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Why is the Call Of Duty series so hated? I think it's fun, especially the multiplayer.
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>Modern COD is total garbage but 7th gen was peak.
/vr/ is in shambles
>Day of Defeat
still the GOAT after all these years
You should’ve got the wii version!
COD 2 is an aryan classic
I played quite a bit of DoD:Source back in the day. Peak mid 2000s source gaming.

This game is fast and sexy and fun and gets the arcade feeling really well for a room-by-room shooter. The feeling of dancing around bullets is really well done and the command attacks are cool.
And it looks great on Dolphin.
But it's kinda unforgiving in difficulty so that puts it out of the reach of most Gamecube fans.
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it's okay to admit that you suck
It's okay to change the subject when you can't deal with arguments. If you're 4.
Is this the most divisive game on /vr/? Seems like you either love it or hate it.
It's a game nobody would even remember if Sybb didn't spam it on the internet for the last two decades.

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I just beat the original Fire Emblem 1. What did I think about it?
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who made this mockup?
There's lots of games that didn't get released outside of Japan. For one thing, FE had a fair amount of Japanese text, which meant localisation would have been more expensive than the typical game. Other than that, they may have thought that a turn based game like that wouldn't be successful, or that it was too Japanese in its art style, or it was a style of game that didn't fit in with the general offering that Nintendo wanted in the US, or they only had enough resources to market a certain number of games so they had to exclude some.
You thought: If this didn't have t he Nintendo brand sticker on it, people wouldn't pretend like it's the pinnacle of the genre because they remember playing Smash.
There's a lot of text to translate, and SRPGs aren't a very popular genre unless they add a dating system. When looking at the sales of the GBA-Gamecube games, you might wonder why they even bothered translating them.
The fact that many of the games released pretty late in their respective consoles' lifespan maybe didn't help. FE5 is a SNES game released in 1999.
I don't care much for these types of games but holy shit some of the music fucking rules.


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I wish this game was real.
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"They only made one platformer before this" is an objectively incorrect statement
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Irrelevant when your brain operates at x2.3 speed
better hope you outlive his ass then because you'll have to wait until he's dead
Just look at all the concept art and screenshots and make your own conker game with a legally distinct name. Call it bonker seventeen stories.

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*is the best zelda game in you're path*
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Favorite Zelda, yes.
Best Zelda, no.
you failed at taking control of the conversation because you act like a lil bitch. you are powerless
>you failed at taking control of the conversation because you act like a lil bitch. you are powerless
I'm not that anon, but I have to say your comment comes across as a little rapey. Did you spend a few years in prison, bro?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>Quit ruining this thread he says as he helps turn this place into 2008+ gamefaqs each day

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I wanna dive into mecha games but I don't really know where to start. What are some good mecha games?
Pic somewhat related, just something I pulled from an /m/ thread.
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had a fun time playing Metal Warriors 2P when I was younger with a friend, only wish you couldn't see the other guy's screen
>the analog meme fix thing is the biggest cop out
I agree. That's why I didn't say "here's a patch which makes the game work in a way it fundamentally wasn't balanced around". I said "give Nexus a shot", which was balanced with dual analog controls in mind, since the game supports it out of the box.
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Euro mech.
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Big fan of Cybernator / Assault Suits Valken, that was my gateway to mech games. All the Assault Suits titles in the franchise are worth checking out, as well as Front Mission Gun Hazard (developed by the Assault Suits Valken team)

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Eight directional whipping.
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That only had 1 directional whipping+dangling.
>harmony of dissonance
Sounds like the title of a Korn album
I have a real cartridge of this game
I wish I could play the other classicvanias with CV4's controls and multidirectional whipping. Rondo or Dracula X with those features would be fucking kino.
It's good but it needed level and boss design to better complement it. Also, people talk about 8 directional whipping, but they don't often talk about being able to control while jumping. But the main problem with the game is it was too long.

Why did they give the GBA such an awful soundchip?
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Holy shit, that's amazing. I bet it takes a lot of CPU time and ROM space though.
Also doesn't explain why the GBA's audio sounds terrible even when emulated, unless the emulators I've used have gone through the effort to perfectly replicate its DAC.
>in 2001, you didn't own anything with a blue or white LED
Playstation 2 came out in 2000, with a blue power LED. By 2001 blue LEDs were everywhere.
Mother 3 is a remarkably accomplished (and huge) soundtrack, but it still suffered from sound playback issues.
Somebody made a hack that improves the audio quality by changing how the audio is mixed and processed, greatly reducing "background hissing" that is prevalent in sample-heavy GBA audio.


Another part of what made the Mother 3 soundtrack possible was using the 256 megabit (32 megabyte) cartridge, which few games enjoyed due to the manufacturing costs.

Apparently the implementation of this audio mixing improvement modifies the RNG for the game, so maybe the RNG engine actually uses the audio processing or output as a source of randomness?
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Nah, I've been hearing that shit ever since smartphones came out, which was 2007.
>"You know any good mobile games?"
I still called them phone games at that point and mostly thought of shit like Snake, but it quickly became associated with things like Pocket God (2009) and World of Goo (2008), especially in Japan, calling them mobage (mobile game/ mobile garbage).

Stuff like GBA and Switch gaming has always been called handheld gaming, not mobile, newfags.
>Its the same DAC in the DS. Which also sounds like crap.
if it had some kind of low pass filter to remove the anti-aliasing it would have helped to improve it (slightly). very noticeable in the bios/operating system's sound effects (for example).

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WEBM / GIF thread?
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Holy shit Stay Tooned
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What happened? Like, seriously? What happened?
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I like his journalistic content, but his jokes aren't funny. waste time, and his stupid fucking MC mascot is annoying as shit to me for some reason
>waste time on a video with journalistic content, and unfunny jokes
No can do
desu what happened videos geniunely try to look into what happened. Even down to trying to talk to the actual people who worked on said games for a clean all sides view
>what happened videos geniunely try to look into what happened.
And this usually applies to games that got a mixed to negative reception, and why they sucked so bad
They wanted to compete with MUGEN.

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> what makes me tick when it comes to beautiful ladies like Chun-Li and Cammy?
And dare I say, Vega is one of the most well done characters Capcom did make.
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>writes about "beautiful ladies" such as chun-li & cammy
>pic is of vega
i see what you did there.
I don't geddit

Why do so many zoomers view arcade as mindless quarter munchers when in reality they were the premium experience in terms of gameplay, challenge, replayability, and tech?
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>And the NAOMI was Dreamcast adjacent, not a Dreamcast. The graphics chip was significantly faster, more cache, more RAM, etc. Basically it was a super-Dreamcast and every game on it had to be reduced to support the Dreamcast.

You are confusing Naomi with Naomi 2.
I'm surprised to see someone feel arcade games were more money-stealy in the 80s than the 90s.
>*elephant noises intensify*
>deeper game design
You would love modern games and >>>/v/
Cause they be broke af and mid on god

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What are your favorite alternate designs for retro consoles/handhelds?
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The actual designs are like a layer of metal paper of sorts, and then over it is the acrylic cover, so you wouldn't really "wear out" the printings even with a lot of use.
worst console variant?
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I'm mad North America didn't get any of the cool colors, but I also get why they didn't do it after Nintendo lost money on the concept.
This should have been the standard gamecube on launch day. Would make up for the launch titles (Luigi mansion and wave race. Yay)
Is this a ps1 with a DVD player or something

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Previous: >>10892873

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I don't know. Usually you can get through if you keep trying, though.
This death spiral is a fucking puzzle. I don't know how to solve it.

Removing the Info Hut seems to have more or less fixed it though? Very strange.
Guessing it's something to do with the AI decision making. Removing the kiosk means one less choice.

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Post pretty environments from retro games and by doing so convince others to play them.
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I wouldn't mind retiring in such a place.
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Not him, but I think it might be Black Mirror? It used to give me nightmares as a kid

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