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In super metroid you can find the dead body of a female human with nearly the same height
and body type as samus and her own space suit. Her dead body is very close the room of a
boss and looks like she died a few hours go because space roaches are still eating her dead body. So i wonder, who was she in life? and why she went to that planet alone?
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Top b8 m8
hey maybe
>body is slumped over on the ground, yet somehow OP has ascertained it is the dame height as Samus
While wearing power armor, at that.
How low IQ are you that you can't unfold one sprite in your mind and compare it to the other sprite?

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>Japanese jazz music
>featuring some kind of recreational or premium sports activity
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It's actually funky instrumental hard rock but a zoomer homo like you wouldn't appreciate it
I'm probably getting into this soon. Soundtrack is awesome
>Japanze jazz
so that's what it's called.
Well, fighting is a sport I guess

Oriental Swing
Chink Cha-Cha
Yellow Fever

Sometimes I play it and think it’s aged poorly and other times I think it’s the best game on the SNES. How do you feel about it?
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You people are never satisfied are you?
>I couldn't stick with this game cause the difficulty made me frustrated
No one has ever said that about LTTP.
It's basically Kirby tier.
Super Mario World tier mediocre iteration
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Too much sword bouncing

Too many rooms and puzzles require the dumb magic wand which takes up MP which if you run out is a massive pain in the ass to go get again when you just want to beat a fucking dungeon

The last 2 dungeons are overly difficult. Theres just too many annoying pitfalls everywhere and enemies that bounce you around even if you get a successful hit. Its just rushed bad game design and it felt like they didnt know quite what they were doing yet.
I never had a problem with the pink hair. I think that the mismatched tunic and hat are charming and that blonde hair looks absolutely awful. Bad mod.

RE4 was marketed as a Game Cube exclusive that would NEVER EVER be ported anywhere else

Why did Capcom betray Nintendo?
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More like why did they let Mikami make such a fucking stupid decision in the first place? Could've gotten extra money from REmake and 0 had they ported them to PS2, maybe got 2 and 3 remade before jumping to the next console generation, even with the burnout.
Even these days on the Switch non-Nintendo titles just don't sell. N64 seems to have killed third-parties for Nintendo.
PS2 downgraded port was just a cash grab to fleece the PS2 shitters
More a desperate bid to rush out the door within the fy to make up for the flop on gamecube.
That never happened. Lots of other games were exclusive to a console for a year or two then got ported. See Code Veronica. What is this never ever bullshit you’re spewing?
Post a source or fuck off

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hey /vr/ when Pokemon came out i was already a teenager in high school. It was a fun little rpg, but I can see now that if I had played it when i was a really little kid it would have been as magical as I've heard it was for some people.

So make this old man cry. Give me some nostalgic greentext stories of playing Pokemon as a little kid,
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That happened with me, except with those Club Nintendo promo Kid Icarus: Uprising cards turning stiff and crusty from getting lost in my trunk severla years ago. Still have them, and the pack is still sealed, but I have no if the AR codes on them will still work...and probably most importantly, I doubt they're worth anything now.
I don’t have any stories, since it’s been so long ago, but I do remember enjoying playing Yellow and Silver and using the link cable to battle and trade.
I lost those games, as well as some of my other favorite Game Boy games, to a bus fire in 2005, during my high school marching band trip to Disney World. I haven’t played a Pokemon game since.
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>Got Pokemon for my 11th birthday after seeing an ad for it in the Sears Christmas Catalouge
>Thanks to a clerical error when filling out my paperwork for pre-school, my "school birthday" was at the beginning of the month; a week before my actual birthday
>As such, my folks let me do birthday parties on the 1st.
>Be me
>Read the instruction manual
>"Pokemon trainers begin their journeys at the age of 10"
>I'm incredibly happy because I was starting my journey "right on time"
>Fastforward to the summer
>Flipping though our local, over-the-air channels
>Remembered that we had just recently got an WB allfiliate
>Tune in
>Immediately go get my Gameboy
>It's the episode where the Grimer are taking over the power plant

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My best friend and I were super hyped about Gold and Silver coming out, so we managed to get our hands on a "preview strategy guide". It was literally one of those "Unofficial, Unauthorized" books, but it detailed everything in GS up until Kanto, written by someone who had a Japanese copy of the game and BARELY knew Japanese. The main result of all of this was:

1.) I had memorized the Japanese names so hard that I, still to this day, have trouble remembering the English names of the Gen 2 Pokemon.
2.) The author had an Umbreon in his team. He specifically refered to Umbreon as YanYan. Until I found out what it's REAL Japanese name was years later, I just thought YanYan was Umbreon's Japanese name.
3.) Kanto was still a big mystery because the author petered out there, but he did warn that someone "familiar" was the final boss. I knew to expect someone on Mt. Silver. When I turned out to be Red, I called my friend screaming that you fight "YOU from the last game" as the last boss.
Wholesome as fuck

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So, apparently just a few hours ago Atari bought Intellivision (I thought Atari itself was now just a brand owned by some other company that was just using the name/logo?)

... and they are already whoring out the branding with merch like clothing. For some insane reason they also seem to want to keep the Amico going, I guess some of the people from 1983 are still there making decisis if that is the case. Wonder if ColecoVision is next, might as well unite the three big players of the 2nd gen to... umm.. did they even have any mascots to do a crossover with?
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can you clueless dweebs realize there is no intellivision company lol, there is only one guy
all game journalists are fags by default
Let's all agree that both are turbofags
>i-i-if u cope strawman project
The melting point of epoxy is 221F so too much heat can overstress the package.

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Is it really that good or just a boomer thing
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I give your trolling 8.8/10
>they couldn't picture a child with a small body frame and a small sword being able to take over larger enemies in a 3D space on sword combat like it was possible in Zelda 1 and ALttP.
That's fucking stupid... they're Nintendo and they don't fucking know who the fuck Link is?
If you can't picture some little snot nosed brat who has fucking magical items stuck up so far up his pepper ring he can fucking life boulders of multi-thousand pounds. He can fucking jump over fucking houses, he can turn to a fairy, he can run nonstop like the wind, he can trudge through all weather, he can fucking walk on water, Shoot fireballs, teleport with the wind, reflect magic, polymorph enemies, and bring down lightning against everything in his path.
So the first two games alone he has stupid feats as a child and he had a fucking triforce to boot.

Plus this coming from a country where fucking Dragonball exists? A cartoon where a tiny child fights an army with tanks, missiles and bullets and no one bats an eye? Or even worse Arale before Goku grew up.

By the time OoT was being developed gaming and anime and shit was littered with the world being saved by a bunch of drama club teen virgins who weighed fifty lbs soaking wet. A trend that's only gotten worse with time.
I mean linear levels are more fun then dungeons. N64 is too weak for complex lttp dungeons.
Here, contemporary bitching about Wind Waker's reveal dated August 2001

And some arstechnica posts around the same era

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The awful framestutter has been fixed now, and i am happy.
that's actually fantastic considering i still have my old crt plus an rgb scart cable for my wii
now i don't have to deal with buying a ps and the associated hardware pains

however something in my brain will not let me mix up games on their non-respective console families
just feels wrong

regardless, this is good to keep in mind, thanks anon
They have all these forks with really simple fixes that could be implemented into the main project in 10 minutes. Even something like 240p is not universal among PlayStation emulators on Wii. Why?
I wish the Wii u would get some homebrew too. But that's a genuinely good update for Wii
how is the guncon emulation on this?
How do you swap discs on this joint

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Would you like to buy a flower? They're only one gil.
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>She's the kind of a girl that will gladly debase herself just to spite her daddy.
We’re not talking about Rinoa here.
Cute, not sexy.
Because this thread was worth necroing.
I'm gonna kick your ass just for talking to me asshole
Yeah it's supposed to be Alice.

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Is this a good remake?
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>the overworld / dungeon music continued from the point it was left before entering the battle.

I want this, but in every RPG. You have no idea how the music always starting over pisses me off.
I'm glad that some romhacks like Masou Kishin / The Lord of Elemental add music persistence hacks.
I'm trying to remember, but at the time Ubi Soft was distributing the european versions of Final Fantasy (IX and XII and confirmed cases).

I have to wonder if they just did translations (they boasted about XII coming in perfect french), or were involved in the abysmal PAL versions we had to endure. IX, X and VI are absolute shit. Everybody played IX with the Paradox Pal / NTSC launcher, and the criticism for not adding a PAL-NTSC selector on X and XII was massive (I can't remember if XII had a progressive scan mode).

The weird thing is that the PAL version of Final Fantasy Origins is a perfect conversion. Optimized, with barely any slowdown or black borders (just a tiny black line at the top and bottom)
Anybody know if the FFII Restored hack on cdromance is any good? I'm wondering if I should play that over just the vanilla on my famicom.
Does anyone have any experience to confirm if playing the Ps1 disc on a Ps2 and/or POPStarter do anything to mitigate these load times? Thinking about picking this up.

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What is the best playstation model? Any reason to go psone over the original?
Also general PSX thread I guess.
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Buy a PS Classic, it's the smallest and easy to add games. Same with Genesis. The idea is to avoid buying games or paying for an ODE

I had the original PS1 as a kid and got a PSone a few years ago. They are both nice but having to buy games is where most of your expense will come from
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I honestly can't even remember which og model I had as a kid, it's in a box under my bed right now. But both models are nice imo. The PSone is cute if you want to save space. But definitely if you can find one for a decent price just go with the Classic imo, better for playing on a modern TV and you can play anything on it, even other consoles
You're not wrong but it depends on whether OP wants to play these games, plus those models are harder to track down nowadays. I still don't understand why Sony did this

Not only that, but unless OP is willing mod it physically then YLOD will be a concern. If he doesn't care about the PS2 hardware vs. modded emulation and is willing to put in the work then later models would be more practical with all the stuff you can do with them.
Quality control. Those models YLOD.

One of the best SNES games.
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>faster, FASTER!
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It’s a top 25 SNES title. 1 and 2 are top 10.
I agree OP. Maybe not as epic as number 2, but it's still a great game.
>One of the best SNES games.
Low bar.

Who's the best SNK girl and why is it her?
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>100's of frame of animation over many KOF games
>Not one panty shot
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02 is my favorite
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Nice! I think there are no bad Athenas.
I love the fabled Wakelin Athena in particular.
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Iroha might be the ultimate culmination of SNK girls and fighting game girls in general. She even branched out into fighting books, pic rel.
thats not even a girl its a fucking bird

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Why is Code Veronica considered the worst RE game?
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Claire's part: 8.5/10
Chris's part: 4/10
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I've only played through it once on the PS4. I didn't hate it but it is an exhausting game. Compare that to the first Resident Evil which I can pick up and play at any given time. Guess I should check out the Dreamcast version though.
If simping gives you superpowers of zombie destruction in catastrophic circumstances then I think it deserves the benefit of hindsight
I don't remember it as bad. I thought graphics looked great (Did it support the VGA Box?), and seeing illumination effects from the lighter affect the environment was crazy compared to pre-rendered backgrounds.

I remember it as fairly difficult, but much better than the disappointing Resident Evil 3. Most probably people were butthurt about it not releasing on a sony platform first.
I dont really know why it's considered so bad. I played thru it a few years ago and added it to the list of resident evil games I beat and thought it wasnt bad at all. I played it on dreamcast when my unit still worked. I just assume any time I see people on /vr/ saying it was le shit are just being contarians that got filtered by it or are just mentally children that cant go 5mins without shit posting. only thing I didnt care for was that weepy whiny kid whatever his name was you meet fairly early on

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What RE room would an hero in if you were in a RE game irl and only had one bullet left?
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>What RE room would an hero in
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it's missing a (You)
were you the one responsible for the Emeralda pic? I like it
>drive out of the city

Roads are blocked. You decide to continue on foot, manage to climb some rubbles but a zombie hidden among them bites you. You make to the city gate but collapse and turn into a zombie before you can find the 2 coloured greek mythology emblems required to open the gate.
I choose to be in the last room of the train in RE2 and my only bullet for the rocket launcher. kill birkin and escape the city, ez. now it's up to us to take out umbrella

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