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Does anyone want to play fightcade games that are not as played?

I have the jsons if you don't have them/

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This game is usually considered part of the bad Crash Bandicoot games list, do you agree with that?
I think the hub world is fun to explore and mess around and there's a crap load of content too but the racing itself is not that good.
I loved the hubs in this one. I remember the racing just being really easy though, but idk I haven't played this in like 17 or so years
I hated exploring the hub worlds because I just wanted to get to the races... But all the races suck so it wasn't worth it. Interesting that the multiplayer mode also serves as the games actual arcade mode (no not drive the tracks mode) where you do races and unlock tracks and cars separately from the the actual storymode. You can even get gran prix tournaments. It's just too bad the gameplay isn't that good though. Also the on disc dlc bullshit sucks too all the psp exclusive content is on the disc already and you can just use a game shark code to get it.
definitely not as bad as crash of the titans era. racing was meh, but the hub world platforming was very fun IMO as was finding all the death scenes
I like it, Crash of the Titans is where the series really jumped the shark.
>"This game is usually considered part of the bad Crash Bandicoot games list"

It is? Never heard about it. Yeah, the actual racing is shallow, but just shooting and blowing stuff up was a lot of dumb fun and me and my friends never tried to compare it with CTR, it was just different. Not to mention the loads of content, variety, and the fact that the game was pretty funny .

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>basically requires autofire to succeed
>almost no chance of recovery after dying, outside of a few very specific sections
>90% of the game is just sitting on the very bottom of the screen
>your bullets, enemy bullets, medals, and even oftentimes the terrain are the same color
>can only see about 2/3rd of the screen at any given time
>scrolling over at the wrong time instantly sends an unavoidable sniper shot right at your ship instantly fucking up your run
How did this become the face of shoot em ups in the west? I know pretty much no one was actually clearing this in western arcades.
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Nice get for a nice story.
Yeah. Ironically gaming moved away from communities and sharing information.
It also feels bad that people are so focused on the clears for clout that they forget to enjoy the game.
the difficulty is actually pretty fair if you learn a route, I got to the 4th loop when I was a shitter at the genre. Japanese players can loop it all day and night without sleeping so there's no excuse, but if you dont like that style of shmup just play something else. simple as
>all day and night
exaggeration since the bullets get stupid fast but point remains
>I got to the 4th loop
shut the fuck up shitter, you couldn't even beat the first loop, and the second loop is like 5x harder.

>Japanese players can loop it all day and night without sleeping
No, they can't. Raiden second loop is harder than Raiden 2's second loop and the rank keeps increasing, and by loop 4, everything is basically hitscan. The arcade archives port (tons of Japanese superplayers play those ACA ports) has only a couple who beat loop 3, and none that beat loop 4.
Only one non-Japanese player has reached the fourth loop and it's not you, sorry poser faggot.

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>Bunch of modders on their spare time repurposed Zelda Majora's Mask to run on PC perfectly at higher resolutions/frame rates
>Nintendo still never managed to make a modern port of their old games to newer consoles
>Most of their official "ports" run like crap
Yep, modders do what Nintendont.
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>twin snakes
I mean, some of them do have PC ports, even if they're shit.

bummer. does not work on my only windows machine (win7), and my other machines are loonix with no supported processor or GUI.

>implying SEGA is hiring fans after Sonic Origins shitshow
Did you get all the masks?
SotN not having custom maps like Super Metroid is a damn tragedy, I'd love to play something like that.

I'm confident that with proper sound design you can make literally anything scary. Like I'm not scared of ghosts at all and yet these games are so fucking terrifying
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Unironically you either feel it or you don't
I know what you mean, but then how do you argue that with a faggot who insists on stubbornly claiming they can't tell the difference because "dude it still has fog and monsters stop caring so much"? Just call them a retard and move on?
Someone who doesn't have taste is not worth arguing with. Like why in the fuck would any horror fan even talk to someone who thinks that Downpour shit is no different from Yamaoka
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Isn't the human nervous system wired to prioritize sound cues for danger over visuals? I remember reading somewhere that the most primal fear responses a human can have are in response to sound first, touch second, sight third.
I've never seen anything in life that has made my hair stand on end, but I've certainly heard shit that has haunted me.

Autism helps. Use science. It's been shown that certain combinations of notes sound "scary" because they contain certain frequency ratios that are dissonant and unsettling to the primal brain. Why is a matter of some debate, but apparently these ratios appear in most things that humans find upsetting for reasons that go beyond reason. Roars, cries, shrieks, growls, etc. This is also why metal music is the "music of death," and why a scary sound "just is," they're all reflections and representations of evolutionary history exploited for artistic purposes.

From a design perspective you have to consider context. If Monster A looks like it should sound powerful but it just farts at you, that's bad design. If Monster B looks tiny and ineffective but sounds like a T-Rex, that's also bad design, unless you're going for comedic inversion. Ideally the sound should fit the monster's 'essence.' Ghosts for example are typically "shrill" sounding in games because the ghost archetype is ephemerel, the sound is whispy or hollow or piecing because a ghost usually has those qualities reflected in its design. Alternatively they might sound wispy or reminiscent of liquid.

Good sound designers will also use sound as a kind of narrative. Slowly ramping up disturbing sounds throughout the game, having areas where there is silence to build anticipation, battering the player with a particular 'vibe' that feels overwhelming, etc.

Bad or lazy sound design usually ignores this kind of thing. The designer will just grab a single stock whatever noise and call it a day without any deeper thought.
god how I wish these games got modern ports, 1 is so fucking good and so many people dont get to play it because it's not easily available

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Previous: >>10892873

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Server up.
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>it's another marcel makes 9000 shuttle corkscrews episode
who even watches that shit?
It might at least be interesting to see an optimized four station scam coaster for increased stats and throughput.
I think the quantity of individual rides is the point

So basically he was right about not changing Mario characters too much and saw the red flags
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>Miyamoto envisioned Mario as a "go-to" character he could use in any game he developed if needed, albeit in cameo appearances as Miyamoto did not, at the time, expect the character to become singularly popular. To this end, he originally named the character "Mr. Video", comparing what he intended for the character's appearances in later games to the cameos that Alfred Hitchcock had done within his films. In retrospect, Miyamoto commented that if he had named Mario "Mr. Video", Mario likely would have "disappeared off the face of the Earth."
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His tie is so sick, i want that tie and a whole array of ties like it in different color palettes.
So true!
this is coming from the guy who intentionally gave the US a fake mario game

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HAHAHAHAHA this is peak comedy! Lizard just farted in the face of a glowie
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>I feel like I am in Boy George's pants

what did he mean by that? Also with all those Brit references I can see why there is a different US version and it makes me wonder what they said there even though Boy George was known in the US as well just like Keith Richards from the fucknig Rolling Stones

>to see the world like Keith Richards does

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Would you like to buy a flower? They're only one gil.
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Yeah it's supposed to be Alice.
Gave me a prostitution fetish
No, get a job.
A florist is literally a job, anon.
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There aren't enough doujins of this.
Whore is a job.

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Did you have any favorite game manuals back in the day?
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>emulate a windows game
Flipping through the hundreds of pages, retard.
Yeah I was too young for the original Pirates! unfortunately, I envy people who were old enough to play 90s games like that when they were new and had the big boxes and manuals they had back then.
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Arcanum's Manual was autistically verbose. too bad the game's buggy and hates multicore CPUs.
i never bought the original back in the day and i only have the GOG's manual now. i ARRRRRRed Diablo 2 instead.
is that LGR hands , he did a descent review of EE, i still fire that up every once in a while , great game

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your anus?
She can have sex with the prostitutes in Ultima VI
She can also make it with the gypsy prostitutes
IX isn't real, so it doesn't matter.

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>dude if you time travel back 40 years ago to play this game with your friends in school, think of the potential it had and use your imagination, it's such a classic!

Just shut the fuck up.

>Every town and mansion feels identical to each other
>Introduces day and night cycle, one of the worst mechanics in all of gaming, to the medium
>Dreadfully slow unskippable text making talking to everyone a complete chore
>AWFULLY slow character and attack speed for how large the world is and how much backtracking you do
>no story, no new revelations, no memorable scenes
>absolutely zero challenge in the combat, only three bosses (one of which is completely skippable???) with just one attack each, no clever level design

the usual cope answer is always "but it came out in 1987 and was soooo innovative and revolutionary!!". But Ys 1 came out two months prior, and blows it the FUCK out, with two distinct towns with people speaking like they have emotion and are real, lots of music tracks instead of just one catchy tune repeated over and over, distinct dungeons, a true story with intriguing characters, memorable locations and the amazing dungeon of the Darm Tower. Everything is clearly hinted at by important NPCs, with instant text speed and portraits by the way, instead of random secret hint books scattered in secretly breakable blocks in dungeons you've already cleared. Adol is fast and the combat against common enemies, while fast, takes some focus, and the great amount of bosses take thought and effort to beat.

AVGN did nothing wrong. All his complaints were clearly unironic and sincere. I've had it with redditors trying to "challenge the narrative" and "debunk the myth" about Castlevania 2 being a fucking travesty.
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>The eternal cope posting zoomer
Unbased and quite cringe.
It being cryptic is just a single point.
Great game. Had fun figuring it out with my brother. We didn't get many adventure games back then, so the few we got were welcome.
I always thought of it as an action adventure castlevania. A castlevaniavania, if you will. But I was alive when it released, so...
The funny thing is, no one back then compared or criticized games to the depth that people do today. People who weren't even there at the time. Can you imagine putting this much criticism into an episode of muppet babies? We felt fortunate to have any games. I was excited for fucking Fester's Quest and The Adventures of Gilligan's Island. Think of something you feel fortunate to get today, like pussy, then going online to see some retard criticize and compare pussy like you would ever say no to one. Anyway. Thanks for reading.

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Was it the volley games that killed the series?
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I don't have an Xbox, don't feel like buying one, and don't have a good enough PC to emulate DoA Ultimate.
zoom zoom zoom
coom coom coom
They went full coomer bait.
Specify coomer bait. What did they do wrong, exactly

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unreleased games that should have been released
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Did an iso never leak or anything?
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they took this from us
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Titan Warriors for the NES. Fun game, seems to have been fully completed. It was even promoted in Japan as Neo Vulgus, but was never releases their either. Not sure what happened.
it leaked. it's pretty neat.
it's where desert bus came from.
>Miss me Al?
>With every Mouse click so far, Peg.
>[loud laughing]

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is this the european/western equivalent of the PC-98?
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no, that would be the pc
No, the PC-98 actually got an official port of Doom in the 90s:
>Lived a long life
>Doujin (indie) scene
>Mostly porn games
>Can run windows
>Was basically dead after the mid 90s
>Also had a big indie and demo scene
>Variety of games
>Can just barely run Windows 3.1, but not well
Teenage Queen was a huge hit

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