", it's the fucking way how texture rendering works on N64. You fucking zoomies are truly braindead.
With ZSNES I had music off and it worked well enough. Not at the point where I was able to play Super FX games but for most games it was well enough.
Gens for some reason worked very well with most games.
I had an old 486 66mhz and you could run games on ZSNES, but it was pretty rough, with the frameskip needing to be on all the time. Decent for RPGs and slower games, but terrible for any action games.

I also had a pentium 200mhz (no mmx), and it ran snes without issue. The thing ran NeorageX beautifully, and with a voodoo 2, even managed about 50% speed on the ps1 emulators at the time. UltraHLE was far too slow, and I remember being really jealous of the people who could run it.
what a moron ffs, what's so hard to understand that the textures were so small they look bad on the console and look bad on a superscaled pc emulator?

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>main competition was the NES, arguably one of the most important consoles in the history of the industry
>immediately superseded by the Genesis as soon as that console came out
>most of its library was ported over to the Game Gear
>not much third party support due to Nintendo's stranglehold on third parties at the time
>had fucking Alex Kidd as a mascot, didn't start getting Sonic games until it was already dead in the water
>today only revered by Brazilians, and Europeans to a certain extent
Man, the Master System really got a raw deal
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>arguably one of the most important consoles in the history of the industry

Make the argument. I'm an expert and I disagree.
Got one hell of a CV clone.
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Fact: most genz only know about the master system because it was the console that Mordecai and Rigby had in Regular Show
Jokes on you I knew what it was before and appreciated the reference. Same with Laserdisk
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Deadass op if full of it. Who the fuck even had a Nintendo, or knew a kid with one. (no fucking 1)

The most forgettable Sonic game
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I'm with you on this one for Sonic 2, surely... but for Sonic 1, the levels are all built in such a way that it's not too different to play from the port on Master System, and for Sonic Chaos... I know this might sound dumb, but the limited FOV we get on Game Gear makes it better, because it's a pathetically easy playthrough, anything that can make it a bit harder makes it better to play still.
I'd go about it like this:

Sonic 1: Master System or Game Gear.
In this case both versions feel good, the Master System with a better FOV, while Game Gear got more polish and was built with the resolution in mind, you can't go wrong with either of them.

Sonic 2: Master System
Here's where the resolution really hurt the Game Gear, even the 1st boss feels like a chore because of the changes made to it, but Master System did get a version that's just as good as Sonic 1 for it.

Sonic Chaos: Game Gear
Here's a case where the FOV being worse on the Game Gear was actually better, because this was such an easy installment that you need to make it as hard as possible for yourself, also go for 100% since the hunt for it is what makes it interesting.

Sonic Triple Trouble: Game Gear
I mean, you don't get much of a choice here, this was a Game Gear exclusive, anyways it's probably the better Sonic title on these platforms overall.

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The ironic thing is that Sonic 2 Game Gear is supposed to be the "better" version, but the screen crunch works against it.
>The first boss is suppiosed to be made a "little" harder on Game Gear by randomly changing up the height of the bouncing balls instead of all being the same easily-dodged attack
>The water in Aqua Lake is cleaned up to look less murky
>The good ending is given its own, more happy-sounding music instead of sharing the bad ending music
>Oddly, the game's only Power Sneakers power-up and its power-up music is removed in the Game Gear version, though it's rather useless to begin with as you enter an automatic tube immediately after getting it and it wears off before you can come back out)
Someone needs to backport all this into the Master System version, and then it'd be perfect.
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I get what you mean, though in this case those differences aren't all that noticeable to make it better or worse to me, the main one is definitely the 1st boss which, while I get is a bit too simple on Master System, it's still the 1st boss, so it's reasonable for it to be very easy, easier than whatever comes up next for sure, so I prefer playing it over the Game Gear, FOV aside.
>Tails Adventure: Game Gear

The only thing I ever remember about this game is going into the password screen and not being able to exit out of it.

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did he ever get a piece of that aromatic ass?
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Holy shit it's Rei
You know he didn't. Elk is too much of a autist.
Endrance is a guy that's a complete bro but he's also so gay for you that Haseo will never give him his home adress out of fear he'll wake up one day to getting a brojob.
He sure did, that's why he was so attached to Mia/Macha, even Endrance got her as an Avatar.
Yes, she was abused irl so she used a male character as a way of escapism.

Sometimes I play it and think it’s aged poorly and other times I think it’s the best game on the SNES. How do you feel about it?
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>That makes a lot of sense, when Nintendo first entered game development I recall much of the art was just done by the game developers themselves both in-software and for packaging including manuals.
Bear in mind, Nakano's comment refers mainly when asked about the original Zelda art pre-Ocarina of Time because he was asked and he and his peers had no idea which Toei artist or artists did the art for those games. I do know the packaging for SMB1, for instance, was drawn by Miyamoto himself.
BotW has the opposite problem with not enough dungeons, but it's such a fundamentally different game that they have basically nothing in common besides the IP. OoT I still think is the pinnacle of pacing for the series. Never too long to get to a dungeon, but there's lots outside of dungeons.
It’s great, the overworld puzzles are some of the best in the series
It feels legendary in a way people don't appreciate. Looking back, the bouncing directionality of swings feels bad. It is an oppressive game. I frequently get the music in my head. It's the best Zelda other than the original. The concept of the dark world was awesome

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Is Solar Winds on DOS a shmuproidvania?

Do you know of any good shmuproidvanias i could try?
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Nigga, its Guardian Legend
Kid Icarus is a primitive shmuproidvania
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ACTUALLY i prefer Starflight 2 combat.... if only because the fake variety of ships in SF2 was pointless. only like 2 or 3 ships were useful, other than the main customisable ship. AND the main ship becomes useless in the final battle because it get loaded up with a giant BOMB!
>inb6 banned for spoilers that zoomers didn't know.
for me it's beatroidvanias, like Chrono Trigger
I have not played that game. In melee, that's why my cousins and I kept choosing random and made the best of the situation the RNG put us in. Sure there are bad matchups, but with clever play and maybe some random field hazard assists, some damage could still be done for the next ship in line. As for the story, I thought that's how the Pkunk mystically knew to give you exactly 4 of their ships to take down the shielding and elude its defenses.

I've never played an MK game before. I want to start with one of the klassics. Which one (or ones) should I play and why? Is there any reason to play klassic MK in 2024?
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Play MKII on Fightcade.
Best MK game to date
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You could take a sword.
>you can unlock the best game in the franchise as a secret.
They'll never top Shaolin Monks.
Mortal Kombat is an exception to this because of the block button working very well with a shoulder button. Maybe that's more true in a back from enemy = block game.

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Thank you for putting a few more of my thoughts into words.
I heard "So long, big Bowsie!"
I heard my uncle unirionically did this when he was a kid (minus the Mario 64 pretending, obviously: he's in his mid-70s), but only because he hated cats.
>So long gay bowser you dumb nigger faggot kike tranny! I fucka your mother
Cant believe they put that in a kids game
Definitely the intent, but not how it sounds in the final mix.

These are the best fucking Zelda games ever and I'm tired of pretending they're not.

Link's Awakening fags do not interact. Mods, please delete their posts on sight.
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My first game of the two was Ages, and I liked it because it reminded me of A Link to the Past, with the time travel gimmick. I then got Seasons and I enjoyed that and the linked game as well.
I tried to play though Oracle of Seasons recently and while there's a lot I liked about it, I ended up dropping it during the Unicorn's Cave dungeon because of the amount of backtracking required and having to go back and forth through those shitty forced 2D platforming segments. Exploring the overworld is awesome though.
Eh, they're fine, but kinda mediocre. More iterative than innovative.

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Final Fantasy III is truly the best in the series.
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Interesting, what is it exactly?
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I heard 2.0 is actually semidecent, though the earlier versions were total garbage.
As for other T-Edition alternatives, Divergent Paths does the "what if Leo was a permanent party member" idea right. I unironically think it somehow manages to be less fanficy than T-Edition, whose custom sprites turn me off.
Brave New World is complete trash with a fan-fic tier rewrite from some mlp Celes faggot.
Just a mod that reworks some things. Most importantly, how spells work. Not everyone can learn every spell (and spam ultima). And all skills have been modified. Things like Edgar's tools, there are other useful oens other than Chainsaw. Or Sabin's blitzes, there are other uses than just Bum Rush. Or Cyan's Bushidos you can actually select which one you want to use. Or Gau's Rage's have been limited but all made useful. Etc.
And fixed stats that did literally nothing.

Oh, I didn't know the script changes were optional. That's cool. I might actually try it in that case.

>modern game
>pop-in disc
>30 minute install
>another 30 minutes for day 1 update
>finally game starts
>Hour long "cinematic" tutorial with quick time events and trafic story
>game FINALLY starts
>it's a behind the shoulder third person shooter/adventure where you run down a single path and kill enemies for 8 hours

>retro game
>pop in disc or cart
>it instantly starts, sometimes after cool boot-up screen
>is a colorful adventure with a wide range of unique gameplay and characters

How long before normies figure out our superiority and takes all of our shit?
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Hey, I just started Wild Arms. Neat.
No offense OP, but you sound like a zoomer or normalfag that got into retro 2 months ago.
Not really, you just aren't looking super hard.

That just makes them look samey, they can play differently despite still using UE or Unity.

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How have Warcraft and Warcraft II aged? I've played a bit of II and wanna get into it more heavily but I was considering playing the earlier games first.
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If you want an honest answer as to why people say that, it's not that the game changed, it's that we did. If we're being completely truthful here, most of us played these games when we were kids, and while some are timeless classics that are just mechanically sound and hold up to this day....a lot of them we only tolerated because we were dumb kids with no standards and if they were released today they'd be immediately labeled as kusoge. That's what people mean when they say a game aged, in that it was only acceptable by the standards of the time.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 is the perfect example of this. When it came out it was near-universally praised (and in Japan it's still considered the favorite Alpha game). Within only a few years people looked back on it and said, "yeah V-ism completely breaks the game and turns it into unfun bullshit that makes the game completely unplayable on a competitive level unless everyone just collectively agrees to never use an entire third of the game's control schemes"
Warcraft 1 was unplayable by 2001. Warcraft 2 is really slow and clunky but the voice acting and story remain great.

Warcraft 3 is still a 10/10 experience from beginning to end. Only really topped by the WoL campaign.
You are bad at English that's the problem.
1 is a bit clunky to play.
2 is much easier to control.
Downside is that the two sides are extremely similar in terms of units, outside of things like the spellcasters having different spells. Not necessarily a negative, but don't expect the variety and huge differences in playstyles that you see in WC3.
I prefer LotV's campaign mechanically but yeah WoL has a better narrative.

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>can burn your fingers from merely touching it
>is loud af
>performance is laughable when being put head to head against radeon 9800
i can't think of any major blunder amd or nvidia did in recent years comparable to this absolute dumpster fire of a gfx card
maybe fermis worse? I was too young back so im not sure.
This thing looks like an evil Kamen Rider's belt.
Fermi was hot (mostly because people haven't learned about forbidden techniques like giant 3-slot non-PCIE-compliant coolers), but they did have the performance to back it up, and AMD cards of similar performance consumed just as much power, so it's a bit of a moot point anyway.
The only powerful card from that line is the 5950. Anyone who shit about graphics cards of that time skipped the 5xxx line entirely. The 6800 was a good card. 4xxx ti's were good cards.
whatever happened to her? wheres ruby?
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The FX line of cards has a great resurgence lately. There are cheap Chinese-made PCI ones which are ideal for a glide wrapper that can bring back a great time machine. It was said that fog tables and palettized textures no longer were in the later nVidia cards, so these can give the classic 3Dfx look which was so popular in their day.

I liked them both, but it is unacceptable in the current timeline. Possibly a wiped existence.

What do you think of Metroid: Zero Mission?
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I assume he's talking about the charge beam. You encounter the boss that carries it twice and it's possible to fail to kill it and miss out on the charge beam because it escapes.
oh you can just go to the other area where you fight him then. you can also just kill him in the first round, kinda tricky on hard mode but on normal it should be doable.
>you can just go to the other area where you fight him then
I mean it can escape after the second encounter and you can never fight it again. The charge beam is a completely missable item if you fail to do enough damage to that boss to kill it after 2 attempts.
It just goes back and forth between the two places you can fight it, just wastes a lot of time if you need to follow it.
Much better than Fusion

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