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Previous Thread: >>10899463

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What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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based frogs
What does the mod look?
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>Cait Sith is still in the game
Alright, I'm downloading this.
Real Bout Fatal Fury for Mega Drive is going to be an official SNK release: https://x.com/danielmoura79/status/1791653856859885721
How do model and background.

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It's THE Sega system
I’ve been coming around on it lately. Had one as a kid and didn’t really like it. Only had Alex Kidd and Wonder Boy.
Played Fantasy Zone and Phantasy Star recently. Very cool games, but it feels like I may have seen the best already.
There are some other good one:

Castle of Illusion
Land of Illusion
Ninja Gaiden (though a bit easy)
Golden Axe Warrior (good Zelda clone)
Lucky Dime Caper
Wonder Boy III
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World

Some of the arcade ports are alright, like >>10942405 , Shinobi and Wonder Boy in Monster Land
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It's by far one of my favorite consoles of all time, such good hardware for its time, and with a nice library to match. I'm aware most of the library it has also came out on Game Gear, but I disagree it takes away from the quality, looking at the titles it has by themselves it's solid, that's all that really matters, especially looking back since they had a different role, one at home, the other portable.

Also, usually Master System has a resolution that allows me to see more, so I usually prefer it. Sure a lot of the library are inferior ports too, but that simplicity has it's charm to me, a stellar console.

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how is this considered one of the hardest games ever? I beat it as a dumbass kid. even revenge of shinobi is harder
same with ecco the dolphin.hard game my ass. that's not even near the hardest games even just on sega mega drive
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Only in your dumb country fatass
Even bongland zoomers are starting to call it the Genesis, it's unironically over for megacucks
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I've grown to really like it, even played some of the ports out of curiosity, overall Genesis is just better than the others, alongside the DOS one, for it's wider resolution and being able to skip a part in the 2nd level where the collision isn't all that good, where you're forced to swing across on SNES, which is still a good version though. It's surprising how good the Master System and the Game Gear ports were though, levels aren't just copies, they have their own layouts and, in a few ways, it's better, like the collision detection, it's quite good and I recommend them to anyone.

I think the worst versions are the NES and Game Boy ones, the Game Boy Color title that came a few years later is fine, but the OG ones? I'm not sure if I prefer the NES or Game Boy one, since the NES one cuts off just before Simba becomes and adult, in a way ending it sooner is merciful.
Sega is an AMERICAN company founded BY AMERICANS from BROOKLN. Cope harder britlard
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I simply do not understand what people see in the classic 2D Sonic games. I've tried playing Sonic, Sonic 2, and Sonic Mania on many seperate occasions and find myself dropping each by the Second Stage.

It's not like I dislike platformers, far from it, I love sidescrolling Platformers new and old. Mario, DKC, Rayman Origins, etc. But Sonic just doesn't do it for me.

For a game touted as being "fast" all 2D Sonic games feel slow and methodical. Getting to top speed is a chore with Sonic requiring significant time and space to reach full speed. What's worse is losing that momentum is so immediate that it dampens any desire to try and gain it back.

Doesn't help that the level design isn't conducive to this gameplay as a numerous amount of assets require speed to traverse or lack any areas to give yourself room to speed up without having to invest time in spin dashing.

Mario and Rayman can reach full speed almost instantaneously and still maintain this sense of momentum while Sonic just feels like an awful slog.
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>Truth is there are many different kinds of Sonic games, sometimes you just have to find the one for you

It's a simple solution, but also a pointless one since 90% of the time someone posts this sort of thread, and we see it every week at this point, it's not someone who wants to enjoy Sonic, but can't, it's really someone's who's made up their mind and wants to piss people off, that's all to it.
Sonic 1 being the purest one is the reason why most people don't get Sonic.
Sonic 1 used to be popular but overtime was overshadowed by Sonic Complete 3 AIR or whatever.
Real Sonic fans know that 1 is the best closely followed by 2, when it comes to sonic
Am I the only one who noticed OP is AI text?
Everyone on the internet is a bot except me, so I never notice.
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It's the reason we have this thread every other week, it's always huge, it gets people talking in the way it intended, so it keeps happening, it's the same for Sonic Adventure, every single time.

translation when? (FX version)
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Barump since I'm interested in these questions too
Not them and I haven't played much Langrisser in general but I have messed around with some for a bit including III. It's weird because you and the enemy decide what you're going to do at the start of the phase then after everyone moves you fight with whoever is next to you. Also the battle animations are everyone shooting lasers for some reason (at least on PS2) which just makes it more confusing than just seeing two big armies clash into each other. II was a lot easier to grasp in comparison.
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You can only move your commanders and the units follow by themselves, both your and enemy moves are done at the same time and if opposing units touch each other, they all start fighting, the battle can look very chaotic as multiple squads just fight in real-time on a big-ish field.
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I see, that does sound and look pretty shit.
But at least the laser beams are funny to look at.
Thanks for the answer.
lol, you could have posted a video where someone wasn't playing exclusively off the minimap. Of course it looks like shit.

After beating the first game and seeing how heavy it leans into micromanaging hordes of units in the latter part of the game and how it devolves into the usual TBS trap of having to tiptoe outside the opponent's attack radius all the time, III makes a lot of sense and I'm looking forward to playing it eventually. I think it has a reasonably good reputation in Japan; the series didn't really start falling apart until IV and V, which were rush jobs.

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It's just not fun.
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Bait threads that use the same structure as OP should be banned on the spot.
>it's impossible for anyone to not dislike this game I've barely played and never cleared
Fuck off poser faggot
You lost when you used the template "It's just not fun" and later "basedface". Your thread sucks and nothing will change that. Fuck off.
Yes, all the praise about this game is directed at the graphics and effects and the initial impression. Just like you are sucking this game off right now and haven't even come close to clearing it. Fuck off shitter
Oh, it's the ms2fag. Get out and never come back fucking spammer.

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Gotta keep the dream alive. Anyways I'm gonna get a few rounds of Berzerk in to celebrate surviving severe weather. Will update with my scores.

Previous thread: >>10904873
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Why not?
you had removed dodge'em? what the fuck...is that an actual atari vcs top list or just your favorite games because if that's what you're cooking then just call it like it
Actual advice on how to refine the chart instead of just saying it sucks is much more useful.

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WEBM / GIF thread?
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Holy shit Stay Tooned
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Recently found the site of the guy who did the pixelart for the Xeen games and it had a bunch of early sprites on it.
Don't remember the screen in the bottom left corner.
Was it something from the Mac version?

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anyone here starting new playthroughs of either game?

havent played in years but just started a self found d2 grail hunt last month. I play for a few hours every couple days with my shitty blizz sorc who is too weak and undergeared to farm Lvl 85 areas (stuck on hell meph trying to get gear). Luckily i have an ali baba on switch for when i cast my last blizz to kill him
how long does it take on average to complete everything 100%?

current gear - lvl 78 sorc
lore helm
+3 cold skill ammy
spirit sword
lidless wall shield (only using to get to fcr breakpoint)
chance guard gloves (25 mf)
gold wrap belt
generic +35 magic boots
4p topaz socketed armor
10 fcr ring

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Have made 4 different Paladin Hardcore runs in the past week. I’ve died twice in NM Chaos Sanctuary, once in Hell against Duriel, and lastly all the fucking way in Hell Throne Room. Feels fucking bad, man

When I do a solo run, I usually do a melee build, like zeal or frenzy. I'll usually beat nightmare but around act 2 hell it gets a bit much and I'll be too lazy to put in the time for grinding better gear.

These days, when I do play, it's mostly tweaking or improving my 2 accounts of botted lvl 99 pvpers on B.Net. I'll sometimes duel in pubs when drunk. I've really just played D2 to death. I played it off and on for like 20+ years.
What’s a good retard friendly PVP build for someone who can’t gookclick?
I remember back in the days low level dueling with low level sets and just assraping everyone with charge. Deaths Set/angellics/and Hsaurus combined together

Fist Of The Heavens lol. Charge around, get in range for conviction aura to apply to them, click somewhere in their general vicinity with foh, repeat. 1-2 shots anyone who doesn't have a respectable amount of light resistance. 1 shots noobs

A 2 handed charger is not quite as braindead but it can be fun 1 shotting people

Blizz sorc is kind of like foh, just spam blizz from range and you should 1-2 shot many different enemy builds. Requires a bit more click agility, though, since you're teleporting around n shit
Nice dude. I’m gonna gear out a fohdin now

It's Friday night motherfucker
What retro shit you playin' tonight

Burnout 3 on fat box for me
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dude that sounds so fucking tight. what were the people on there like? were they chill? were any halo 2 casual games going?
>willingly playing licensed shit in the year of our muhammed 2024
I would have too if this wasn't announced so much sooner.
You gotta use the code for DKC3 to make it more difficult and get the max percentage. Plus it is more fun that way. The game is too easy without the code.
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You can't be silius.
That's rAf, man.
Insanely banging soundtrack
Don't call me Shirley.
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This truly was a super mario bros


I have 1CC's on all the ported easymodes but can barely last past stage 1 on the normal/arcade difficulty
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Right on schedule lmao
>touhou is... LE BAD
It's the only one selling, and surviving.
It gets lonely at the top.
Brainlets cant memorize
Oh its this retard again.
I'm not a huge fan of Touhou, but Zun's output is leaps and bounds more popular than CAVE's. While I'd never say that Zun makes better games than CAVE did, Touhou is evidentially much better at attracting and keeping new players than any of the commercial studios who worked in the genre could have ever dreamed of being. I don't understand it, but to deny it is kind of silly.
Quite the opposite actually, brainlets LOVE memorizing because they lack higher order brain functions. Think of it like this: You could brute yourself into learning a new language by doing spaced-out repetitive memorization, such as with flash cards. But there's nothing impressive about doing this, anyone can do it given sufficient time. The actual skillful part about learning a new language is being able to navigate entirely new social dynamics through talking with native speakers. This is why people who are dropped cold-turkey into a foreign country learn the language faster and much better, because they're not doing gay flashcard memorization and are instead applying their social skills by talking to locals, neighbors etc.

Any game that requires memorization is not demanding any skill, it's demanding your time.

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What game is your holy grail -- the one you want more than any other game? Perhaps it eludes you because of price or scarcity.

Mine is probably picrel w/ manual (don't care about the box). It's the main thing stopping me from having a complete Virtual Boy collection. Another one is Panzer Dragoon Saga, but I'll probably pic that up before the end of the year.
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What NR discs are worth playing?
Just order a half decent repro from China if you wanna appease your coomlecting autism.
I jist want proper physical copies of Megaman X, aLttP and US Yoshi's Island without paying fake ransom prices.
Sure you will buddy
Was this only recently discovered by the non jap speakers? I swear this was never on any list of 64DD titles for the longest time, so it really must have been an obscure as fuck, limited release.

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Post genres you don't like or that you struggle with getting into and anons shall post games to try and get you into them.

I'll go first, I really have never beat a jrpg because I can't get into random encounters. I also just can't for the life of me get into rts games.
For RPG without random encounters try Chrono Trigger and Earthbound
For RTS try Herzog Zwei
i find RTS games overwhelming. i feel like theres too many things to manage and its happening in real time while i have to also worry about what the enemy is doing. the only one i really played for any length of time was warcraft2 and i always used the "onscreen" cheat to show the full map

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