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I love this game.
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Someone explain to me the complains about the controls because I didn't have any over 20 years ago neither today.
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>no shitty skidding around
Literally all it took to fix SMB
I forgot what the exact trigger for it is but you'll often get locked into a straight vertical fall with the game ignoring in air direction, that was pretty annoying whenever it happened.
hirokazu tanaka is insanely based
Why? Mario 2 has bad screen crunch and is really slow paced by comparison.

What retro RE spinoffs are actually good? I haven't played any of them but I know that Dead Aim is considered the best. Also everyone says the Outbreak games are good but unfortunately they are built around coop
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art reminds me of salad fingers
I'm not one of those idiots who say CV is the true RE3, but it is very funny how 3fags will say "CV isn't mainline" when fucking nothing happens in 3.
All of its gameplay evolutions aren't carried on outside of walking up stairs, which is so ridiculously pedestrian that I can't imagine actually counting that as a win, and beyond that its narrative adds a whole heap of nothing. Here is every notable plot beat in RE3:
>Raccoon City explodes
>You can play the game 8 times over for 8 advertisements for other, more important games (that didn't come out)
The t-virus vaccine is nothing, just something to justify the hastily added hospital environment, and beyond that you have what? The outbreak was not just caused by rats and crows, but also the fucking garbage dump? Yay?

It is so blatantly a spin-off that likely wasn't even meant to have a story prior to Ship Bio3 getting cancelled.
RE3 and CV were developed at the same time, that's why RE3's gameplay evolutions aren't in it.

As for RE3 being a spinoff, no shit - it was meant to be an arcade-like game with Mercs being the meat and potatoes of it. It was only near the end of development, only a few months ahead of release date that Capcom chickened out of it and decided to give it a numbered title as well as a story campaign with Jill as main character. It was such a drastic last minute decision that it's a miracle that the game is as polished as it was, and that it holds as much replay value in terms of being a fun experience as 1 and 2.
The most important factor in this isn't even the story, it's the gameplay and judging by it CV is very obviously a mainline game. And as someone who isn't that big of a fan of 3, CV is not THAT bad in comparison to it. The only mainline classic game that deserves the hate is 0

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How does /vr/ feel about Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex?
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it basically would've been mario galaxy before mario galaxy
>Galaxy but its Crash with no waggle controls
sounds good to me
If the loadtimes were better, it would honestly shoot up to like a 7/10 from the 5 that it is.
heard it was shit, haven't played it. But I also heard it's sort of half finished and was supposed to be Crash 4.
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ITT expensive shit you bought for your /vr/ setup

pic related, just spent $300 to plug in all my consoles at once.
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I dont even own this device and the salt it's generating is fucking retarded.
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Nuh uh
>All I'm reading
And you have no one but yourself to blame for that. Even if you were never taught to read as a child, you're allegedly an adult now and responsible for yourself. You could take advantage of any number of opportunities to learn to read, for free even. Yet you choose to cry on the internet instead of bettering yourself.
>giant crt I dont have room for
So you're admitting to being a rentfag who pays monthly to your jewish landlord?
That's a shame. I live in a big house and get to play ludo like Shatterhand on 40" CRTs which I have in every room.
they better all be 40", and if so based

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Why are sports games held in such low regard with the retro game community while something like RPGs aren't? They are so undervalued that they are the best value in gaming, if done correctly a hockey, soccer or wave racing game can match up with any other genre
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Oddly specific choice of words you’re using there. Perhaps a bit of projection going on?
>boring realistic shit
If you want sports games that are less realistic, there's the Mario ones that cover a large variety of sports, Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All Stars that has soccer and basketball, the Kunio-Kun games where you play hybrid hockey, soccer and basketball as you beat the hell out of each other with special moves and Captain Tsubasa which is more like a tactical soccer strategy RPG. I'm not sure if any of the dodgeball games are actually realistic.
I think it's because they are only fun when playing against your friends. Tecmo Super Bowl and Double Dribble were boring playing alone.
>retro game sports autistics who play stuff like roster update romhacks
I do this
Nah. I had friends and used to play Nintendo Ice Hockey and other sports games with them a lot.

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This has been plaguing me for 25 years at least. On Win95 or 98, I had a point and click "game" that featured a Boston terrier dog. He looked kind of like Iggy from JoJo.

As far as I know, it wasn't really a game. All you did was click things in the environment and the dog would react to it. You could visit different locales and click more things, but there was no goal, no score, no story, not really a game desu, as far as I know there wasn't even an ending. I'm assuming it was a western game, it didn't seem Japanese in style at all.

I've never seen this game anywhere online. I don't remember the name obviously or the publisher. Any ideas?

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I come to you with a rare question that's also very simple: what was the first video game that included an actual background music tune?
Besides games with short fanfares like short 5 second melodies that would play when you put a credit in or on the title screen, while we're at it I would also like to know the first game to include that too, but mainly interested on knowing which was the first game to have a soundtrack, so to speak.
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>And how did video game music evolve from there?
Game devs slowly but surely started hiring classically trained composers to score their games. Koji Kondo's compositions are studied in music programs, colleges and universities because they are a foundation and laod stones forward to progress video game scoring into high levels of sophistication.
>What was the first western game with music?
Earliest I can think of is Asteroids from '79. Had pretty much the same "theme" as Space Invaders too.
I think the earliest game to actually feature a soundtrack written especially for it was Venture, and it was a pretty damn good collection of tunes too. It's too bad the Coleco version cut a bunch of them.
>what was the first video game that included an actual background music tune?
If you mean actual, continuous music instead of jingles, it was Pacman.
Namco being kings as always.
Wasn't it Smurfs? With Simple Gifts, of all things.

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what a piece of shit, seriously
Git gud lmao

It's good, maybe even better than 1.
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SMB 2 (JapCrap) sucks when compared to Super Mario Bros 3 and/or Super Mario World.
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For super players. Not you.

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Portable Saturn.
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New thread topic. The taper in the Nomad case always made me feel uneasy for some reason, the AC adapter jack developed cold solder joints easily, the snap-on plastic AA battery pack was dumb, and the screen sucked.
But it kept me playing Genesis through 1998.
Isn't there a drop-in screen replacement now?
is peter griffin holding it?
Why does the nomad have xyz buttons?
No that’s Pitasuke Gurimoto
SF2 and other fighters. 6-button controller was standard on Genesis 3

What is the best game in the falling block puzzle genre that isn't pic related?
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For me? Flicky Tetris.
Highlees are copyrighted by Nintendo, Sega had to settle for the second best thing.
any non-puzzles on saturn have lohlees?
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Probably. I haven't checked.
most casts of anime girls at that time had at least one token

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Can I beat Mechwarrior 3's campaign on Hard with the starting Bushwacker mech? I'm on Op4-1 and I can't get to the train in time.
It's been ages since I've played this but past a certain point I'm certain you can beat it with any mech just by piling on heat sinks and lasers and becoming a walking rapid fire mid-range energy cannon, because laser builds are OP and braindead simple.
Shame. I wish the game had more autocannons (and less weapons in general, because anything that doesn't have an "L", a "10", a "20" or a "CLAN" in the name seems to be useless.)

ITT: Demakes that are better than the original game
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The 8 bits versions of Asterix and Asterix: the great rescue, are better than the 16 bits versions.
Are you mentally stupid as fuck?
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Somehow I completely missed this
No, I am not. It's a good game.
Based McAlby tunes, too.

If they balanced out the tech tree a little bit more this would have been a classic.
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wait, if you mind control impossible AI citizens they retain the bonuses?
mind control really is OP
early game missiles give you the best bang for buck, and lasers are innaccurate and weak. late game that obviously changes. Given EMG is in the game, I can't imagine it would be easy to balance, since you'd tip from worthless lategame to everything else being worthless if missiles were viable.
Racial traits aren't stripped by conquest or telepathy. This even works for if they survive long enough to get evolutionary mutation, your citizens of their race get their chosen bonus in that regards.
Another feature of which racial traits are better is map size. on a small map a feudal/telepathic/warlord is going to beat a uni-tol prod race since they need a little room to grow.
>wait, if you mind control impossible AI citizens they retain the bonuses? mind control really is OP

Race bonuses apply to the specific race only, but also if conquered. Mind control also eliminates the need for ground combat and assimilation. And allows you control of captured ships in battle right away. Kind of overpowered desu.

The government and special bonuses, such as creative, unification and warlord apply to all citizens. That is why I start on a crappy race, capture a good one and work my way through the galaxy. Shit races like gnolams, bulrathi etc. get euthanized by sending them to full planets, and their planets populated with a good conquered race. I often only have my starting race on the home world.

I think the mutation in the late game again only affects the original race that the player starts with. When that far in the game, this setup has already won, so I just do nothing and get a 140% score increase in the end. Not that it matters, you can also get warlord on top of that.
>I think the mutation in the late game again only affects the original race that the player starts with.
It does, but if you gift them the tech or they research it themselves then all of their racial pops regardless of which empire they are in gain the benefit, provided its a racial bonus. And yes the game is long long over by that point.
missiles do huge damage for the research required, beams need computers and subsystems while missiles just need to research the missile itself until you get mirv. You do need to upgrade what missile you use at some point just to get around shields but you also need to upgrade beams and the chemistry research tree has actual economic techs in it unlike physics.

Another thing with missiles is because you put them on cruisers the cruisers are much easier to build in 1 turn than a battleship and in combat the cruisers naturally have more movement so you can also just run the cruiser right next to an enemy ship and hit them instantly with your missiles.

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And the cord comes from the controller's ass.
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Because you know where everything is at all times and have access to everything instantly
with six button controllers they relegate everything to the bottom three buttons first and it is always less intuitive
>cameras in third-person games were nearly all awful and frustrating to deal with until manual camera controls became the norm
So what games exactly? Because I had no problem at all.
Devs can also find a way around, which in most cases turns out to be better than the stupid stick.
A good example is Syphon Filter and the enemy lock button which immediately turns the camera where you actually need it to be.
so you're less mentally developed than a 3 year old
got it
I should've known you were going to be dishonest
Ah well I tried
Nah, this is stupid. 6 buttons is just better, you're being dense

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Marathon is free on Steam right now.
Go play it.
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The Marathon games are always free via aleph one.
>Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day
>Hell theres a reboot coming

>For the longest time, Marathon could only be gotten through the Aleph One website
>Steam release is being done by the Aleph One devs instead of Bungie
>Reboot coming out almost 30 years since Infinity's release
>Reboot is a completely different game with Marathon's logo slapped on to it.

Damn, Bungie really has put in a ton of effort into keeping the series alive, haven't they?
I've been hearing about it for years but never played it. I guess Bungie making Halo kind of overshadowed it
>And Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day.
No they haven't, all they did was drop a couple references in each game they made post-Marathon before drudging up the brand to slap onto a really shitty looking PvE GaaS thing, which I'm still convinced is only call Marathon because their current host to leech from doesn't want to spend a bunch of money trying to market a AAAA GaaS piece of shit that doesn't have a recognizable name.
That's like saying Nintendo "has obsessively" kept Ice Climbers and Excitebike alive by having them show up in Smash and slapping the roms onto various services.

It's a bit ironic that iD Software actually cares more about its own legacy shooters than Bungie and Epic Games have shown to their own.
Did you know you can't even buy the Unreal series of games anymore because Epic Games or maybe their chinese overlords didn't want anybody to somehow confuse the Unreal Engine with the actual video game series? Even Unreal Tournament 3, which they said would still remain up as an updated free-to-play game, is also dead and gone only a few months after they suddenly pulled the entire franchise off from everywhere and most of those will never come back because they depended on Epic's server-side code to even try opening up the server browser.
It probably helps that id software haven't really made any IPs that exceeded the popularity or significance of Doom or Quake.

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