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What is the best playstation model? Any reason to go psone over the original?
Also general PSX thread I guess.
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Quality control. Those models YLOD.
ps1 and ps2s are cheap enough
and those og ps3s are extremely prone to failing so you effectively need a donor to make it worth
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>What is the best playstation model?
PS3 Slim.
All PS3s ran PS1 CDs, but this was the better PS3.
Original with Xstation seems the obvious choice. however if you want to use disc games then i'd probably go with psone because the drives usually have less issues over the og. you can also replace the og laser modules also though.
Best PS1 ? It's complicated
>OG model
Because some peripherals only work on the og console
>Sony chinkcrap
you buy the controllers which is the only reason to buy these cashgrabs, the controllers are premium and the consoles are e-waste
>PS2, PSP, PS3 or vita
Runs some games better but has too many problems even the "native" emulation is less accurate than epsxe
you can even emulate on your modern refrigerator is the most sensible option the only problem is that 240p is a bit bitchy but you can use all the peripherals but they require a lot of dongles and modding

Why do so many zoomers view arcade as mindless quarter munchers when in reality they were the premium experience in terms of gameplay, challenge, replayability, and tech?
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>The closest thing they've had to an arcade is a dave and busters where it's basically just a ticket casino.
Dave Busters don't exist in 80s and 90s SEA monkeries, zoomers pretending to be old...

Raw Thrills is or was kinda saving arcades when nippons arcade game makers gave up on exporting their games.
>Meanwhile America and Europe, while not perfect, actually embrace the idea of preserving arcade machines. It's why we have so many museums in the West.

i agree. the ONLY videogame museum that bothered to tour my SEA cunt was run by a united statian man.
It's better to have no arcade games than new Raw Thrills trash. Never seen one person on a Raw Thrills machine at the movie theater, they're a waste of space. Would be better to get any old arcade game on Craigslist
Summarize your full argument and why it is important to you personally.
You didn't explain why you are obsessed with the US vs Japan.

>Raw Thrills is or was kinda saving arcades when nippons arcade game makers gave up on exporting their games.
Yup. There was a solid 10 years (2000 to 2010) where Japan basically stopped exporting their arcade machines and even providing warranty support to their older machines. There are almost 7000 registered arcades in the USA that still need games. Raw Thrills saved the industry and became the biggest arcade company in the West during that time.

Explain your obsession in 2 sentences.

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What are some cool /vr/ related links?
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You could go digging down this insane rabit hole, get the wayback machine for the google group threads; essentially Wizardry was originally going to get a sequel, and they got this guy to go in and find out why it was taking so long and finish the game, turns out it was being created by some crazy sexual deviants that were putting all their kinks into the game.

Wizardry remake just released this year.
not retro

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How would you rate Banjo-Kazooie on a scale from 1-10?
Those who haven't played it need not apply.
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Solid 8 out of 10. Would be a 9 if not for the gay quiz show at the end.
It's perfect. It's a comfy game that actually has good gameplay. That's extremely hard to come by. The worlds are compact and don't waste your time, you're not kicked out each time you get a jiggy, and it felt like I was always on the cusp of discovering something new and secret when I played it at launch. There are very, very few games as well made as BK, and the autistic backlash against it is retarded.
Assuming your scale is actually counting in 10s of grams, Banjo-Kazooie places at ~9.2x10 grams.
Perfect 10.
Bad game feel, 6-10 the player has it too easy when it comes to traversal theres no challenge.

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Hello, I am pretty smart but I have really bad ADHD. There is a genre or multiple genres that I have always wanted to get into, but have never played one of the games for more than a couple of hours. I will be stuck in my house for a while because of surgery and I wanted to give one of these games a try.

I will be playing on a big screen TV in the living room so I can recline, but will have kb + m. This is important because some old games don't have interfaces where you can enlarge text etc, but I will also be playing at my desk, so this isn't a must-have feature.

Help me choose a game, or recommend a different one based on my needs. Here are some examples of the games I'm talking about.

Romance of the III Kingdoms
Sim Earth
Pirates! Gold
Crusader Kings

et cetera, et cetera. I know these games aren't all the same, but help me choose the game I'll enjoy most in this vein. Thank you.
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probably not your cup of tea, but I just want to share I played X-COM UFO Defense (on OpenXCOM, with mods) a lot back then when I was hospitalized for a couple of days.
"Rome: total war" would be a good choice, the battles switch to real time and break up the monotony
Play Uncharted Waters instead of Pirates!
Thank you, some of the smartest people I ever knew were huge civiii fans.

I played several simcities

Hmm good suggestion also
Damn anyone remember Aerobiz? That's another one. My movie rental store used to have it when I was a kid...

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Lookin' good
Retro doesn't change with the times, faggot. Hence the term "retro."
Well, that explains a lot. But play what you like, no prob.
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Then what we can use for newer generation of console that are still old? "not retro but still old"? The fuck, i grew up with the ps2 and i'm almost 30 anon, time flies
Secret mode in Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure has been found after 20 years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBpUdECRuI4
Actually it had been found in a prototype 2 years ago but it was thought to be cut content back then since nobody knew the secret input. It is a way longer and harder version of Small Fry Fight you can play with any character you have unlocked.

What was the first game boy game you played? Mine was Pac Man (mom bought it for me before a long road trip)
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I was always an Ayeka guy. Fuck you Ryoko niggers, by the way. Trash.
Super Mario Land (fun but too hard) and TMNT (sucked cock). I didn't appreciate Tetris until about 8 years later when I was bored on family vacation and pulled it out on a whim.
Let me guess you're a reifag too
The first one I remember was Kirby Pinball and I fucking Sucked at it. The sound of losing a life still echos in my head to this day. It was a case of playing a game just because I had it.
Inb4 it's a good bathroom game. My trauma is more real.
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I had the misfortune of picrel being my first gbc game. It was terrible, I had no idea what to do.
I didn't really enjoy my gameboy until I borrowed R-Type. Golf and Paperboy from a friend. Now those are good games.

You are now aware that the bob omb battlefield music is sung by the bob ombs.
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it's reddit humor
Nah, it's on-topic.
Baa Baa Baaa Ba Ba Baa, TICKLE!!!!
It's literally just this


The meme became that people just kept posting it over and over again because it would so reliably piss people off, and that itself became really funny.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

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Play racing games. Discuss racing games. Don't die while playing racing games.
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>Still have to use Xinput Plus with MAME because it doesn't have fucking analog stick settings
huh, try it as a cheat then


pick your region, save the .pnach to your cheats folder, and make sure you enable cheats in the game properties
Truck simulator fans.
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is the Sega CD version of Super Monaco GP any good?

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>be a Vault Dweller (aka Albert)
>Overseer chose you to save the Vault even though it's a life or death situation
>managed to make connection and friends throughout your adventure in wasteland
>witness your companions getting brutally murdered by super mutants
>fused with vengeance and anger towards "The Master"
>convinced "The Master" that his plan sucks and then he killed himself
>even though you save the Vault and the wasteland, Overseer kicks you out because he thinks you're a bad influence for the younger Vault residents
>at the end, you wander around the wasteland
>feeling relieved and defected at the same time

Are there anymore games that have bittersweet ending like this?
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>Are there anymore games that have bittersweet ending like this?
Phantasy Star 2. That ending is fucked, and my 2nd favourote ending of all time (1st is Lufia 2)
nah, it's a fact.
your feelings dont make it fact
correct. the official ruling makes it a fact >>10956585 your feelings doesn't mean you beat the game.
Back when I first played it, I was a shitty exploit freak (still am, BTW), so I abused the fuck out of the gambling bug.
Also yes, I positioned my people right next to the turrets and whacked them with melee weapons. Got so many energy cells my troops could barely move (that shit is heavy).
>very easy to spot a mine right as you run your entire team overtop of it
Lol, running is for scrubs. Real men crawl everywhere.

Why did they made this controller so clunky to use?
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Nintendo got into a weird mix of complacent and overly experimental with the N64(and the Virtual Boy before it), which is why it ended up being such a weird yet memorable system
Almost all N64 shooters use the modern control scheme
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Yeah, I'm just not feeling the nips. Maybe a little more thicc on the nobulars and less penile n the handles, because right now its just hot garbage
>That 8-bit Do crap you posted not only looks like tryhard shit, but loses the comfy middle-handle default configuration (with Z like a gun's trigger on the pack) in favor of cramming the Control Pad and Stick in non-natural parts of the face of the controller.
It's 10x better than the OG controller for anyone that isn't a nostalgic tendie. N64's controller was garbage for the majority of people who ever had the displeasure of holding one, 8BitDo fixed this.
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It's not even released yet, and it's just an 8bitdo Ultimate which is just a knockoff Xbox controller. It's destined to wind up in the same garbage pile as shit like the Retro Fighters Brawler and the Hori Tribute64.
The worst part about this controller, like most third parties, is how it fucks up FPS control schemes. You aren't going to be able to set the d-pad to movement and the analog stick to aiming like with the original. Simply put, shit's retarded.

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Fuck you, I liked it. probably because I played the Director's Cut version
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We should have gotten 3D Blast 2
Mark Cerney sisters.....
NTA, but rent free, faglord
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I mean... why would I use AI for something like posting on 4chan about my hobbies, that just seems so silly to me, I write about what's on my mind in the way I like to write, if you think that I sound, or in this case I write, like an AI, then I'm not sure what to tell you... more power to you, I guess? Anyways, I'll keep posting just as I always have, since I really don't see the issue with this.


Thanks. In general I've always been a bit of a fag, trying to listen to all view points and be kind of reasonable... though I do have my moments that it's hard to keep up with this and I give into being more of a cunt, I wish I was less extreme, it's like I'm either really polite or an ignorant douche, it's something I have to work on, being fair to others while also having more of a spine, it'd be great.

I don't think I've ever played as Tails in my life, I get the appeal... I guess? He can fly and all, but to me it's like playing a Batman video game to pick Robin as your character, what's the actual point?
>puts the smirk in the shadowed side
So i played this as my first Sonic game and was shocked by all the 'Tude Sonic had after, cause I assumed he was some hardass super-sonic WMD on legs

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Post underrated or obscure video game music
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It's not really a bad game or anything, but I always wondered why it was such a step down from X4 in terms of production values (no animated cutscenes for starters, but it comes across as "cheaper" in general).

There's not much detailed sales information available, but afaik X4 didn't bomb and was moderately successful, even getting one of them garish "Greatest Hits" releases in the US. Why slash the budget so dramatically for the sequel?
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X5 was one of my first MM games and I only noticed what was wrong after returning to it years later.

The unskippable dialogue boxes are annoying and interrupt the gameplay. The game is generally too wordy. They made X without upgrades way too weak and he can't use the armor parts individually like in other games, you have to get the whole thing first which at that point you already beat a chunk of the game. The upgrade system felt like a downgrade from MM&B both visually and mechanically and there wasn't the satisfaction of 100% it. I dunno what the fuck they were thinking with that day countdown shit, so unnecessary. Squid Adler's level sucked ass and they recycled music from MMX3 for whatever reason.

The one high point is the Zero vs X fight but otherwise it's just a plain shitty game that resembles a better one (X4).
X4 was supposed to be the end of the X series, with Dash taking the torch. Sadly that didn't pan out.
Thank God it didn't happen. Mega Man should be sidescrollers games only.
Well now it's barely that either

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King's Field came out the same year as Doom and was fully 3D.
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I wish the second one didn't have framerate issues, I got pretty deep into it and that kept me from enjoying it as much as the first one which is an awesome game.
It's just Engrish. He saw a golf course called King's Field and thought it sounded cool. Would make more sense if it was called King's Realm or King's Domain.
Says who? You could literally order it from id themselves.
>this thread
kuso gaijin big mad
That christianity is just a branch religion of judaism. Are you an athiest zoomer or just a self ignorant christcuck?

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