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ITT: misspelled/mistranslated/generally fucky video game text.
Picrel is from Lufia: The Legend Returns
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I don’t feel to well…
Wtf this looks based. I love dkc3 now.
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>If you look at japanese websites, you can see a lot of them use "ssy" instead of "shi"
I am not apologizing for this pic.
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>ZEIK TUVAI in Wild Arms (supposed to be "Sieg Zwei").
All this time the fact it was meant to be "Zwei" never even crossed my mind.
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Prelude to the final arc of the game and it completely mangles the word masquerading.

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How does /vr/ feel about these? One just opened up in my town and has another location about 45 minutes away, so they know what they are doing to a degree.
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I love them. Invariably run by low skill faggots, even if they aren't bandwagoners like yours. I get a lot of business from them repairing shit. And get the stuff they consider not worth repairing for free or a buck a box. A lot of people in the business are douchebags, but there are plenty of nice guys. Regardless we're all joined by our mutual detestment of bandwagoning scum.
The games from a given generation usually dip in value for a couple of generations afterward, until nostalgia kicks in and people want to start buying their childhood games again and younger generations get interested and prices go up. That pattern held for 6th and will probably apply to 7th/8th gen.
if they're sold at about market price: i'm fine with them
if they're overcharging: screw em
A complete lack of self-awareness as to how normalfags will perceive their hobby means they can go all-in on the aesthetics.
Like that anon says, it's aesthetics over function. Most men don't care how they stuff looks if no one else will see them. If others will see them, they will make sure it increases their status and not lowers it. A typical masculine male room will look like a map ripped out of an early 3D shooter. A man would not display $8.99 figurines. Imagine how time consuming it would be to clean the dust of all those shelves. Too much stuff.

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Previous thread: >>10886708
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Rate my collection
>25" Sony PVM-2530
>25" Wells Gardner K7100 (inside an arcade cab)
>17" Compaq MV720
>17" Gateway VX700 (diamondtron)
>15" Gateway CrystalScan
>14" Mitsubishi AM-1401R TV
>13" AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor (trinitron)
>12" AppleColor RGB Monitor (15khz)
>12" Apple Monitor III (green phosphor)
>12" IBM 8513 VGA Monitor
>12" IBM 5153 CGA Monitor
>9" Macintosh Plus (b&w)
I'd really like to find a decent 19" monitor but they're hard to come by these days because they're too heavy to ship and you can barely find CRT monitors locally anymore.
>25" Sony PVM-2530
>17" Gateway VX700

Can you give me these two anon? Thanks in advance.
The Gateway has visible burn in in the center of the screen if you're looking at a solid color because it has this bright yellow "no signal" text that's always displayed as long as the monitor is on, and I think it was used at a school so it probably sat on that screen for hundred of combined hours. The Sony I will take with me to my grave.
>I wouldn't pay for a broken one.
apparently it has been re soldered
>But if its in good condition and has decent inputs, sure why not.
Are composite inputs decent for the price?
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>I'm a zoomer who has never seen a CRT irl
How old are you out of curiosity?
I'm a 99 Gen Z and I still remember the 20/27 inch Zenith bubble tube and RCA rear projection we had for 5-7 years in the early 2000s
I even had a 13" DVD combo in my room until about 2012/13 when I inherited the 2007 Philips LCD when we upgraded the livingroom TV

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was this kind of performance acceptable back then? were people even as obsessed with tech advances as they do today? like complaining about not getting stable framerates on starfield using dlss and stuff
i'd imagine your rooms gonna turn into sauna from all the excessive heat sli'ing two 7900 gtxes
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It is kind of wild how each Elder Scrolls game runs better than the previous. V runs better than Oblivion, too.
Actually all of those didn't have toaster requirements when they came out.
We used to play Quake 3 with graphics cards with vertex lighting at 640x480 and still get like 30-40FPS.
Similar for all the others. They only have toaster reqs for modern toasters really.
Also, getting smooth play in UTK4 even requires maintaining 300FPS to not be jittery... so even if you could get "good framerate", it wasn't enough for great gameplay.

Every single one of those and even Quake 1 also had guides online to tweak out framerate... because you know... if they ran amazing on everyone's toaster when they came out, no one would be doing that and those sites wouldn't exist. But they did and do.
Eh, that's only partially true. Daggerfall runs better than Morrowind, all the DOS ones do.
It's the fully 3D ones that do what you're saying and yeah...

Speaking of V, here's a throwback!
What went wrong with modern CPUs and GPUs?
They are way more powerful so the additional heat isn't that controversial. Lower end cards are still in a comparable range, though.

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Why would i need to be able to speak it and not just read it?
Hopefully never.
Nothing should ever be translated into english.
i think it would be easier for you to learn japanese,also how translation are currently i wouldn't wait to learn (use yandex to search for learning programs)
>download super robot taisen translation
>translation says version 1.1
>since is 1.0 it should be completed.
>download and start playing,most text is in japanese with only menu battles translated.
>read the readme it says they have worked 4 years on the "translation"
fuck it!!
This game is so schizoid, the plot gets crazy super fast.
so you can tell a japanese person to read it for you :^)

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Lakers Vs Celtics And The NBA Playoffs should've been called Pistons vs Blazers And The NBA Playoffs since the Genesis port was based on the 1990 NBA Finals and neither the Lakers nor the Celtics made it that far.
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I'm talking about why the first one's called Lakers Vs Celtics And The NBA Playoffs even though neither team advanced to the Finals when the Genesis port came out in 1990.

So it should've been called Pistons vs Blazers And The NBA Playoffs in retrospect.
Even the halftime screen shows off highlights from either Larry Bird, Reggie Lewis, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Isiah Thomas, Dennis Rodman, James Worthy, Byron Scott, Charles Barkley, Rick Mahorn, Kevin Johnson, Tom Chambers, Clyde Drexler, Kevin Duckworth, David Robinson and Willie Anderson
Too bad you have to play four 12 minute quarters when you play in the playoffs mode, whereas Electronic Arts helped make it to where you can adjust period lengths for playoff mode.
No such thing as "celtic"
It's a port of the 1989 pc game of the same name

Yes I watched THE review and the voice acting was indeed amazing. I wish I had played it but back then it would probably have seemed too boring for me.

I read the manga but it was the continuation of the in game story... Did you play it?
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It was the early days of motion cap and they really wanted to show it off, I feel.
I remember hearing the people they motion captured were actual theatre actors, so that might be why. Of course it was a new experience for everyone involved and all that. Something about those over-exaggerated movements just rubs me the wrong way. Not creepy, but on the very edge of that slippery slope of uncanny valley.
They hired stage actors, so it makes sense that it gives that impression.
Apostle fight was horrible because it was so cryptic but worse than that were those random enemies that targeted Koudelka specifically
>come into thread
anywho, it's pretty neat that this game was directed, written, and composed by Hiroki Kikuta, the Mana series composer.
he apparently read a shit ton of classic Weird Fiction before he wrote the script, you can definitely see aspects of Reanimator and other stories in there.
later on the shadow hearts series delved more into cosmic horror, so it's nice that they kept that going.

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ITT: systems with so many games that nobody will ever play them all.
I'll start:
the Commodore 64 : estimated 10,000 games and thats retail releases, the homebrew and amateur amount is impossible to say.
what systems can beat this amount /vr/?
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The dendy and the polystation have 1000000 in 1 games, cant beat that bucko
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Nigger, the C64 is not a console
>copies game on PC 1000001 times
PC wins again.
It's possible to play every game on cartridge based consoles, the PS1/PS2 libraries are just too big. You could play every Saturn, DC, Gamecube etc game as there aren't so many of them.

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*is the best zelda game in you're path*
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you failed at taking control of the conversation because you act like a lil bitch. you are powerless
>you failed at taking control of the conversation because you act like a lil bitch. you are powerless
I'm not that anon, but I have to say your comment comes across as a little rapey. Did you spend a few years in prison, bro?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>Quit ruining this thread he says as he helps turn this place into 2008+ gamefaqs each day
Zelda 2 is way too flawed.

what was your favourite boss fight on the SNES? for me it was Bowser in Yoshi's Island
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>yo-yo powerup has the Mother 2 character window checkered design
Details like those
Still after 33 years I can't figure out what the fuck I'm looking at.
>posting yoshi's island content in a thread with yoshi's island OP image? NOOOO THAT'S OFF TOPIC
That's the point, it's just some incomprehensible abomination

Why do so many zoomers view arcade as mindless quarter munchers when in reality they were the premium experience in terms of gameplay, challenge, replayability, and tech?
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I'm surprised to see someone feel arcade games were more money-stealy in the 80s than the 90s.
>*elephant noises intensify*
>deeper game design
You would love modern games and >>>/v/
Cause they be broke af and mid on god
Because they were both of those things at the same time.

For me, it's Move Me.
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Silhouette Dance from 2:15 on.
Are there songs that people DON'T like from the R4 OST? I rarely see people mention Thru, The Objective, or Revlimit Funk.

Check out Love Maze from Go Vacation.
You got quite a collection.
This anon has it, but also
listening to the r4 soundtrack while driving alone at night is amazing

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Wow this game sucks
Did old men really enjoy this game back then?
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I usually don’t laugh at yo momma jokes, but this one was great.
Aspect Ratio
The only thing that looks bad in this image is how clearly they fucked up their build order
What? 2 has problems but it's not boring and braindead.
Pure bait thread, but no sage bc we don’t get rts threads too often here in between all the “le Mario 64 was terrible” troll threads, etc.
The following was never really huge, but it was passionate. This game was gd awesome to play and a gift for those of us stuck on Macs in the 90s. Agree with >>10941568 too, the dungeon maps are great and we didn’t get that back until WC3.
Agree StarCraft buildings etc can sometimes seem jumbled and too alike, but your image in >>10941726 doesn’t seem much better, those orc huts all start to look indistinct if you get enough of them lumped together.
There’s a difference between boring/braindead and formulaic. I’d argue WC1 and 2 are formulaic but not braindead. They can get boring if you’re just running similar missions for marathon sessions, but keep in mind all these games were made during an era where kids still went outside and took breaks from gaming.

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It's time for SCAT
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Despite the name it's a pretty fun game and I love the songs
We don’t call them SCATSUME for nothin
It's never not time for SCAT tbf

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What's her name /vr/? For me it's Shadow of the Colossus. I can't stand what Bluepoint did to the art style and atmosphere of the PS4 version. Hardware limitations or not, give me back my gray washed out sun bleached visuals.
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For me it's Arx Fatalis. I can't count how many times I've played through it and I really want to see how Arx Insanity pans out.
I played Ico and SoTc on PS3 (HD version) while I enjoyed Ico I hated Shadow so much.
the giants were so annoying. they shake a lot and if you fall, you need to spend another 10 minutes of bullshit to get back there but I heard the PS3 is fucked up.
I dropped it at the flying collos (4th one maybe?) because I kept falling easily and it took a long time to climb all that shit and wait for him to fly near me to jump again. shit was unbearable.
is the PS2 version better?
Resident Evil 1 was pretty good
It sounds like to me you have an issue with the games mechanics more so the PS3's version having colossi that shake more. Either version you play it's going to be difficult in the beginning because your stamina is so small. You can either kill the colossi to gain more or find the fruit and lizards on the map to increase it.

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